Universal Power System

Chapter 184 The Return Of The King


[Mutant Gene] ⓘ

[A mutation gene is created every time the user learns a new ability, and that gene is implemented in the user's DNA, altering it so that the user can manipulate and control the learned ability.

The mutant gene lays dormant within the cells of the body and may remain dormant forever but in special or extreme cases, the user can purposefully or accidentally trigger the dormant gene to awaken and arise the power stored within.

The mutant gene acts as the soul of the ability while the physical aura bubble acts as the ability's body. With both of them awakened, the aura and the user become one with the aura dispersing itself throughout the user's body and merging with their blood, bones, muscles, organs, and tissues.

While in the awakened form, the user receives massive boosts as they unlock the true potential of their ability with the actual boost being completely different for every person. The boost may be a general buff, increase in ability level & skill, strength increase, energy level increase, etc.

There are five stages of Mutant Gene awakening:

Stage 1: Glowing of eyes (20% awakened)

Stage 2: ???

Stage 3: ???

Stage 4: ???

Stage 5: ???

Even though the Mutant Genes provide a massive temporary boost to the user, they themselves are not unlimited and become exhausted after prolonged use. Mutant Genes do not regenerate in the same way as the ability aura as they don't need resources to regenerate; however, it requires a long time for them to be recharged again.

The regeneration rate of a Mutant Gene is totally dependent on the capabilities of the user as the rate isn't the same for any two people.

If for any reason, the Mutant Gene is completely exhausted with no cells left to regenerate from, it will take a significantly longer time for the user to even regain a glimpse of their Mutant Gene again which may also halt the progression of the level of their ability.]

The description was quite long and well-detailed, explaining many new things that Mako would have never caught using his Energy Sensing skill. This proved that his Analyze skill was still superior, but it wasn't perfect yet as it still couldn't display the complete information of the Mutant Gene awakenings due to being too low level.

With this newfound knowledge, Mako wanted to see what Erin Ice Mutant Gene was capable of doing.


[Erin Robinson: Ice Mutant Gene] ⓘ

[Mutant Gene Awakening: 20%]

[Erin Robinson possesses a strong ability and has awakened an excellent class Mutant Gene that has very good regenerative properties. Erin Robinson's Mutant Ice Gene grants her the ability to use her Ice ability like a level 3 user as well as enhanced physical movement and a Mana regeneration buff]

[Current Mutant Gene Capacity: 43%]

Mako was left in shock as he read through Erin's Mutant Gene description. Her Mutant Gene had made it so she could utilize the Ice ability as level 3 which was quite insane as resonated abilities were already so strong as level 1, and level 3 was kicking it up several notches.

This was the reason that she was still able to keep up with an upgraded Mako and Leon as her natural prowess was close to what they achieved using everything at their disposal.

Mako was really envying her now which was something that he thought he would never do considering his own situation and luck, but before he allowed this envy to take root in his heart, he quickly shifted his focus over to Bill and Iris who were still trying to awaken their Mutant Genes again.


[Iris Jade Cooper: Water Mutant Gene] ⓘ

[Mutant Gene Awakening: 20%]

[System can not get an accurate read with the target not currently in their awakened state.]

[Current Mutant Gene Capacity: 21%]


[Bill Johnson: Wind Mutant Gene] ⓘ

[Mutant Gene Awakening: 20%]

[System can not get an accurate read with the target not currently in their awakened state.]

[Current Mutant Gene Capacity: 30%]


He wasn't really surprised that he couldn't get a read on them since they weren't in their awakened state, so he left it to try again, once they had achieved their awakened state again.

Mako was now really interested in Mutant Gene and wanted to awaken his own right away to see what kind of buffs he would get and see how much of an improvement would it make for him.

However, he was still limited with the knowledge he had as the system wouldn't answer his questions even when he used the Ask function because they were outside his current realm of understanding and his current level didn't permit the system to speak on this subject.

Mako added Mutant Genes to the top of his list to research and discover after he enrolled in the military school, but until then he had no choice but to put it at the back of his mind and focus on the incoming battle for now.

