Tyrannical Wang's Beloved Wife

Chapter 84.2: Calculations

Chapter 84.2: Calculations

“Preposterous, do you even know what you are saying?” Luo Rong Ping wished he could just go up and slap her. Something as important as picking sides, how can it be treated like child’s play. For those in power, they hated those who leaned whichever way the wind blew the most, even if he still hasn’t genuinely made connections with Kang Qinwang yet. But that was also soon, and right now was precisely the most critical moments. Perhaps, in another few days, he’ll be able to directly meet with Kang Qinwang. Casting himself to another master at this time, never mind that all his previous efforts will be wasted, he might even meet with Kang Qinwang faction’s retaliation.

“Father, I know what I’m saying. First, finish listening to what I have to say, it’s not too late to get angry afterwards.”

“Alright, I sure want to hear, see how you’re going to spin a flower out of this.”

“Father, setting aside everything else, just solely comparing Kang Qinwang and Rui Qinwang, whose abilities were stronger? Who further holds his Majesty’s admiration? Who further holds his Majesty’s heart? Even we, these women of the inner manor, can clearly see, although the position of the heir apparent isn’t something his Majesty can determine based on his personal fondness, but anyone with eyes can tell, Rui Qinwang has more of an advantage. The battle for the throne has always been about the outcome and not the process. And the most obvious advantage Rui Qinwang has over Kang Qinwang was that he has a Right Commander-in-Chief who wields military power. To say it unpleasantly, even if Kang Qinwang ascends the throne, if Rui Qinwang is unable to reconcile, then before Kang Qinwang can stabilize his rule……” Luo Jing Ying paused, but Luo Rong Ping understood her meaning.


“Father’s wisdom is unparalleled. I believe, at the time when choosing, your true target probably wasn’t Kang Qinwang, right?”

Naturally, it wasn’t Kang Qinwang. Just, at the time, there was no door to cast towards Rui Qinwang, and instead, by pure coincidence, made connections with people of Kang Qinwang’s faction. “Even so, what of it? You have to know, if we abandon Kang Qinwang and choose Rui Qinwang, never mind the position of wangfei, whether or not you can be a side consort is all very difficult to say. You’re this willing to humble yourself?”

“Then how certain is father in being able to let this daughter become Kang Wangfei? It’s not that this daughter is underestimating father, but just based on our family’s standing, even if eldest sister was still unmarried, to want to become Kang Qinwang’s second wangfei, afraid the prospects weren’t very high either, right? So for what reason would I be able to?” This was even a first for Luo Jing Ying, whose heart has always been higher than the heavens, to belittle herself like this, all for the sake of achieving her goal. She believed herself to be saying the opposite of what she thought in her heart, but this was actually the most truthful reality that she was unwilling to face and unwilling to admit to. “But with Rui Qinwang, it’s not the same. Scheming for a side consort position, the difficulty will be much smaller, right? Even if this isn’t possible, what if this daughter were to give birth to a son for Rui Qinwang? Don’t forget, that concubine of Rui Qinwang Manor that everyone held high hopes for similarly didn’t give birth to a son. This matter even got leaked out by people with ulterior motives, resulting in nearly everyone all knowing. Rui Qinwang hasn’t suffered from ridicule any less these two days right? If Rui Qinwang’s eldest son is born from this daughter, then in the future, I may not necessarily no be able to let him become the di son. Nothing in the world is forever, who can say for sure? Kang Qinwang’s place won’t have any of these advantages. Even if this daughter is the wangfei and gives birth to a di son, compared to the first wife’s di children, he would still be a head shorter. Father, don’t you think so?”

Luo Rong Ping pinched his brow, quietly contemplating. He had to admit, his daughters words made sense, but he didn’t want his efforts to all be in vain, and also have to bear risk. Moreover, how was he going to get acquainted with Rui Qinwang? Luo Rong Ping had the question thrown out. He rather wanted to see, whether or not this daughter that made him somewhat impressed was able to give him a surprise.

