Turns Out To Be a Genius Duelist

Chapter 190: Planet Guardian (4)

Chapter 190 Planet Guardian (4)


Yoon-seok let his magic be free. That was enough. As a result, the black Skywrath Energy began to gradually flow out of his body. It didn’t burst out explosively but naturally spread and covered the hall. However, the expressions of those who were reading the nature of the flowing magic soon stiffened.

“…He’s an interesting guy.”

The magic flow didn’t stop. They thought it would be over by now, but it still filled the room, and there was no sign of it halting. As if even this was only a fraction. However, the surprises didn’t end there.


One of the escorts participating in the meeting, a woman who covered her face, raised her eyes. When everyone was focusing on Yoon-seok, her view was wide enough to check the other’s expression. Therefore, she was the first to notice.


Some normal people, like princess Orlene, didn’t even know what was going on. Couldn’t they feel this vast magic? She wondered if it made sense, but…

‘Is he blocking it from them?’

Soon she noticed that his magic was being skillfully controlled and manipulated.


Her gaze toward Yoon-seok deepened. It wasn’t just her perspective. Everyone expressed various reactions to the magic that quickly covered the hall.

“…Where did this person suddenly pop out of the blue?”

“It’s a body I want.”

An old man regarded the emergence of this new powerhouse as a dangerous variable, and one dark wizard’s eyes glistened with greed. Another veteran shouted with joy.

“Hahaha! Nice! Very nice! Shall we have fun?”

That was the beginning of the confusion. Sword Country, Bernille’s great warrior, the King of Steel’s right hand, played an active part in the last war that colored the entire continent with blood in his rise to the number 2 most powerful man. As if he were fighting Yoon-seok, he began to exert his magic in earnest.

“Is this crazy old man becoming senile in his later years…?”

Another man in his twenties muttered harshly. They didn’t say it aloud, but everyone shared the same thought. Yoon-seok’s magic alone was a little burdensome, but now there was one more person added? They couldn’t be as relaxed as before.


A wizard in a red dress grumbled briefly and surrounded herself with a magic shield. With that, various magics began to swirl around the hall.


The energies collided without any sign of mixing. Unlike Yoon-seok, however, there was no consideration for normal people. The faces of those in their battle of pride, including the princess, turned white. With an excited face as if he were happy about the current situation, the old man asked Yoon-seok.

“Do you know why beasts don’t bite each other?”

Yoon-seok didn’t answer, but the man continued.

“Because, unlike hunting herbivores, they have to risk their lives. What do you think? Isn’t it similar to our situation?


“So you’re a quiet person. It’s no use trying to hide it; I knew as soon as I saw you. You’re similar to me. What do you think? Will you show me more?”

Yoon-seok smiled. Similar? It was difficult for him to agree with that.


Yoon-seok’s presence mixed with the magic became heavier. In addition, the magic, which was slowly eroding space, began to swirl like a storm. Those who had been holding out by forming a magic shield around them set a firm line with their lips. Their developed senses were shouting at them that, in a split second, they would be devoured.

‘What kind of crazy guy…’

They felt goosebumps. Now that she saw it, the crazy one was someone else. Looking at the glare blooming through that gap of the helmet. He wasn’t just a man who thirsted for battle; he was a beast. A true predator.

Something of a different species.


The old warrior kept his mouth shut. At the same time, some reflexively raised their hands to their weapons. Other people took a back step without realizing it. They couldn’t withstand a real predator’s momentum and gave up the fight even before it started.

‘H-how did this happen?’

The majority couldn’t even understand. Obviously, at first, they tried to test the waters, but when had this started? They found themselves using magic desperately to survive.

‘Please stop…’

They couldn’t say anything because of their remaining pride, but they wanted Yoon-seok to stop here. Did Heaven hear that wish?


Yoon-seok’s magic, which had been squeezing their throats, suddenly disappeared. As a result, everyone belatedly retrieved their magic and breathed out of relief. If it lasted another minute, there might have been someone who couldn’t stand it and swung their weapon or kicked down the door to run off.

Just because of one man’s will.


A strange silence sat coldly in the hall. Yoon-seok slowly turned his eyes toward the door.


The closed-door swung open slowly. Had she sensed the strange air in the hall? The guide, who opened the door, flinched and said with a shivering look:

“It’s Lady Ragna Hambledon…”

Ragna, the main character of this meeting, appeared. Nevertheless, the hall was still. At least one person could have handed out a greeting, but everyone was busy keeping their eyes fixed in one place and remaining on guard.

“…Am I too late? I guess something was going on.”

It was still the same even after Ragnar, who appeared late, asked everyone aloud. It was silent. Ragna, who had no idea of the situation, looked at Yoon-seok, not recognizing him. Yoon-seok avoided her gaze.

He felt guilty because it seemed he had caused some inconvenience.


But if he were to give an excuse… he arranged the ranks for a moment for a smooth discussion. Nothing happened.

Nothing happened. But was that not what the others thought? A man jumped up and pointed at Yoon-seok.

“W-who the hell are you…! I-I’ve never heard of a person like you in the Kartan Empire!”

He was the gentleman who murmured harshly earlier, speaking as if the old warrior was senile. Everyone lifted their ears at the question but, Yoon-seok didn’t answer. Since he’d done his part as an escort in the meeting, it was only right for the princess to finish the rest.

“It’s hard to reveal who he is due to our country’s circumstances. But please be aware that His Majesty values the meeting enough to send him here.”

When Yoon-seok gave her a look, the princess took over. Of course, the man seemed unconvinced.

