TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 367: News from outside the continent (3)

Chapter 367: News from outside the continent (3)

After they took the man to the wooden bridge. The military stopped and waited for him to wake up.

Nobody had the courage to force him to wake up because nobody knew about him.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the man to wake up.

"Asdaasa ... addasadadas ... asdasdasda ..." He murmured in an unknown language. Only those who live on the Xinia Continent or in the initial village can understand this language.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!" All the military personnel around were shocked to hear the unknown words. Nobody understood anything he said.

Everyone at the site had a vague idea of the languages in the world today, but none resembles the language spoken by man.

"Ffasaafsfas. Ssgegeg" He looked at everyone around him and commented, but no one could understand what he was talking about.

"Hello" The US military officer approached and commented. He was the first to speak.

The man heard the voice and was paralyzed as if lightning had struck him. Suddenly, his eyes went white before returning to normal shortly thereafter, but the glow of life was gone. The man looked like a doll.

The closest people saw this scene and were scared. Nobody knew what had just happened.

"Where are your leaders? I need to speak to your leaders. I have a message for them" The man's mechanical, lifeless tone startled everyone.

The most surprising thing is that he was speaking in English.

"Who are you?" The US military officer spoke in a solemn tone. He already had a pistol in hand if the other side was hostile.

Not only him, but many other soldiers were ready to shoot.

"Do you really think these weapons are useful against me?" He commented again before waving his hand.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!" All the military felt their weapons cool before turning into an ice cube.

"I use magic. In the world within the continent there is no advanced technology like that world, there is only magic there" The man commented with a lifeless tone. He looked like a robot being controlled by someone.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Those words scared everyone around.

Nobody imagined that there would be magic in the world.

"What kind of message do you have for our leaders?" The US military officer understood that the situation became much tenser than imagined.

The other side froze all the weapons aimed at him in just an instant.

"I was sent by my master to reveal to the world about the continent once again."

"Who is your master?"

"I do not know. I'm just a puppet. I'm just a messenger"


"How are we going to know that your master hasn't sent you to cause problems for our leaders?"

"If mine wanted to kill your leaders, they would already be dead. The master can see everything and knows everything."

"!!!!!!!!!" The man's words were like a declaration that the so-called master is someone invincible or very powerful.

"If you don't take me to your leaders, I will have to go there alone at the UN" The man commented again before a glow covered his body and he disappeared.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" This scene shocked everyone again.

"Report this back quickly !!!!! Warn that an unwanted guest is invading the United Nations headquarters!!!!" Everyone shouted quickly at the other soldiers.

In less than a second, all countries already knew about the continent's envoy and magic. But what scared them most was the so-called master. Who was that person?

After receiving the message, all guards and soldiers surrounded the UN in an attempt to protect officials and leaders because they were having a meeting at the time.

At United Nations headquarters ...

The site was completely surrounded and all unrelated civilians have now been removed. One hundred meters of the surrounding area was emptied and surrounded by soldiers.

The mood in the countryside was tense because no one knew what was going to happen next.

Suddenly, a ball of light shone in the middle of the conference hall before it became a human figure. He was the man who came from the continent.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" This scene shocked everyone in the place. 

No one knew how the man entered the conference hall, but as the word "magic" was mentioned before, they were skeptical about it because in the world today there is no magic. But as the continent was another world, they understood that it should work differently.

The heavily armed soldiers have already aimed their weapons at the man who appeared. The instant he does something suspicious, they will shoot.

"Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am an envoy from the so-called Dark Continent for you humans of this world" The man spoke in a mechanical and lifeless voice.

"Who are you? Why did you come to us? " The UN secretary-general spoke. He walked over to the man to try to make the dialogue.

"I was sent by my master to announce the continent once again."

"Advertise about the continent? What is this Dark Continent? Why is it covered by a dark smoke that prevents everyone from entering it?"

"This is not something you need to know, not even the inhabitants of the continent know about. The only thing you need to know is that the doors to the continent are open again after thousands of years"

"Thousands of years? Has this continent appeared before in history? "

"Have historians no longer discovered that thousands of years ago there was a great continent that disappeared thousands of years ago? Many of these records were written by people who saw this continent."

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Those words shocked everyone at the scene. No one imagined that the missing continent was the Dark Continent.

But what is this continent? Why is it around dark smoke? Why does it disappear and reappear again?

"Since you have the technology, I don't need to use magic to do the broadcast. I have a message from my master for this world. I want reporters to show up to film what I have to say."


As if someone had reported this to the press. In less than a minute, a large group of reporters from around the world filled the conference hall. Everyone was curious to know about the envoy from the other world.

At first, they were skeptical about it, but when military information was leaked. They understood that there really was a big continent in the middle of the ocean and that it was like it was another world.

The whole world was attracted by the news at the last moment. All channels were showing the same news. 

The headline of the news was: The envoy from another world.

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