Tyrannical Wang's Beloved Wife

Chapter 119.1: Serving Tea, Right and Wrong

Chapter 119.1: Serving Tea, Right and Wrong

Li Hong Yuan answered besides the point. Even if Jing Wan was annoyed inside, it was mostly still helplessness and even more helplessness. This one, aside from having an honorable status, his temper was also difficult to deal with. “Replying to wangye, at Qi’an Fu, the courtyard this subject resided in was planted with many haitangs. Naming this courtyard Elegant Haitang Residence is purely just borrowing that place’s name, that’s all.”

(T/N: Here’s a pic of Haitangs; they kinda look similar to cherry blossoms.)

“You like haitangs?” Li Hong Yuan continued asking. He naturally knew the origins of this courtyard’s name. Just, unfortunately, among his shadow guards, there weren’t any that were experts in painting, unable to have that beautiful scenery of haitangs in full bloom painted down, and also that innocent and cute appearance of little Wan Wan standing under the tree, reaching out to catch the petals with a smiling face.

“En, quite like.”

“From how this prince sees it, as long as it’s a flower, Miss Luo would all like, right?”

Clearly sensing Li Hong Yuan’s mood calming down, Jing Wan more or less was somewhat shocked inside, but just smiled on the surface, “Wangye’s words aren’t wrong.”

“What flower you want, you can tell this prince. This prince will send someone to search for you.”

Jing Wan’s first reaction was, Jin Qinwang’s ‘lovesickness’ was acting up again, else why would he do this kind of thing for no reason. “Thanking wangye for the generosity, but the saying goes, ‘to not accept a salary for no work’, furthermore, there is the difference between men and women, so one cannot accept.”

“Always speaking this bluntly, don’t you know, can very easily offend people? Moreover, even towards this prince. You have to know, in this entire capital, there hasn’t been anyone that’s capable of refusing this prince.”

Wangye, don’t you know that these words of yours can have several different meanings? Moreover, according to your temper, if it really offended you, shouldn’t you have lashed out directly? Would you really even bother saying these things to someone like her? In the very few times she’s interacted with Jin Qinwang, Jing Wan always felt, compared to the rumors, he seemingly was much nicer. Where was the malicious ruthlessness, where was the temperamental mood swings? Perhaps it was precisely because the feeling he gave Jing Wan was different, in front of him, Jing Wan was the same as in front of everyone else, unrestrained and blunt.

Li Hong Yuan suddenly smiled. Jing Wan couldn’t help sweeping a glance at the peony next to him. If one were to have this flower swapped with the ink peony, then it really would be indescribably fitting, mysterious, honorable, elegant, beautiful, and also enticing. This kind of feeling wasn’t a first, but perhaps only by standing next to the peony would this feeling become particularly prominent.

The change in Jing Wan’s expression naturally fell into Li Hong Yuan’s eyes, “What’s wrong?”

“Didn’t wangye say just now, this subject’s words are too blunt, unlikeable.” That’s why, right now, I don’t want to say anymore.

“Heh, now you’re being serious with this prince instead, just say it, this prince won’t get angry.”

Jing Wan slightly hesitated. Generally speaking, men probably all don’t like being compared to flowers too much.

This time, Li Hong Yuan was rather even more curious as to what Jing Wan thought of, “Quickly say it, and if you can’t say anything substantial, then it’ll be inevitable for this prince to stay in this courtyard of yours a little longer.”

Such threat, Jing Wan couldn’t help grinding her teeth, “Actually, it’s nothing really, this subject just felt wangye’s smile is just like a blossoming ink peony, that’s all.”

Li Hong Yuan lifted his brow in amusement. This saying sure is unique. “What do you mean?”

Jing Wan’s lips lightly parted, stating neither slowly nor quickly a few phrases.

Li Hong Yuan softly chuckled. For a person who loves flowers to the point of obsession, to be able to be compared to the king of flowers by them should be a very honored thing, right?! Li Hong Yuan was greatly amused by Jing Wan, and that heart of his was naturally also ruthlessly teased by her, ticklish and unbearable, yet also numbing.

However, Jing Wan’s words very much startled the people serving her instead. Were these words that an unmarried young lady can say to an outside man? Gong mama was expressionless on the surface, but inside, she couldn’t help sighing. My good miss, are you disdaining the fact that this hungry wolf that’s covetously eyeing you isn’t agitated enough? The tiger’s den and wolf’s lair are incomparably dangerous, don’t just jump in one on your own.

Li Hong Yuan walked a few steps closer towards Jing Wan and reached his hand out. Jing Wan subconsciously retreated a step, but Li Hong Yuan’s hand moved again, placing it on top of her head, and lightly caressed her head. “A bit blunt when speaking, this temper a bit stubborn, and an arrogant air deep in one’s bone. However, that’s fine, rather don’t need to change anything for anyone, you are very good just like this.” This prince will always shield you. “In the future, don’t say similar words to other men, regardless what kind of flower the other party is like.” Li Hong Yuan retracted his hand, then fixedly stared at her for a moment, and afterwards, brushed past Jing Wan.

