Undying Warlord

Chapter 192 Sentient

If the situation was near impossible to survive before, the sudden improvement in Dilan’s power changed everything at once.

His Agility was much higher than the strongest existence present. In fact, his current Agility was already high enough to rival Mid Tier-2 existences!

Moving his arm that was holding the Blazing Serpentine Blade rapidly, he expertly fended off every single attack that tried to reach him, no matter the level of force or momentum exerted by his opponents.

All of the attacks were nullified long before the moment they entered the range of the enlarged Serpentine Blade.

With a mere duration of 90 Seconds left until [Second Acceleration] would wear off, Dilan had to move rapidly.

He used his entire strength to blast toward the direction of the exit.

‘I can always kill you guys later…saving Mason is far more important for now!’

Dilan didn’t care about facing dangers or pain by himself. However, he didn’t want to drag others in his mess.

That was simply not necessary. Thus, despite feeling the desire to tear apart the entire Sun temple, Dilan held back on his urges as his responsibility towards Mason was more important.

He would never be able to forgive himself if something were to happen to Mason right now.

Determined to safely transport Mason away from the dangers, Dilan crossed a distance of more than 200 meters. He would be able to leave the Sun temple’s town in a second, and it should be possible for him to reach the Rian mountainside hospital in less than a minute as well.-.

Afterward, they would be able to leave at once.

Unfortunately, escaping the Sun temple was not that easy.

Just when Dilan hoped to escape the town, fiery red blazing walls of flames surrounded the entire town.

They cut off Dilan’s way of escape.

He might be able to use [Gale] to disappear from his spot, but the ability of Aeris’ leather boots was not unparalleled.

First of all, Dilan was pretty sure that [Gale] didn’t allow him to actually disappear. It only boosted his speed to the threshold required to cross a distance of 10 meters in a single moment.

It was not a short-distance traveling ability that was related to the spatial element, or something similar.

And even if that were to be the case, Dilan couldn’t be sure that it was possible for him to take Mason with him.

Thus, the sudden appearance of the wall of fire that could even injure Dilan was certainly not something he could cross, let alone ignore while passing through.

‘If I cannot even come close to it despite my high Health stat, and the Special Trait [Stone Skin], Mason will definitely die the moment he is engulfed by the flames!’

Understanding this rather easily, Dilan turned around in an instant. His gaze immediately traveled to the top of the Sun temple, where he could see Priestess Brashta.

Instead of rushing down the Sun temple in order to follow him herself, Priestess Brashta had ordered the others to do so.

Simultaneously, her gut feeling told her that Dilan could escape her grasp even if more than a thousand of her people at Tier-1 would pursue and attack him relentlessly.

Her gut feeling had not only been correct but actually way off the mark. She didn’t even realize that Dilan was strong enough to contend with an agility-based Mid Tier-2 existence while going all out.

It was not difficult to perceive that Dilan would face a severe backlash from going all out but that was not interesting as of now.

The most important fact Priestess Brashta had perceived while sensing Dilan’s sudden increase of strength was something that had never happened before.

[Sacrifice this human to me!]

It was said that the Divinity of Gods was sentient. That meant the Divinity Fragment, and the miniature sun was also sentient.

Sensing something in its range of effectiveness, the Divinity Fragment immediately contacted the Priestess, who was the closest to him.

A trace of Dilan’s Divine Inheritance had leaked from his body that was barely being held together.

Despite increasing its strength to an extent that was not ought to be possible for Tier-1 existences, Dilan’s body didn’t crumble. Instead, he was able to fight while his stats were double the natural limit of a Tier-1 existence.

Obeying the Divinity Fragment’s order immediately, Priestess Brashta used a vast majority of the accumulated energy within the miniature sun to activate the Tier-2 town defense spell [Towering Wall of the Crimson Flame].

The duration for which the spell would remain active was indefinite, and the only requirement to be maintained was a large amount of the painstakingly accumulated sacred energy.

However, that was something Priestess Brashta had to accept simply because the Divinity Fragment ordered her to sacrifice Dilan to it.

A few sacrifices in exchange for gaining the Divinity Fragment’s favor was perfectly fine for her.

Thus, the Priestess didn’t hesitate the slightest as she gave her final order to the guards!

“Kill them…I don’t care how, but I want both of them dead!”

The Priestess’ voice reverberated through the entire town and reached everyone. In a mere moment, the situation had changed once again.

Not only was he imprisoned but the gaze he and Mason were subjected to had changed as well. The murderous intent everyone released was different from before.

There was something wild in their expressions, their presence, and the wildly raging mana that was suddenly released by all of them.

It was not difficult for Dilan to tell that they were now in a life and death situation. Thus, Dilan shot toward one of the taller buildings before he allowed Mason to stand next to him.

He let him down so that the young Ascender could finally take a few deep breaths.

However, even before Mason was able to regain his composure, Dilan had to grasp him once again.

A volley consisting of more than a thousand fireballs and wind blades shot towards him. The fireballs and wind blades destroyed the building Dilan and Mason had been standing on in an instant.

‘They’re growing more and more ferocious…what the hell…’

All of a sudden, Dilan perceived something behind him. More than 30 wind blades had changed their trajectory all of a sudden. They rushed at Dilan, cutting off all of his paths to evade the attacks by running away.

Wielding the Blazing Serpentine Blade in return, Dilan blocked the majority of attacks.

“Huh?” Dilan suddenly exclaimed as the 30 or so wind blades turned into more than 60 wind blades.

He thought that the compressed wind of the wind blades would scatter upon impact with the Blazing Serpentine Blade.

However, that was not what happened.

Rather, the flames of the Blazing Serpentine Blades seemed to nourish the wind blades, invigorate them and allow them to duplicate.

Dilan was utterly dumbfounded at this sight.

But that was not even the worst because something even less expected happened just a moment later.

Out of nowhere, wind blades emerged beyond the near-perfect protection shell he created around himself and Mason by wielding the Blazing Serpentine Blade in a wild manner.

Dilan’s Agility might be rapid but his paths to retreat were not many. Thus, he had to force his way through the path where the fewest attacks would pierce into him.

But that was fine as long as each attack targeted him…only him.

Thus, Dilan used his entire body to block all the attacks that pierced through him.

Yet, what Dilan didn’t expect was for an invisible wind blade to emerge less than 30 centimeters away from him all of a sudden.


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