Undying Warlord

Chapter 281 Nymphomaniac

Even after he had killed the two noble Vampires which Victoria had restricted with her Blood-Ice noble Vampire trait, Dilan was far from done.

He tore their Blood Essences out of the remaining parts of their brains before absorbing them without hesitation.

[2 Purified <Silver> Blood Essence of Tier-1 Level 16 &18 Brawler of Doom(Vampire) have been absorbed→ +1.4 Strength, +2.6 Health, +1.7 Agility]

The Blood Essences’ invigorating sensation distracted Dilan just for a moment. He disappeared from his earlier position and emerged right in front of Victoria Helar, staring deep in her crimson eyes.

“Don’t even think about drinking my blood. Consider yourself fortunate that I don’t feel like killing you!” Dilan said, his fierce gaze causing Victoria to shudder involuntarily.

Only a moment later, Dilan disappeared, and the Crimson Claw Daggers disappeared inside the storage ring as well, while the Blazing Serpentine Blade replaced them.

Victoria was unable to follow his trajectory even with her exceptional eyesight and reflexes. She could barely see his outlines before he disappeared in the crowd of Vampires.

Heads and various body parts flew through the air, while a ginormous, 20-meter-long blazing Serpent seemed to have awoken in the midst of the plebeian Vampires. All of them were forced to fight the unbearable headache, and Dilan at the same time.

That it was impossible to survive was something they could perceive quickly. Despite that, the Vampires didn’t want to die. They may have lived for centuries, but with the death of their master, it was the first time for them to actually gain the freedom of doing whatever they wanted to do.

In the past, they may have not been restricted like a dog on a leash, but it was not as if they were able to live their life truly free from obligations or the thought that they were at the mercy of their masters.

‘He is so fucking hot~’ Victoria kept staring at Dilan as his words resounded within her mind. She was not sure what was actually happening right now to her, but her gaze instinctively went down.

It was only then that Victoria noticed that one of her hands was touching her chest, and fondling it, while her other hand dipped lower. She was wet and her breathing became heavier and she felt aroused as she watched the magnificent human in front of her, slaughtering his way through his opponents.

“I really think I’m becoming a nymphomaniac…no it’s not like I jump on anybody. So it’s h—” Victoria’s cheeks were flushed as she looked at the massacre Dilan had created right in front of her.

She knew that he was a mere mortal and that her intel about him was basically non-existent. Despite that, her eyes were overflowing with her desires as she stared at him hungrily. Her ears pricked to hear his voice traveling toward her,

“Ah, and just for your information…I kill whoever I want. Who are you to tell me what to do?”

Dilan’s voice was sharp, and he sounded a bit annoyed as well. However, Victoria could only feel that her heart skipped a beat when Dilan’s voice reached her ears.

‘I am going insane. What the hell did he do to me?!’ Victoria was going mad with the desire to taste and claim him as her own. She felt as if her entire body and mind weren’t listening to her anymore.

Her charms as the most beautiful Vampire on the entire continent were not to be underestimated, and every man would fall for her the moment she merely threw them a sideways glance. However, Dilan seemed impervious to her charisma. His eyes were ice-cold. He threw her a fleeting gaze once or twice but it was not lustful.

On the contrary, he had only investigated whether she was a threat to him and his people, or not. This was already it. Under normal circumstances, this would have frustrated Victoria, but given that it was Dilan they were talking about, Victoria was the one, who seemed to have fallen for him, hard.

“I’m nobody~,” She said with a sly smile and the mere thought of his eyes on her made her throb again, “Just let me watch your show, darling~”

While Victoria was going crazy, Dilan was utterly confused.

‘What is wrong with this noble Vampire? Is she nuts? Probably some sort of psychopath…well it’s not like it matters to me.” Dilan thought before turning his attention away from her and slashing out the Blazing Serpentine Blade to behead five Vampires.

Cutting off the head of the plebeian Vampires was how he killed them. It was the only way to defeat them and it was actually quite simple.

None of them could reach an Agility that was even close to 140 times the average human before the Primordial Ascension. They may be Vampires, but there were limitations on how strong they were in comparison to humans.

Dilan slaughtered every single plebeian Vampire in his sight. He didn’t care whether they were trying to fight him or not.