“Wealth and honor are sought amidst danger, just have to see whether father dares to or not.”

“What do you mean?”

“Become a spy planted in the Kang Qinwang faction for Rui Qinwang.”

“You actually dared to say it. One mishap, and our lives will be thrown in.” Luo Rong Ping responded with a cold look.

“That’s why it’s wealth and honor sought amidst danger. This is the fastest way to obtain Rui Qinwang’s trust, and be put in an important position. Compared to slowly climbing up in Kang Qinwang’s faction, and even possibly never make any progress for your whole life, this was is much better. As such, mentioning the matter of letting this daughter enter the Rui Qinwang Manor afterward, wouldn’t it only be as expected. And that position of side consort perhaps will just fall into our hands with ease. As for how to get acquainted with Rui Qinwang, two days ago, in the streets, this daughter……” Luo Jing Ying roughly narrated the incident where Rui Qinwang had helped her get out of trouble. “Although Rui Qinwang won’t mind a single glass lamp, we however cannot disregard it. With this as an excuse, father surely can think of a way to get connected, right?”

Liu-shi looked to her own daughter with slightly narrowed eyes. She really did make her feel somewhat surprised.

Luo Rong Ping sank into contemplation. It was very obvious, he really was moved. Previously when he’d mentioned letting their daughter marry Kang Qinwang, he indeed had that intention. The reason he was able to say it so solemnly was nothing more than relying on Liu-shi’s lack of understanding towards the outside. In actuality, he was very clear, to want to fulfill his desire, it was more likely to just daydream. He mainly still did it for the sake of Huan Niang, hoping to use this as a condition to restrain Liu-shi, letting her hold back a little. Just, he never thought that by pure coincidence, he would obtain an unexpected reward. “This matter, father will properly think it over.” He looked to Luo Jing Ying, and for the first time ever, became very affectionate, “Your performance today was very good. This is what my daughter should be like, need to continue maintaining, father doesn’t want to see you like how you were in the past again, always doing foolish things.”

“This daughter was young in the past and didn’t understand, letting father worry. In the future, I definitely won’t be as such again.”

“En.” Luo Rong Ping got up, “I’ll be leaving first.”

Liu-shi slowly got up, sending off Luo Rong Ping together with Luo Jing Ying. Afterwards, she sat back down, and used a judging gaze to look at Luo Jing Ying.

Luo Jing Ying felt very uneasiness under her gaze. These days, her fear towards Liu-shi really was growing with each passing day. She couldn’t help but shrink back a little. “Mother, what is it?”

“I’d thought that you really did make progress, but turns out to be just an empty vase, won’t last for long.” Liu-shi faintly spoke.

“Mother….” She was very embarrassed by these seemingly mocking words of hers.

“Your bearing just now was very good, why can’t you just keep pretending? Because your goal was achieved, and without ‘a goal you must accomplish’ supporting, you just couldn’t uphold it anymore?”

Luo Jing Ying’s lips quivered, her gaze somewhat averting, “Mother, what are you saying?”

“Ying’er, you grew up under mother’s eyelids. That little bit of thought of yours can be kept from others, but can you keep it from me? So you like Rui Qinwang?”

“Mother, no, I……”

“Like is like.” Liu-shi waved her hand, interrupting her words. “Your eyes this time aren’t bad. —Straighten your back. You have the guts to say those words to your father, and even be able to say it sounding neither servile nor overbearing, being magnanimous to the extreme. Right now, I still haven’t done anything to you, yet already shrinking back? I’ve told you before, no matter who you’re facing, you need to bring out that composure from earlier, including in front of me. Ying’er, since you have the ambition, then you need to have the corresponding abilities, discipline, and bearing.”

Luo Jing Ying subconsciously straightened her back, but her gaze was still somewhat fleeting, “Mother, you’re not angry?”

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