Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife

Chapter 69 Science Fiction

"Oh crap." she thought. "I was supposed to go to him last night."  Immediately when she saw that intense look in Esong's eyes she assumed that he was furious because in his mind, she had probably stood him up.  It was not as if she could explain to him that she was cultivating. What could she possibly tell him in this situation?  It was best to just apologize and see where things went from there.

"I am soooo sorry, I fell asleep." she said and then she yawned pretentiously.  "What time is it? 

As she looked around, she had finally realized that she was on her bed, in her bedroom and Esong was inside her room. Her eyes inevitably moved down to her body and she sighed in relief when she realized that she was fully clothed. 

"What are you doing in my room? she looked at him with wide wary eyes and scampered away from him like prey escaping a predator. Did he come because she did not go to him last night? She was protectively holding her hands over her chest as if he was a leering pervert.

Esong snorted and he stood up, she thought that he was going to approach her but then he left her bedroom without uttering a single word to her. 

When he was gone, she got to her feet and yawned, a real yawn this time. She looked outside and noticed that the day had already gone past her, the two suns were up and bright in the sky and the smell of breakfast was prominent in the air.

"Severus," she called. 

"I am tired." the dog that was sleeping with one eye open in the corner of her room answered. "Do you know how hard I worked to keep you alive last night. When I rise, you better prepare two platters of food for me as a thank you. And I want another bath and massage." Severus closed his eyes and went back to sleep. 

She wanted to ask him questions about what happened last night but she held off, she could ask someone else. Unless Esong was a ghost, someone had to have seen him entering her bedroom. 

She gave Severus one last look and saw the small yellow duck in his dog bed. 'Ho, so much for lord Severus being a tough dog, to think that he actually kept a toy.'

What would those high high level reapers say when they saw him? Would they accuse her of spoiling him? 

She took a quick bath, dressed up in a green pleated skirt with a white shirt and slippers. Like yesterday, her hair was held in a pony tail. It was so refreshing that the blue star had a large supply of fresh water. 

One of the things that she missed so much in the zombie apocalypse was having a daily full body bath. Most of the water had been polluted or it was found in zombie infested cities. They barely had water to drink so how could they waste what little they had on taking baths?

In due time, this had made people that had water related super powers arrogant and valuable. As she briefly thought about those days, she shook her head and said, "God, I don't miss them at all. Old deity, thank you for giving me the chance to come here." 

Things may not be rosy in this world but they were one hundred times better than the one she came from.

  Scarlet was struck by inspiration after thanking the old deity, she had those small Buddha gold statues in her storage space. She had been raised Buddhist by her mother even though they were not as devout as they wanted to be. 

Now that she knew the deities were real, she would do her best to serve them and encourage others to do so. 

She took the Buddha statue and looked for a place in the living room that could be accessible by everyone. 

"You are awake, What are you doing?" Adler found her looking around the room and rotating in circles like a child playing a spinning game. 

"Good morning." she greeted him cheerfully. "I want to find a place for the Buddha statue, teacher came to in my dreams last night and he was angry with me for not praying and making some offerings. The Gods gave me the knowledge, I should thank them for it." 

Adler gave her a very confused and doubtful look. 

"What?" she asked him.

"You want to convince me that there is a powerful god in that small statue, I think your teacher was just telling you stories to inspire you to aim higher." he told her.

All these stories that she had been telling them about gods and deities with supernatural powers were fiction to him. They were highly improbable. 

"Can you explain my sickness or my recovery?" she asked him?

"No." he answered. 

"Has any scientist from any planet in the Sun star created a human being?" she asked him. 

"They have created clones and robots." he answered self righteously. He looked so smug when he said it. 

"I mean creating a human being from the head to the toe and breathing life into them, not cloning something that is already living. And cloning is illegal in the empire which means that even the royal family and the citizens don't think it's ethical." She retorted too, self righteously. 

This was the age old point of disagreement between believers in religion and believers in the sciences on earth. 

With this point, she had him cornered because he could not explain creation.  As a grim reaper, she was far more knowledgeable and qualified that he was to discuss issues to do with creation and gods. 

She tapped him on the shoulder and spoke to him like an adult speaking to a child, "Just listen to me and make offerings occasionally. It will not hurt you in any way to so. I am your beloved sister that only cares for your well being, I will never lead you astray, my teacher will never lead us astray."

Adler looked at his little sister that was convincing him to believe in something that was akin to science fiction. 

"That is science fiction, but I will still find a place for this thing because you might harm yourself trying to find a place for it." he said. 

Scarlet's upper lip trembled and she laughed. This world would be considered science fiction to someone that lived on earth and yet it existed. It was ironic how someone from this world was calling the mythical world science fiction. 

"By the way," he opened his hand and showed her something, "Father and I wanted to ask you what this is?"

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