Tyrannical Wang's Beloved Wife

Chapter 631: Shinning Brightly No Matter Where

Shinning Brightly No Matter Where

Li Tian Lin the end could only regrettably give up. However, this matter in itself was mostly just a joke.

Besides, Ning Guo’s senses perhaps really was just directed at other people’s goodwill towards her. Just like her family, she just didn’t have anyone she didn’t like, but everyone else aside, just solely Li Hong Yuan, can you have him categorized as someone with good moral character? Heheh………

If really based on this bit, then a person’s moral character actually didn’t correlate with whether or not they were friendly towards Ning Guo. And this time, on the matter of her eldest nephew selecting a consort, some people’s ulterior motives in itself were just too strong, or perhaps harboring impure thoughts, so towards Ning Guo, they naturally won’t like from the bottom of their heart. But, among these people, there certainly will also exist those that genuinely like Ning Guo, because the two sides actually didn’t conflict. And those whose moral character didn’t have any flaws also didn’t necessarily need to like Ning Guo. Of course, this kind of person certainly won’t have malice towards Ning Guo either.

Jing Wan carefully explained to them in detail, but Xie-shi and the crown prince still insisted. After all, the girl that Ning Guo liked the most, after thorough investigation, although in certain areas wasn’t considered outstanding, even having shortcomings, but one can’t deny that she was indeed a good girl.

Ning Guo, this human detector, although wasn’t applicable a hundred percent of the times, but still possessed very high reference value.

The eldest princess’s fuma selection, the empress gave her the power to select herself, and the eldest princess really just let Ning Guo help her pick.

Thus, after the crown prince’s marriage arrangements were in place, the eldest princess’s marriage was also pushed up on the schedule.

Of course, when it comes to selecting the fuma, it can’t be like selecting the crown princess that open, and can only be carried out privately.

Towards the children, Li Tian Lin and Xie-shi didn’t restrict them that tightly either. Prior to ten, under tight protection, they can still occasionally leave the palace, and after ten, for the most part, there weren’t that many restrictions anymore. Of course, the number of times they can leave the palace every month was limited, so they can’t just be as unrestrained as they wanted.

The number of times the second prince left the palace recently was relatively frequent, and every time, he all brought along Ning Guo.

The first time bringing along Ning Guo, it was also Ning Guo’s first time leaving the palace, so she naturally harbored a particularly strong curiosity towards the outside.

As for the second prince’s friends, especially those that had been his study companion, they were all particularly surprised. How come he had Grand Elder Princess Ning Guo brought out? They were very clear of this princess’s status in the palace. If something were to happen……….

The second prince smiled, “Little aunt wants to come out to play, so just brought out. Imperial grandfather and grandmother had both agreed.” As for the actual reason, he naturally can’t say.

A bunch of teenage young masters, with some even around twenty, bringing along a little girl, they certainly won’t be able to play contently, some things even needing to avoid. Of course, the things that genuinely can’t be seen by Ning Guo were actually very few, and avoiding wasn’t that big of a deal either. However, Ning Guo’s status already determined that even if they have a complaint inside, they still can’t express it in the slightest.

Little children were actually very simple and straightforward. If you don’t like her, then she also won’t like you. But, Ning Guo was a warm-hearted little girl. Sometimes, even if the feeling was relatively obvious, she also won’t have any extreme reactions, because even if she was pure-minded, she still knew that these people won’t do anything to her. However, towards those that genuinely liked her, her smile will be even more distinct.

These, the second prince all took in. As candidates for his younger sister’s future husband, there were some among his friends, and there were also some that weren’t present. However, as long as he wanted, he naturally can bring Ning Guo to meet them all. As for those among these people that mostly used connections with others to appear before him, whether or not to pay them any attention, it completely depended on his mood. He just didn’t have the right to inherit the throne. Aside from this, he didn’t get suppressed in the slightest. This year, he will get conferred as a wang and open his own manor, entering the imperial court. He believed that in the future, he will certainly be one of those wielding great power in hand. Even though because his eldest brother, as the crown prince, had just selected a consort, he will need to wait another two years, but on this bit, he didn’t mind at all.

Ning Guo’s personality although was mostly quiet and clever, but regardless of the occasion, and regardless of the people, she all won’t be scared and timid. Of course, watching these ‘big nephews’ play around, she also won’t get in their way. Just, her eyes were shining brightly, seemingly full of interest.

TN: All

If someone brings her a little toy to play with, she will also reveal a smile, nodding her head and thanking.

This most esteemed princess of the imperial family, the most pampered princess, in terms of etiquette, really didn’t have anything to nitpick.