His entire being screamed that they were even worse than all the evil Ascenders he had killed until now. They were evil and he had to annihilate them.

That was what [Kirak’s Vassal], his Divine Occupation, was telling him. Dilan could not actually converse with his Occupation but he could understand the intention of the Occupation itself. It was weird, but he knew who was guilty and who wasn’t.

Slaughtering his way through the masses of Vampires, Dilan quickly met up with Silas.

He was bleeding from several injuries and it looked like he had gone through a rough time. Silas was closer to death than living according to the amount of blood he had lost every second.

Half of his right arm was nearly cut off, while the rest of his body was covered in more or fewer dozens of cuts.

“Silas, calm down. I don’t plan on allowing you to die, not against such hoodlums!” Dilan reassured him with a light smile on his face.

He could tell that Silas was fighting with all his might and that he wanted to continue to fight. However, his condition was simply too bad.

Yet, when Dilan spoke to Silas, the young Tier-1 Ascender didn’t even realize it nor did his mind register Dilan’s words. His mind was in overdrive, and he was fighting solely with his instincts and his muscle memories.

This was amazing and definitely not something Dilan felt confident of doing as well. Unfortunately, it made the situation a little bit more complicated. Silas attacked him with his clawed gauntlets. His eyes were bloodshot and the only thought on his mind was to kill everyone in his sight.

‘He cannot distinguish between friends and foes?’ Dilan realized with a frown. His battle spirit died down for a moment.

For a moment, Dilan’s expression turned ugly because not even his words had been helpful to pull Silas out of his unique, yet somewhat weird state.

‘Is that some sort of Berserk state, an ability of his occupation or something like that?’ He wondered, just to disappear from Silas’ sight.

A moment later, Silas felt the world around him turn black. His legs buckled under him and he was about to smash on the ground head-first.

However, Dilan had appeared behind him, and broken his fall by tightly gripping Silas. It would only worsen his injury.

‘At least he is easily knocked out,’ Dilan thought, smiling faintly as he picked up Silas. It had taken him a single hit to knock out the young Ascender, but now there was something else troubling him.

‘Where the hell am I supposed to take him now? I’ve no idea where Ailee and the others are currently.’ Dilan tried to see and sense Williams, Oliver, and Kuhn.

But it was not even possible to gauge their direction according to the flying projectiles they shot because they were moving around.

The number of opponents they had killed had surpassed three-digit figures a while ago. However, that didn’t mean they could stop running around to prevent anyone from finding out their location.

A few hundred bloodthirsty Ascenders with high stats would still be more than enough to kill the team of three, after all.

Dilan could only frown at his bad luck. Even Oliver was nowhere to be seen. They were still alive but that did little to help Dilan right now.

At that moment, while he was looking around, Dilan’s eyes fell on a beautiful Vampire, who was touching herself inappropriately in public.

“What a nutcase,” Dilan could only shake his head, not understanding why someone would start touching themselves while looking at a battlefield. But at that moment he got an idea.

“Will that be fine? I mean…it’s better than leaving him unconscious on the battlefield…” Dilan mumbled, feeling uncertain.

But then, he just shrugged his shoulders and followed his instincts. Dilan disappeared from the battlefield with Silas thrown across his shoulder.

They reappeared in front of Victoria, who quickly removed her hand from her body in an effort to act innocent.

‘I saw what you did already…but nevermind that…’ Dilan thought before he looked deeply into Victoria’s eyes.

“Can you take care of him until I’m done there? I owe you a favor,” Dilan straightforwardly asked, ignoring the fact that he had been killing Vampires non-stop for quite a few minutes already, and that Victoria was one of them.

“S-Sure, but do you trust me?” Victoria felt like slapping herself when she noticed that she was stuttering. She was feeling oddly embarrassed in front of Dilan right now. This was completely out of her usual character and caused her to scold herself.

“Not really but I don’t think that you will kill him. Either way, if something happens to you, I will come back and torture you in ways you cannot imagine!” Dilan fixed a steely-eyed gaze upon her and threatened her with punishment.

However, Victoria merely blushed as naughty imaginations sprang up in her mind.

‘Would that really be a punishment, though?’

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