Universal Power System

Chapter 190 White Aura

Suddenly, a wave of cooling aura flowed through Iris relieving her of all her pain and giving her newfound power. It wasn't like when he activated her mutant gene which was a temporary buff as this felt more real and permanent.

Iris really had no idea what was happening to her, but she didn't care as for some reason, she felt like she could speed up her healing even more.

Iris concentrated and focused on the green bubble inside of her containing her healing ability aura which was larger in size than before and pumped out more of it straight into Bill's body, healing him at a much faster rate.

The two patrolling officers were astonished by the level of healing that a mere cadet was able to do when she was so tired and exhausted.

Iris could see that the intense healing had at least started to take effect as the internal bleeding had finally stopped, but Bill was still in critical condition and had too many things broken or cut which couldn't be healed in time unlike last time which was why the patrolling officers had declared him disqualified.

The patrolling officers were trained to only disqualify a cadet when it is absolutely necessary or else the cadet might die. They would even let them tank string hits just so they save them at the last minute possible so that no one could say that they were disqualified unfairly and the same was the case with Bill when they had decided that he could tank one strike from the Terra Beetle King.

With literal seconds left before the medic arrived on the scene, the patrolling officers knew that it was a lost cause and that Iris was just wasting her energy and would be completely useless afterward; doing all of this for nothing.

However, Iris didn't care about what happened to her as she just wanted to make sure Bill wasn't eliminated.

Even though she had reached a new healing speed, it still wasn't enough as it would take many more minutes until Bill would be out of danger which wasn't going to happen.

Iris remembered the chilling feeling that she felt earlier when her aura exploded outward and her healing speed had drastically increased. She understood that her body had the potential to heal people even faster and she just had to summon the will to do so because she had already done it once.

Even though this level of healing capabilities was very appreciatable, Iris summon more of her will to forcefully increase the rate of healing even more.

Her hands started to tremble again and she began coughing out blood, but she didn't let that stop her as she continued to push her body to the limit and forcefully pull out more and more of her healing ability to make the healing process go faster.

Her vision was getting blurry and she was losing all her senses as she continued to focus and focus.

"Please, Bill! Don't get out just yet! WE NEED YOU!" Iris shouted as she summoned all her remaining will and pumped out as much healing aura as her body would allow.

The officers were convinced that it was now over and that they would now have to disqualify Iris as well as she had caused a lot of self-harm to her own body in an attempt to heal Bill and it was all for naught.

They could hear people approaching in the distance and it was the medic who was quickly making his way over their location on his hoverboard. He wasn't particularly fast like the patrolling officers stationed all over the island, so he had to rely on his hoverboard to ensure they made it on time.

Iris' senses were failing her as she couldn't perceive anything around her but somehow she was still able to tell that the medic was close and would arrive at their position in about twenty seconds.

A sudden wave of urgency filled Iris' heart as she began summoning more will from deep within herself. The healing aura transfer rate was amplified even more now as Iris was kicking her ability and body into overdrive.

As each second ticked down, Iris could feel her heart beating faster and her body deteriorating, but she didn't dare stop healing.

As the medic inched closer, Iris could keep her sanity in check anymore in a last-ditch attempt she yelled out loud as if that would make her ability to heal him faster... or so the patrolling officer thought.

Suddenly the green light that was being constantly released from Iris' hands into Bill's body in order to heal him had now turned completely white.

"YYAAAHHHHHHH!" Iris screamed as she experienced the worst pain imaginable all the while a white glowing aura began releasing from her hands and into Bill's body.

The patrolling officer was shocked to see such a display of power because even they didn't know what was going on; however, it looked like Iris was in an insane amount of agony and Bill's body was... healing at a remarkable rate!

Before their very eyes, they witnessed Iris screaming in pain and Bill's wounds closing back up and becoming as if there was no damage done to that area in the first place, all in a matter of seconds.

The medic who was just about to reach them witnessed from afar what Iris was doing to Bill and immediately a sense of worry and distress appeared on his face as he shouted to the patrolling officers, who were just standing back and watching it happen, not knowing what it was she was actually doing.

"STOP HER! YOU TWO, STOP HER BEFORE SHE KILLS HERSELF!" The medic shouted at the top of his lungs toward the patrolling officer.

The officers were confused by the medic's statement as they couldn't understand why would Iris kill herself, but given the urgency and worry in his voice, they didn't question at all and immediately ran forward and grabbed Iris by both of her arms, forcefully stopping her from supplying Bill with more of that glowing white aura.

However, Iris' work was already done as she had accomplished what she had said she would do before she lay Bill completely healed and without a single visible scratch on his body.

The moment the patrolling officers stopped Iris, Bill opened his eyes only to see the warmest smile on Iris' face as she was held back by two patrolling officers, but before he could say or do anything, the smile on Iris' face disappeared as she collapsed into the arms of the female officer and started to spasm uncontrollably.

"Iris...? Iris? IRIS!" Bill shouted as he got back to his senses and quickly got up to see what had happened to her.

She was spasming out of control with foam building up from her mouth while she was in the female officer's arms.

Bill quickly grabbed her arms to try and stop her body from spasming more, but it was no use.

The medic finally made it on the scene and quickly jumped down from his hoverboard and injected something straight into Iris' neck which finally stopped her from shaking.

"Iris! Iris! What happened to you?! Why were you grabbing her?" Bill asked in worry as she saw the state Iris was in. Her mouth and nose were covered in blood and her body looked fatigued as if she hadn't eaten in weeks. Her mass had also decreased a lot and several bones were poking from underneath her skin.

"She burned her own soul in order to heal you." The medic responded as he quickly got to work saving Iris.

"What! Burned her soul? what do you mean?" Bill asked madly confused as he had no idea what was going on with the last thing he remembered was that he was helping Iris fight against the Terra Beetles.

"Look, we don't have much time. She has disqualified herself to save you. She transferred part of her own life force into you so that you would be healed in a matter of seconds and wouldn't get eliminated." The medic explained in a hurry as he called down his hoverboard.

"She has used up more than 50% of her life force in order to save you and right now she is on the verge of death. I have to get her to my master right away if we have any chance of saving her." The medic said as he quickly placed Iris' weak unconscious body on the hoverboard and sped away.

Bill just sat there stunned by what had just happened and what the medic said to him before leaving with Iris. He couldn't believe Iris would sacrifice her own life just to save him from elimination. It wasn't like he was going to die because the patrolling officers would have saved him from dying so why...?

"Why did she go so far?" Bill asked with tears in his eyes as he sat there feeling like the most useless person in the world.

The female patrolling officer was also feeling sorry for Bill and so she didn't disappear out of sight immediately like her partner and instead crouched beside him and tried to console him.

Bill was on the verge of having a complete mental breakdown from the things he had just witnessed after just waking up, but thankfully with the help of the female officer, Bill eventually calm.

"let me explain what happened while you were about to be disqualified," The female officer said so that Bill would understand everything that had happened so far.

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