Undying Warlord

Chapter 320 What doesn't kill me makes me stronger

Victoria was frustrated but she drank his blood nonetheless. She returned it to Dilan only ten minutes later, while ignoring his gaze. Her face was still flushed red and Victoria knew that Dilan was also still aroused but he didn’t dare to act on his desires.

‘What nonsense…how would we destroy the entire base just by having some fun??’ Victoria complained inwardly, staring daggers at Dilan.

He noticed her expression and merely chuckled instead of explaining himself. There was simply no need to do so because he told her that the destruction of the shelter would be the inevitable result if they slept together.

Nonetheless, something had changed between them. Dilan had contemplated Victoria’s behavior and the entire situation before. He had wondered if it was morally justifiable for him to get intimate with someone in his group, or if it would cause more trouble than it could help him destress.

However, while it had bothered him a bit before, Dilan couldn’t care less anymore. He could do whatever he liked, and if someone didn’t like it, they might come forward to raise their complaints or remain silent forever. Dilan didn’t force anyone to stay with him and if they didn’t like the way he led his group, they were free to leave. That would be best for everyone!

Dilan wouldn’t force anyone to sleep with him, that was disgusting and a big no. He was not even actively searching for someone to have intercourse with, but it was impossible to ignore that Victoria was an otherworldly beautiful woman and that her advances were a huge turn on.

When Victoria returned his blood she had to bite him in the same position she had drained his blood from. She sat on his lap without hesitation and straddled him again. Her ample breasts squeezed against Dilan’s chest as she returned his blood.

Dilan’s hand automatically grasped her butt again, only to stop the moment Victoria returned his blood.

It was much warmer than before and for the first few minutes, the altered blood caused itches all over his body. Dilan had no idea what was actually happening but he could tell that his natural regeneration had increased. If there were any changes related to his healing, Dilan was able to feel it clearly.

Furthermore, a notification popped up in front of him, indicating that Victoria’s action had been accepted by the system as well!

[The blood of a Matured noble Vampire has been utilized to fuse with and alter the host’s blood. The host’s natural regeneration has been boosted temporarily. Duration: 120 Minutes!]

“Two hours…that should be enough,” Dilan mumbled as he finished reading the notification. Victoria retracted her fangs when she finished the transfusion of blood and she looked deep into Dilan’s eyes. Something was bothering her and she didn’t want things to get worse, which was why Victoria sighed deeply.

Victoria was just about to move back and get up when she heard a quiet voice in her ear and Dilan pulled her closer.

“Good job,” Dilan whispered as he kissed her one more time before he allowed her to get up from his lap.

Victoria was stupefied and she looked at him in confusion. The thought that had bothered her a moment ago flashed through her mind like a mantra and her expressions began to change as worry, nervousness, anger and hurt chased each other to occupy her face.

“Do you not want to sleep with me because I’m a Vampire, or were you serious about doing it later?” She suddenly blurted out and demanded an answer. Her cheeks were flushed red and she was a bit exhausted from returning Dilan’s blood without holding back a single droplet for herself.

For a Vampire, who was currently famished and thirsting for blood, especially Dilan’s sacred blood, this was not easy. Victoria did it nonetheless, suppressing her wild instincts for Dilan’s sake.

“Who the hell cares whether you are a Vampire or not? I think you forget that you’re gorgeous…well and a bit psychotic but that is quite cute if you were to ask me. The reason we are not sleeping with each other is a simple fact that the base will collapse the moment you and I were to let loose.

You have to control your emotions much more precisely than anyone else here because you are a Vampire, but do you think that’s possible the moment we let loose while submitting ourselves to our deepest desires and falling into the pits of pleasure?” Dilan didn’t think that there was anything embarrassing in the given situation so he spoke calmly. He could tell that Victoria was truly bothered that they had unfinished business.

Dilan didn’t need to lie since the truth was not really something worth hiding, so he continued to speak to her for a few minutes, explaining everything.

He was an Ascender, who knew that destruction would follow the moment he was to let his emotions take over his rational mind. Victoria was now an Ascender as well. She was a Tier-1 Ascender, and a Vampire, which meant that her emotions were already hyper-sensitive because of her existence as a Vampire, which further intensified the more Essences she absorbed.

Victoria may not have noticed it yet, but her behavior was slowly changing and she was getting clingier to the people she liked. Her mood swings were also apparent, which Dilan and the siblings Kathrine and Yvonne had also noticed.

It was only a matter of time before Victoria would be unable to hold her emotions back, which could end up in the devastation of the entire base. The most important thing in Dilan’s group was to be able to control their emotions and desires. The moment this control was lost, ****, murder, and chaos would tear apart his group.

Dilan didn’t want this to happen, which was why he had forced himself to control his desires and forced his mind to never give in to his body’s demands!

He stood up from the ground and gently caressed Victoria’s silky silver hair as she looked at him dumbfounding. After Dilan explained the entire situation, she felt embarrassed and like a horny pervert. Victoria hung her head in shame and turned around to avoid looking at him but secretly she was happy.

‘He didn’t push me away!’ She screamed internally.

“I would start injuring myself now. If you cannot see too much of my blood without wanting to sink your teeth in me, it would be better for you to leave. Maybe, you can look for Kathrine and the others, or do something else you like?” Dilan suggested while he looked at Victoria from the side.

She had begun to giggle quietly a moment ago and Dilan could only gauge what must be going through her mind.

‘A cute psychotic Vampire. That is something new, but it’s not that bad, I guess.’ Dilan thought before he lightly pushed Victoria in the direction of the door and closed it.

His expression turned serious a few seconds after he closed the door of his room after pushing Victoria out of the room. He took a deep breath and sighed as the Thunderbolt dagger manifested in his hands.

“The duration of [Switch] is two minutes. After that, the reallocated Health stats will be returned…I should inflict as many injuries as possible upon myself before letting Switch wear off….after ten minutes, I may even reallocate my Agility and Strength stats to boost Health to heal myself faster… If I do that, my lethal injuries should heal at a rapid rate…” Dilan was trying to come up with a plan and he liked what he had put together so far.

A big smile appeared on his face as he activated [Switch] once again, preparing to injure himself lethally over and over again.

“What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger…Literally!”

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