Jing Wan turned her head, staring at that upright figure. This ancestor, what exactly did he come to her place for? Jing Wan clearly sensed the gentleness in his eyes, and also the pampering indulgence and gentle affection of his action. It was both strange and ineffable.

This was actually having her treated as that bit of cinnabar in his heart, that streak of white moonlight? But this attitude wasn’t right, if he really had her treated as a certain someone’s substitute, then according to his strong attachment to that person and inability to obtain, encountering a similar one, he should directly have the person seized by force. He had that power and also had the ability to. Although this possibility will make her hate him, but, standing from his perspective, this was reasonable and fitting.

Jing Wan always felt, there was something spinning out of control, and moreover, had something to do with her, and perhaps, was also related to Jin Qinwang. But, she couldn’t figure out in the slightest, completely being kept in the dark. This kind of feeling wasn’t good, but the other party was a prince, a qinwang. Even if he didn’t have power and influence, there still wasn’t a single court official that was capable of shaking him, let alone her, this young maiden of the boudoir. The gap was truly too big. She could only passively advance with her eyes covered, unable to resist, unable to struggle.

Jing Wan couldn’t help but crease her brows.

Gong mama looked to Jing Wan and knew that she’d already began to doubt. But, because she didn’t know the source, she was probably just perplexed. Gong mama inwardly sighed once more. Miss was extremely intelligent, and her abilities and skills both weren’t weak. However, she was born a girl, and resided in the back manor, lacking power and influence, needing to adhere to the clan’s survival. Facing such a sin(LHY), and further because she was in the light, and he in the dark, she naturally didn’t have the slightest chance of winning. At this time, going to warn the servant girls, naturally was the wet nurse’s duty.

Gong mama walked to Jing Wan’s side and lightly stroked her back, “Miss, don’t think too much. One’s days should just be however they’re supposed to be, one inevitably will have to continue walking step by step.”

Jing Wan looked to Gong mama. Did these words have another deeper meaning? Or was it just purely for the sake of consoling her? “Mama, I’m fine.”

All say Jing Wan was a open-minded person, and for things that she couldn’t figure out, she wouldn’t continuously cling on to it, not letting go. Very soon, she just had this matter set to one side. ‘When the carriage reaches the mountains, there will certainly be a path’. Even if there really is a dead end, that was just something destined in her fate. When time comes, she will always make the most advantageous decision. However, this matter still planted a seed in her heart.

As for on the bridal chamber side, whether or not Luo Jing Bo, this virgin man, will embarrass himself on his first night[1], that was their business.

That night, Jing Wan didn’t sleep as peacefully as usual. She kept hazily dreaming, seemingly being very intimate with a certain someone, but also not really. By the time she woke up early in the morning, she had this matter cleanly forgotten.

However, last night, Yuan Qiao Qiao unexpectedly didn’t come find her. This was rather strange. According to her knowledge, Yuan Qiao Qiao simply didn’t return to the Yuan Manor yesterday. How would Jing Wan know that precisely because Yuan Qiao Qiao slept in her bed and ate her tofu, she’s already taken a trip back from the gates of hell[2]. Even if she were to come again, Gong mama would still think of ways to block her.

Today, it was for the newlyweds to serve tea, and can be considered the main act. However, the Luo family can also be considered an upper class weathy family, so naturally didn’t need for the new bride to crawl up early in the morning to make breakfast.

Sun Yi Jia’s daily routine has always been relatively orderly. Even if she has already married, becoming a wife for the first time, she still didn’t change anything because of this. Moreover, last night, her newly wedded husband was also considerately gentle on her and didn’t go overboard. And after the deed, they’d properly cleaned up, so getting up at this time, for the most part, there weren’t any discomfort. Although because there was suddenly an extra person next to her, when she first woke up, she was slightly startled. But very soon, she felt an unprecedented sense of security, as well as an indescribable sweetness.

Sun Yi Jia momentarily looked to the still asleep Luo Jing Bo, preparing to quietly get up. Just, as soon as she moved, Luo Jing Bo woke up. “Jing Bo, did I disturb you?”

Luo Jing Bo stalled for a moment, also becoming aware of his current surroundings. At first he was still a bit awkward, but, should say, men in this aspect just had the natural-born ability to understand without a teacher? And in an instant, he just very naturally reached over, embracing Sun Yi Jia in his arms kissing her, and his hands also weren’t that honest either. Where did he still have that ‘pure innocence’ that Sun Yi Jia encountered at the Grand Elder Princess Manor.

[1] This has a double meaning in chinese meaning both ‘wedding night’ and ‘first sexual encounter’, in this case, it means both at the same time.

[2] Meaning narrowly escaping death or dangerous situation.

T/N: Remember back in around chapter 90-ish, LHY mentioned that her stubborn personality in some areas played a role in the tragedies in his previous life because she offended a lot of people in high power, indirectly also leading to her tragic death in that timeline. This is the reason why he always comments on it.

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