Universal Power System

Chapter 164 Dreams Broken, Anger Rising

Ever since Mako had unlocked the inventory tab, he had used it to store different items inside but he had only ever tested the individual prompts in the inventory tab once and that was when he tested it out for the first when he stored his combat knife inside the system.

The system gave him a single option at that time which was to take it out again as the sell prompt was locked because the shop tab wasn't unlocked yet. Mako quickly understood that the inventory was basically an extra space for him to store and take out things.

Since the system could do the task that Mako commanded it to through his thoughts he never had to physically open the tab again and select the "Take Out" prompt because he could just order the system to directly take something out.

Mako had never tested this with a consumable as he believed it to be the same thing and that he would have to call it out in order to consume it just like everything else.

However, he failed to realize that the system was inside Mako's body so whatever he stored in the system was inside his body too, so if he stored a consumable inside, it could obviously be directly consumed from the inventory tab without it ever being taken out.

After finally getting to know about this feature, Mako wanted to bang his head at the speed of light on the most solid wall ever constructed just so he could maybe fix his idiot self which still might not fix it.

The rejuvenating pills were the answer to all his hopes and dreams as they allowed him to recover energy, the one thing that was holding him back in his most successful plan.

'Consume 3 High Tier Rejuvenating Pills from the Inventory.' Mako ordered the system.

[3 x High Tier Rejuvenating Pills have been consumed]

Mako could feel the effects of the pill instantly as the pill didn't have to be digested by the stomach first and get slowly absorbed by the intestines, rather the system directly introduced the pills into the bloodstream, making it so that he would feel the boosts straight away.

It was a shame that the system override didn't work on rejuvenating pills but it didn't make any logical sense as that would allow Mako to recover all his energy instantly at the cost of some energy.

Mako didn't want the system to override the pills' effect anyway because if he did, he would for sure get a full bar of energy but that would be it. The pills couldn't rejuvenate more than what the user could hold which was quite a waste as he could recover a lot more than a single bar of energy using the old fashion way.



With his energy starting to recover, Mako finally opened his eyes to tell Iris and Bill of his plan to defeat the Puffclaw; however just as he opened his eyes, he saw both Iris and Bill move from their position as Iris jumped forward as if she was leaning towards an invisible man and going in for a kiss while Bill sprinted forward with his arms extended as if he was running to hug someone.

Mako heard the bone-chilling giggle of the giant Puffclaw that sounded like the combined laughter of hundreds of different voices combined together.

Both Iris and Bill had finally been consumed by the Puffclaw's Love ability and were now completely under its influence. The blinking light inside the gem of the beasts was now almost red in color as it had represented how strong his control was over Bill and Iris.

Bill and Iris had given in to their desires as they rushed forward into the embrace of their loved ones, but just as they came close to them, both of their faces lost their light and beauty as right in front of their very eyes, the body of Bill's father and Jackie began dissolving into the same black goo that the Bulked-Up Puffclaw was made out of.

It was like a scene from a really scary horror movie but in real life as both William's and Jackie's bodies completely liquified into goo right in front of Bill and Iris sending them in an insane state of shock, anguish, and horror.

They collapsed onto the ground as they couldn't believe the most important person in their life had just disintegrated right in front of their eyes moments before granting them their most ideal and wanted memory ever.

The Puffclaw rejoiced in the melody of both Iris and Bill's screams as they were still under the influence of the Love ability making it so that they couldn't see anything else, even the giant Puffclaw that was rushing towards them in order to eat them up in one go as they were completely filled with agony making their blood like precious liquid gold to the giant beast.

In an instant, the beast was upon them, and it finally unhinged its jaw revealing a massive mouth with hundreds of razor-sharp teeth.

[Dash has been activated]

[Sprint has been activated]

Mako activated both of his speed-increasing skills to achieve the greatest amount of speed that he could at that moment and rushed toward Bill and Iris who sat on the ground looking at imaginary goo completely defeated and with no fighting spirit left.

The jaws of the beast were just about to chomp down on both of their heads when suddenly Mako reached both of them in a flash just before the teeth could chew them up and got them both to safety.

The Bulked-Up Puffclaw bit into a big nugget of earth without any sweet human blood sauce full of agony and despair making the Puffclaw extremely angry.

Mako was only able to maintain this speed for ten seconds as then Dash would wear off and only the Sprint skill would remain active but that was still fast enough for Mako as he while carrying both Bill and Iris on each of his shoulders, Mako ran a couple of circles around the Puffclaw to confuse him before making a beeline towards the lake which was opposite to the shelter.

Mako had two reasons to run toward the lake. Firstly, it was to use the water to try and break Bill and Iris's trance and bring them back to reality as just slapping Bill a couple of times didn't do the trick.

Both of them were still under the illusion created by the Love ability and didn't even know that they were moving or being carried by Mako as they just continued to scream and cry on his shoulder.

Secondly, it was to direct the attention of the Puffclaw towards him and make it follow him away from the shelter so that they would be further away from the shelter and could fight more freely without risking collateral damage.

The Puffclaw quickly realized what was going on quickly picked up Mako's scent and saw that he was heading toward the lake. Seeing that Mako was running himself into a corner, the smile returned on the Puffclaw's face as if it was only a matter of time before it tasted their blood.

The giant Puffclaw gave chase after Mako, albeit slowly as it had lost its speed ability from when it was divided into hundreds of small Puffclaws, and with its massive body, it was hard to move fast for long periods of time.

It had worked exactly how Mako had planned and now the giant Puffclaw was also making its way toward the lake to finally get its snack that it had been so patient for.

Mako reached the bank of the river and quickly came to an abrupt stop. His sudden stop made it so that the inertia carried Iris and Bill forward dropping them further into the lake.

Mako didn't even look to see if they were alright because he knew this wasn't enough to kill an ability user. He quickly turned around and saw the Giant Puffclaw quickly approaching him.

Mako activated his energy manipulation aura and began to gather energy into the palm of his hands.

"GHAH!" Both Iris and Bill screamed as they emerged from the lake gasping for air, finally free from the influence of the Love ability and within their senses once again.

They couldn't understand anything that was happening, one moment they were crying next to a puddle of black goo, mourning the loss of their loved one and the next second they were underwater.

They were still heavily affected emotionally as the emotions they felt while under its influence were completely real and genuine. They turned to look at each other and then a loud snarl directed their attention toward the bank of the lake where they could see the giant beast rushing toward them with his mouth opened and exposed for all of them to see.

It was then that they spotted Mako doing a strange pose while standing next to the bank of the lake, right in between them and the beast, and before they could even say anything they felt an intense aura erupt from Mako, one they had never felt before.

Just as the beast was upon Mako and ready to eat him, Mako yelled at the top of his lungs as his hands glowed green and he released a ray of green light right at the gem of the giant Puffclaw.

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