For people like them, which one didn’t have younger siblings, or little nieces and nephews at home. In their eyes, those were all little demons, else it was just like quails, burying their head, not having any presence. In any case, very rarely would there be likable ones. That’s why, the first time meeting Ning Guo, their first impression wasn’t very good.

However, gradually, they all just discovered, Ning Guo was different from those at home. Originally, the great majority was just a bit annoyed, but far from disgust, and now, their perception was also gradually changing.

The second prince just now had just walked to the side, sitting with his legs crossed in the air, leisurely eating some dried fruits, while occasionally chatting with the person next to him. These people’s changes, he all took in. Speaking of which, towards a little girl like little aunt, even if not liking, it was still very difficult to hate.

The second prince brushed his hands and stood up, walking to Ning Guo’s side, “Little aunt, do you want to play?”

“Can I?” Ning Guo’s eyes were wide open.

“Of course, as long as it’s nothing dangerous, and not anything that can’t be touched, for little aunt, there’s nothing that you can’t do.” For their Qi Yuan’s most esteemed princess, the entire world should all make way, just a little game, what did that count as.

“This, I know, but I feel that I shouldn’t get in the way of others.” Ning Guo turned her head, saying with a smile, “Actually, watching everyone happily play is also something very delightful.” When she said this, her expression also told everyone that she genuinely felt this way.

This bunch of young masters, in this moment, really melted under Ning Guo’s cuteness. How come the little cubs in their family weren’t this lovable?

“Grand Elder Princess is too serious. Everyone is just playing around, brightening up the atmosphere, so far from being serious.” One among them said as such, while the others also echoed, regardless whether they were being genuine or just pretending.

What they were thinking, Ning Guo didn’t know. She just knew that she didn’t get in their way and can play, so she naturally won’t restrain herself.

Thus, getting led along by the second prince, Ning Guo played very happily.

When leaving, Ning Guo was even somewhat reluctant, “Can I come again?” She asked her second nephew.

“Didn’t imperial grandmother already agreed, as long as little aunt wants to play, these few days, can all leave the palace to play. In two days, it’ll be the eleventh. The imperial estate will have horse racing. When time comes, I’ll take little aunt for a look.”

“The imperial estate that had horse tracks built back when imperial father was still a qinwang? I heard them mention before.” Ning Guo’s little face was rosy red, her eyes carrying a bit of curiosity and excitement.

“Right, precisely there. Reportedly, back then, it was built according to imperial grandmother’s idea. At present, it has already been several decades, and has been opened to the public this entire time, very lively.”

“Then let’s also bring little six and little seven. Actually, it’s even better if everyone can come together.”

“Little aunt wants to let imperial grandfather and imperial grandmother also come?”

“En, en.”

“But that won’t do. Little aunt, you have to know, if imperial grandfather and imperial grandmother are present, then others certainly won’t be able to play carefreely.” The second prince smilingly said.

“Alright, then just bring little six and little seven.”

“En, this is doable.” The second prince nodded in agreement.

The aunt and nephew pair’s conversation wasn’t kept from the others. Aiya, it can’t be helped, he was still shouldering a heavy task.

In this way, ‘holding a chicken feather as a token of authority[1]‘, and borrowing Ning Guo, the second prince would leave the palace at least every two days, and sometimes, he would even stay outside for three to four days consecutively. Observing his future younger brother-in-law and whatnot just became something done in passing. However, Ning Guo also played around very happily as well.

Because of the second prince’s tacit acceptance, starting from the second time Ning Guo left palace, who she encountered weren’t just ‘big nephews’. Those people would also bring along their little sister or little niece. The purpose was obvious and easy to see. Little children’s thoughts were all relatively simple, not having that many twists and turns. Ning Guo possessed the most esteemed status and has always been pampered, so towards status and hierarchy, she actually didn’t have too deep of a concept, to the extent that towards the great majority of children around her age, she was all able to get along with very well, even letting those little girls that actually weren’t that favored normally, yet instead got treated equally in front of her, this grand elder princess, feel extremely moved. Unknowingly, they all just started blindly following Ning Guo’s lead.

Although a misunderstanding, but this also further proved Ning Guo’s good nature, no?

And as the number of times increased, Ning Guo’s study companions also joined in, to the extent that it couldn’t be more joyous.

However, half a month later, when the second prince told Ning Guo that in the future, she can’t this casually leave the palace anymore, Ning Guo also didn’t appear that dejected either. When the adults asked her why, Ning Guo was even confused at their question, blinking her eyes, “Having played for that long, it’s time to come back and properly study.”

That natural and rightful tone made even the adults all feel very ashamed.

Even Jing Wan all couldn’t help but kiss her. How come this little baby was just this cute?

[1] This idiom means assuming authority based on some pretext. In a way, it’s also similar to ‘the fox borrowing the tiger’s might’, although there is some nuanced differences.

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