Universal Power System

Chapter 254 Surprise Visit

Chapter 254 Surprise Visit

As Mako and Nathan reached a fragile understanding, the tension in the room still remained a bit uneasy.

They had just finished their conversation, and Nathan had indirectly admitted that he still valued being part of this team. Mako understood that whatever had happened in Nathan's past had turned him into not trusting anyone and being paranoid all the time, but his primary objective was still to gain power and reach a great post within the military.

There could be many reasons why Nathan would strive for such a goal, to get revenge, gain authoritative power, or just achieve his dreams of becoming strong.

Even though Majo and Nathan were on speaking terms, they knew that their ordeal wasn't over yet. They were still awaiting the impending arrival of Commander Sable, fully expecting a stern lecture and a strict punishment as consequences for their actions.

The atmosphere in Nathan's room was charged with a mix of apprehension and anticipation. Mako's gaze was fixed on the floor, lost in thought, while Nathan sat on the edge of his bed, his arms crossed. Neither of them spoke, the weight of their recent conversation hanging in the air.

"So... I was meaning to ask you, and I know you don't have to tell me but since I told you about my secret, I think it's only fair. What was that move you did at the end of our fight when your eye glowed like lava?" Mako asked trying to break the tension and the awkward silence.

Nathan looked at Mako as he asked his question, they had just only made a truce and this guy was already asking questions. Nathan was about yell out in anger at Mako for asking about his secrets again, but after he gave it a second thought and read Mako's aura using his advanced perception, he only saw that Mako was just curious and was simply making small talk.

Nathan sighed as he began to explain, "Well It is..."


Suddenly, there was a knock on the door that stopped Nathan from speaking further. Both Mako and Nathan tensed, exchanging a quick glance before Nathan called out, "Come in."

The door swung open, revealing the imposing figure of Commander Sable. He stepped into the room, his expression unreadable.

Commander Sable's sudden entrance took both Mako and Nathan by surprise. They quickly straightened up, their nerves tightening once again as they didn't expect Commander Sable to appear in Nathan's room at this time.

Even though they were caught off guard by the commander's sudden entry, they still anticipated the scolding they were about to receive. However, the commander's reaction was anything but what they had expected.

As Commander Sable entered the room, he stood there for a moment, watching Mako and Nathan with a stern expression. But then, to their astonishment, he started clapping slowly, a faint smile forming on his lips.

"Bravo, gentlemen, bravo!" he said, his voice resonating with a mixture of amusement and approval. "You've managed to surprise even me with your ability to resolve differences. I have to say, I was prepared to give you both a piece of my mind when I stopped your little fight, but it seems you've handled the situation quite admirably."

Mako exchanged a bewildered glance with Nathan, both of them struggling to process the sudden shift in mood.

"Commander, we... we didn't expect you to react like this," Nathan stammered, his confusion evident.

Commander Sable chuckled, stepping further into the room. "Well, Nathan, I did come to just talk to you with the intention of giving you a stern talking-to, but the nurse told me that someone named Mako had just gone into the room, and this piqued my curiosity. So I silently observed your little chat, I couldn't help but change my mind."

Mako and Nathan's jaws dropped down as they heard Commander Sable's explanation. They could always sense his presence given all of his strength, but both Mako nor Nathan didn't have the slightest clue that they were being watched.

Mako cleared his throat, mustering up the courage to speak. "Commander Sable, we do understand the gravity of our actions. We had a fight, and it was all just a big misunderstanding between us, but we know that we have to put the livelihood of our team before anything else."

The commander nodded, his expression shifting to one of seriousness. "You're right, Mako. The team's success depends on your ability to work together, to trust each other even in the most challenging of times. And from what I've witnessed, it seems you're beginning to grasp that."

"However," Commander Sable's tone turned stern again, "that doesn't mean you're off the hook just yet. I want an explanation from both of you about what led to that fight, and I want to make sure that you understand the consequences of letting personal conflicts interfere with the team's goals."

Mako and Nathan nodded in unison, their earlier sense of ease now replaced by a renewed tension. Commander Sable's gaze lingered on them for a moment before he gestured for them to take a seat.

"Sit down, both of you. Let's have a talk," he said, his voice firm but not harsh.

As Mako and Nathan took their seats, the commander leaned against the wall, his arms crossed. "Start from the beginning. What happened between you two that escalated to a point where you were exchanging blows? And don't even think of lying, I can catch a lie far more efficiently than even Nathan's perception."

Mako and Nathan took turns recounting the events that had transpired, each acknowledging their own mistakes and misjudgments. They knew they could lie in front of Commander Sable so they spoke openly.

Mako still didn't know what category his title abilities were placed in, but he knew they mostly resembled the qualities of a quirk making the story quite believable.

There was no point in hiding the fact about Rage Mode since he had used it in front of everyone in the recruitment test, and Commnader Sable was quite intrigued to get the description of that insane skill that he had watched Mako perform against the Terra Beetle King.

Nathan also openly admitted that he had no intention of making any friends and had simply made a truce with Mako. He didn't want to go into details about his past and Commander Sable honoured his choice and didn't ask further, but just that those insecurities had what caused him to mistrust Mako that eventually resulted in them fighting each other.

Commander Sable listened attentively, occasionally nodding or asking clarifying questions. Once they had finished, he sighed and shook his head.

"You see, this is precisely the type of situation we need to avoid. As a team, you will encounter numerous challenges, both internal and external. But if you can't find a way to work together, to respect each other's strengths and weaknesses, their similarities and differences, then all your individual abilities mean nothing."

He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in. "However, I'm not here to simply reprimand you. I'm here to guide you toward growth and improvement. You've taken the first step by addressing your issues, but the road ahead is long."

Commander Sable straightened up, his expression was once again stern but with a glimmer of pride. "Now, I've seen potential in both of you. Mako, your leadership skills are beginning to shine through, and Nathan, your determination and resilience are admirable. But potential alone won't suffice. You must continue to learn, adapt, and evolve as individuals and as a team."

He paused, his gaze shifting between the two young men. "I won't suspend you from the mission, as I had initially considered. Instead, I'll allow you both to prove yourselves during the next phase of training. You'll have an opportunity to demonstrate that you can overcome personal conflicts and function effectively as a team."

Mako and Nathan exchanged another look shocked to find out the punishment that they were going to receive if things hadn't gone the way that they did, relieved to know that this wasn't their fate. They understood the gravity of the situation and the expectations that had been set before them.

"Thank you, Commander Sable," Mako said earnestly. "We appreciate this chance, and we'll do everything we can to prove that we've learned from our mistakes."

Commander Sable's stern expression softened into a smile. "I'm counting on it. Remember, a team is only as strong as its weakest link, but a strong team can elevate every individual to new heights."

With that, Commander Sable gave a final nod of approval and left the room, leaving Mako and Nathan to process their conversation.

As the door closed behind the commander, Mako turned to Nathan. "Well, it seems we have a lot of work ahead of us."

Nathan nodded, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "Yeah, and we're in this together now whether I like it or not."

This was followed by another moment of awkward silence that was once again broken by Mako. "So... about that Lava skill. Wanna tell me about it now?" He said cheekily.

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