TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 357: Job Offers (1)

Chapter 357: Job Offers (1)

"Hey Allston, would you like to work on a War Game? My father asked me to hire some powerful people to help with the War Game that we will be participating in a week." A two-meter-tall, muscle-covered orc asked a masked young man sitting across from him.

The masked young man was Liu Yang.

Allston is his new fake name. He chose that name to use in the Khasir Kingdom.

"Jabir, are there any restrictions?" He asked back.

Each War Game had a different type of restriction depending on the agreement between the two sides.

"Yes. There is only one restriction, War Game participants cannot have passed the second Wall Challenge. As this place is low level and the limit is level 50, many people pass through the Wall Challenge and come back here, so it is normal to have many people who have already gone through the first challenge. But those who pass the second challenge are extremely rare. Thus, the two sides reached a consensus that it is forbidden to have more powerful people being suppressed in the War Game." Jabir explained about the rules.

"I see ... Does the other side have very powerful people?" Liu Yang asked.

"Yes. They all went through the first Wall Challenge, but not the second because of the restriction. Thus, it is difficult to know what their real level is before suppression." Jabir replied.

"I see ... What is the payment for the work?" Liu Yang had nothing in this realm so he was looking for something to start his journey.

"Allston, the payment is gold coins or slaves, depending on your performance in the War Game. The better your performance, the greater your reward "Jabir was trying to recruit Liu Yang to his family's team. He saw how strong he was some time ago.

"Only I can participate or can I send my slaves to do this?" Liu Yang was not interested in participating in the War Game, but that does not mean that his women inside the ring do not.

They were already training hard during the year he was inside the mine, so they were eager to fight other people again.

Liu Yang let them fight the nocturnal creatures during his little trip through the Khisal Kingdom. He traveled for just a few days before meeting Jabir and his travel caravan.

Jabir saw how strong Liu Yang was in dealing with the nocturnal creatures, so he decided to hire Liu Yang as a helper.

It was not just Jabir who had this plan. In the caravan, there were some other nobles from the kingdom traveling together, they also wanted to hire Liu Yang, but many of them were arrogant and looked down on him because of his casual clothes.

Thus, Liu Yang chose those who had a more direct personality instead of those arrogant nobles.

One of them was Jabir, who was at level 50, but he didn't have the courage to face the Wall Challenge because he has seen many friends and family join the challenge and never leave. He thought they were all already dead.

If Jabir is unable to offer something interesting to get Liu Yang's attention, he will listen to others' offers.

"Allston, the slaves are allowed to participate, but they will be counted as participants and will occupy a spot. It is rare to find a slave participating because they are not very strong, at least not in this region. The slave market sells warrior slaves, but they are very expensive and coveted by all nobles and wealthy families"

"I see ..." Liu Yang was not surprised by those words. He figured that would be the case.

"Allston, do you want to put a slave to fight?" Jabir was surprised to hear that. He rarely saw a slave fighting in War Games.

"Yes. They are strong, I can guarantee" Liu Yang commented vaguely.

"Allston, this is not something that I can decide. My father is looking for people for the War Game, I can't decide something like that"

"I see If my slaves cannot participate, there is no problem. But my price is a little high." Liu Yang said arrogantly. He was serious about this.

At level 50 there was no one with the same status as him. That is, he was invincible at the current level.

Level suppression reduced 150 levels, 180 points from his attribute points, and 15 skill points, all at random. Fortunately, Liu Yang still had some skill points left, so he didn't have a lot of problems.

"Allston, are gold coins or slaves not good rewards for you?" Jabir realized that Liu Yang was being too arrogant to speak like that. He made it look like he was stronger than the rest. 

Jabir thought about the events during the night. When Liu Yang fought the nocturnal creatures. He understood that Liu Yang deserved to be arrogant.

How many people did Jabir see in his life who did the same thing as Liu Yang? None.

This was the first time he had met someone with the courage to face large numbers of nocturnal creatures alone and still survive.

"I don't care much for gold coins and slaves, I can easily achieve both. You must have noticed, right?"

"Yes. With your power, you only need to go to an Adventurer Agency to take dangerous missions that pay very well. Slaves can be bought in the slave market" Jabir understood that Liu Yang's goal was not money or women, but what did he want?

(What else does this guy want? A title of nobility? No, he doesn't have a noble aura or those who aspire to be noble. He must want something else. Equipment? So far, I've only seen him wearing casual clothes, so he doesn't want it too. Properties? He seems to be a traveler who likes to explore the world, someone like him wouldn't want a property. What does he want?) Jabir was thinking about what Liu Yang wanted, but he couldn't find one answer because of Liu Yang's causal behavior.

"Jabir, you seem to be trying to find out what I really want, but you can't do it, right?" Liu Yang saw his strained look.

"Yes. Allston, I really don't know what you're looking for." He admitted.

"What I want is a property. It doesn't matter if it's small or big." Liu Yang spoke.

"A property? Allston, do you want to be a noble?" Jabir thought that was strange.

Liu Yang's aura and behavior were very different from those of a nobleman. Even orcs with titles of nobility were more refined than Liu Yang and his casual behavior.

"I don't intend to be a nobleman. I just want a property so I can rest my group without having to go to hotels." Liu Yang replied. He already had a title of nobility, even though he never used it before. 

"I see Allston, I cannot guarantee that my father can pay you with the property. We may be an influential noble family in this region, but we are still weak compared to others from families in the most powerful cities.

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