Mako suggested to Erin that it was enough of a training class for one day and that she should start reserving her energy for the battle.

Erin was confused about the sudden intrusion but still listened to him and ended the session with Leon and Bill. Erin said that she didn't feel tired or fatigued in any way but from Mako's perspective, she was already running on half a tank of Mutant Gene capacity, and they were going to need everything they had if they wanted to defeat the fifth wave.

The day went by quickly with Bill and Iris still trying to reach their awakened state and failing while Leon admired the small flame that lit in his ring finger as he watched the sunset.

Soon it was completely dark with no moon in the sky to provide any light. The starry night sky was all that kept them company while the group remained indoors waiting to hear or sense the slightest of indications that the fifth wave was finally approaching them.

The shelter was surrounded by torches that Mako and Leon set up to provide light for the fight before the sun went completely down, and soon the flames on those torches started to flicker and the ground started to vibrate a little as the group heart faint thud noises coming from the west.

The group saw this as their cue and ran out of the shelter to take their respective positions to face the horde head-on and defeat as quickly as possible.

All five of them started into the darkness as the thuds and the vibrations started to become louder and more intense with every step.

Everyone was guessing what type of beast they were going to face but none of them had expected the beast that finally revealed itself from within the shadows.

The iconic shiny glowing yellow eyes were all the information Mako, Leon, and Bill needed to immediately identify the beast that was extremely close to killing all three of them.

Erin and Iris were also terrified but confused as they didn't know what the yellow eyes represented as they never really faced it themselves.

After a couple more seconds, the beasts revealed themselves using the light emitted by the torches.

The Terra Beetle King had returned!

The giant beetle had a menacing look and crackled with intense lightning as its plastic muscles glowed yellow. The girls were now definitely frightened and they started to take several steps back from the frontline.

The Terra Beetle King didn't attack straight away as it waited once it was close enough that the group could clearly see it. More and more regular Terra Beetles started to arrive behind the Terra Beetle King and assembled themselves in neat rows as if they were part of an army following orders.

The air surrounding the group was getting heavier and more oppressive by the minute which was quite similar to when they fought it back in the cave, but they had grown a lot since then; however, they still felt that they were equally as suppressed as before which was quite confusing to Mako.

To figure out what was wrong, Mako decided to use Analyze on the King once again to gain info and get this battle started.


[Advanced-level Terra Beetle King] ⓘ

[Ability: Earth (Level 5), Lightning (Level 7)]

[Description: A Terra beetle is already a high-tier beast when it is born and has two abilities. Their rate of growth is quite remarkable as they can grow up from grubs to full adults in a few days. Male Terra beetles lack the ability to reproduce at their normal stage and only a single male king can procreate with the female beetles. In order to become a King beetle, the male beetles fight their own kind and consume their crystals to grow and become stronger.

Once a king is born, the beetles serve their king and in return, the king keeps increasing the population and defends the nest against any intruders or threats. Terra beetles have excellent eyesight which allows them to see and live in the dark; however, they don't have wings.

The most interesting feature of these beetles is their unique muscles. Terra beetles' muscles are unique as they can emit light through them. This light can either be yellow or brown which indicates which ability they are currently using. It takes time for the beetles to switch between the two abilities and can be observed visually.]

[Weakness: Fire, Penetrating attacks]

"WHAT!" A LEVEL 7!?" Mako exclaimed as he read the description of the Terra Beetle King.

He couldn't believe what he was reading in front of his eyes. He, Bill, and Leon had almost died fighting this thing when it was only a level 5 but now it had somehow leveled up too as they were now facing a much tougher beast than before.

However, the Terra Beetle King being level 7 was the least of the group's problems as soon enough they started hearing a second pair of thuds and vibrations, and before they could even turn to their right completely, another Terra Beetle King made an appearance from the shadows, arriving with a similar sized army of regular Terra Beetles behind him.

The group looked at each other in disbelief as they had to face two Terra Beetle Kings, each with a level 7 Lightening Ability, at the exact same time.

"HOLY S***!"

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