“The Emperor sent him? If there was such a man, why did he give the Empire to the Crown Prince?!”

“That fact cannot be revealed in detail due to our country’s circumstances. I hope you can understand with a generous heart.”

The princess adhered to her mystical strategy. Thanks to this, the others’ gazes grew sharp.

“Even though he lost his power after the war, the Emperor is still in charge. Who knew you would hide a card like him?”

It was a perfect coincidence that Yoon-seok arrived here, but those who didn’t know about it began to conjecture. Well, it was good for Yoon-seok. Thanks to that, the princess had solidified her position in the meeting and saved face, and Yoon-seok was able to see the person he wanted.

‘She’s changed a lot.’

Ragna Hambledon. Her appearance was much the same, but was it because the atmosphere had changed? Or was it because she was dressed up, unlike in the Tower? He didn’t know why, but unlike then, she radiated glamorous beauty.

“…So that’s what happened.”

Ragna, who heard about what happened here from Cardinal Nephren, sat down. While glancing at Yoon-seok from time to time, she started the meeting without asking any further questions. Only then did people stop paying attention to the emergence of this unknown threat named Yoon-seok and focus on the meeting.

She didn’t know what kind of impact Yoon-seok’s existence would bring, but they could think about it after the meeting.

“There is no disagreement on the presence of the union’s standing forces in Levant Neutral. There’s no better place than here. But it makes me question the part where Lady Count Hambledon is put in charge.”

“Can I hear about the plan that Geronian has in mind?”

“Ehem! I don’t think you should be put in charge just because the location is the Levant. No, it is a disadvantage since the force is based in one place. Rather, I think it would be reasonable for Lady Count Hambledon to serve as an inspector and elect a chairman among the remaining six countries.”

An agreement had already been unofficially concluded. It was a fact that the Seheranbad Union, in which the seven countries participated, would be launched. They would work together to battle invaders and challengers from another dimension in the future. However, many parts required detailed coordination.

Starting with who would be the chairman, how far would the baseline for the peace agreement between the seven countries go, and how many standing forces would each country send… as the meeting progressed, new provisions were created step by step. On the contrary, existing provisions disappeared, and soon they approached an agreement.

‘Ashton would love it if he knew.’

Yoon-seok thought the meeting was worth watching. He couldn’t define Seheranbad as an enemy, but at least he was getting to know more of the rival countries.

“Our country hoped to change some things from the provisions agreed in advance.”

“Please tell us.”

“Yes. First of all, instead of increasing the number of standing forces to be sent from our country, the size of standing forces that can call emergency support…”

As the talks progressed, princess Orlene, who had been watching silently, began to participate actively. Was it because Yoon-seok got a head start? No one hastily opened their mouths to interrupt, and the princess implicitly mentioned Yoon-seok to her benefit. To be honest, it was fun to watch at first.

However, as the meeting grew longer, Yoon-seok felt bored. An hour passed by to solve a seemingly insignificant clause when someone started to argue.

“We’ll stop here for now and get back together in four hours.”

Suddenly, morning arrived. At Ragna’s words, the princess and the other figures naturally rose from their seats. Later, they went to the rooms on the second floor assigned to them.

“Resuming after a four-hour break is tighter than I thought.”

“Because time is precious to everyone. This is why we usually prefer to send warriors to these talks rather than scholars.”

They discussed a single phrase of a clause endlessly. It was hard to agree with the saying that time was precious, but… well, it must be since Yoon-seok was an outsider in this field. The princess stretched out on the bed as if she fainted, saying she would rest for a while, and soon Lee Su-yeon arrived.

“How was the meeting?”

Yoon-seok shrugged instead of answering, and Lee Su-yeon smiled as if she could guess what happened.

“I was asking if you found the person you were looking for. The first floor is empty. I looked at everything, but there was none. What about you?”

“I don’t know…”

Yoon-seok smacked his lips and only told her that the escort accompanying Ragna was a man and that his power was too poor to serve as an escort. Then Lee Su-yeon’s eyes glinted.

“An escort who can’t act as an escort… what does he look like?”

“Well, I couldn’t see properly because he was wearing a hood.”

“I have a hunch that the person we’re looking for is him. Isn’t it suspicious that a girl like Ragna Hambledon chose a guy like that as an escort?”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. Anyway, you said it’s in four hours, right? I’ll follow her and check it out then. You can have a rest on the first floor.”

Yoon-seok decided to listen to Lee Soo-yeon’s will. To be honest, Lee Su-yeon was much more reliable in this field. About two hours later, the princess woke up, and after re-applying her make-up, she headed to the meeting.

“She’s coming with me?”

“Yes. If it’s at the level of those who were there, it’ll be perfect.”

Princess Orlene looked anxious when she heard that Lee Su-yeon would serve as escort this time, but… she was relieved by Yoon-seok’s confirmation and nodded. Next, Yoon-seok left the second floor and headed for the banquet hall.

Although the number of people decreased from the previous night, it was still noisy, and there were many enjoying food and alcohol as they socialized. Most of them were challengers.

‘Planet Guardian…’

After sitting on an empty sofa across the banquet hall, Yoon-seok recalled the strong players he saw in the meeting. Perhaps they were the ones who defended Seheranbad at the frontlines.

‘If that happens, do I become an invader?’

Yoon-seok laughed at the sudden random thought. A guardian or an invader, which one? No matter what kind of existence he was accepted as by the people here, what he had to do didn’t change. It was the same before and after the Tower appeared.

Winner-take-all. They had no choice but to move forward to protect what they had.

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