TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 337: Liu Yang x Queen of Blades (2)

Chapter 337: Liu Yang x Queen of Blades (2)

The Queen of Blades didn't even give Liu Yang time to prepare, the instant the match started, she attacked without hesitation.

Slash!!!!! Clang !!!!!!!!!!!

The sound of metal colliding with metal was heard when the sword sliced through Liu Yang's back. His clothes were torn by the violent cut, but underneath there was a thin layer of steel, that was a special shirt made of steel.

Although not as strong as steel armor, the shirt was strong enough to endure the Queen of Blades' sword slash.

Adding to the fact that she was a meter away from Liu Yang, her status was reduced by ten percent. This weakened her cut.


The Queen of Blades did not stop her attack, in the air, she turned her body and kicked with the blade that came out of her steel boot.

But this time, Liu Yang didn't let it hit him, he raised his sword quickly and blocked her attack.

Clang !!!!

The sound of metal colliding with metal echoed when the two blades hit hard.

Poff ...

To avoid being attacked by Liu Yang, the Queen of Blades used the energy of the collision to push her body back and away from her opponent. She fell to the ground four meters away from Liu Yang.

Because of the large number of points in the agility attribute, the Queen of Blades' body is very light.

"Whoaaa !!!!!!!"

The crowd screamed with madness after the first exchange of attacks.

The speed advantage was clear as day, but Liu Yang had an advantage in terms of strength and vitality. He didn't move an inch when he received two attacks from the Queen of Blades.

"..." The two looked at each other silently. 

The Queen of Blades gripped both swords tightly before attacking again.

Shuooooo !!!

Her legs shine brightly before she disappears.

"!!!!!!" Liu Yang saw this scene and got more serious. He understood that his opponent's speed is much faster than his many times and the only way he can win is to hold on until she gets tired.

The problem is that he can take it until the end.


The cut sound was heard again, but this time, it was on his side.

"Impact" Liu Yang didn't think twice and activated his skill.

Booooooom !!!!!

He stomped on the ground and broke the stone blocks below him.

The impact was so strong that it lifted a lot of debris upwards.

"!!!!!!!!!!!" The Queen of Blades was indirectly affected by Liu Yang's attack.

The speed of her sword body was reduced slightly and he had time to react.

Liu Yang turned his body and attacked using all his strength with the sword towards his opponent's neck, she raised the other sword to block the attack.

Clang !!!!

The two swords clash, but Liu Yang was better. His strength attribute is much higher than her.

The sword in the right hand of the Queen of Blades fell to the ground due to the impact, she could not stand the shock, her hand was shaking and numb.

The Queen of Blades is a skilled assassin, but her strength is still lacking if she wants to have a face to face confrontation against Liu Yang. Her only way to win the fight is by attacking his weaknesses.

Unfortunately for her, Liu Yang protected the most vulnerable points of his body with steel armor. Thus, she could only beat him by attacking the other unprotected locations.

ZZzzzzzzz !!!!

Her body disappeared again, but this time, something different happened.

The sound of the wind being broken was not heard, a different sound echoed when the Queen of Blades disappeared.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Liu Yang was startled to see this scene, he didn't know what skill that was. He has never seen anything like this before.


The cut sound echoed behind Liu Yang, but he didn't have time to react and was cut.

"Arg ..." The cut site was his thigh, as this place was not protected by the armor. The cut was deep and bloody, but not enough to cut his bone.

At the same time, he felt a slight burning at the wound site.

(This is poison !!! This woman has poison in swords, but you are really unlucky to find me. I am immune to poisons, but I hope this poison is not very powerful, if not, I will have to use my points of skills to level my immunity poison skill.) Liu Yang will pretend he was having trouble handling the poison.

The problem is that Liu Yang doesn't know what kind of poison the Queen of Blades is using, it can hinder his performance and have his plan revealed.

"!!!!!!!!!!!" She was shocked to see Liu Yang trying to get up even after being hit by her poison.

"Whoooooooaaaaaaaa !!!!!!" It wasn't just her, but the whole crowd, no one believed that Liu Yang was still moving after being hit by the poison.

"This is amazing!!!!!!!! That Mr. Smile must have some ability that resists the poison !!!!"

"This is normal to happen. Did you forget that he also has skills that use poison? Only an idiot who uses poison has no skill to resist the poison!!"

"But the poison used by the Queen of Blades can make a person's power go numb for several months. This poison is extremely powerful. Unless Mr. Smile had a rare skill to improve his resistance to the poison, he can't endure this long."

"Or he may have an antidote in his mouth, did you forget that in the previous fighting competition, the Queen of Blades found an opponent who had an antidote in his mouth and managed to neutralize part of the poison's effects?"

"This Mr. Smile must have been sent by a nobleman who knows the battle characteristics of the Queen of Blades. He must already have plans for the other competitors "

Many comments about Liu Yang putting up with the Queen of Blades' poison echoed through the arena. Many were surprised, but others were not.

Similar scenes have been seen in previous fights, but it was still surprising to see someone endure the effects of her poison for so long.

When the screams were heard by Liu Yang, he was very excited and continued to show difficulties in standing. He understood that the Queen of Blades poison was like a sleeping pill or paralyzing poison, but he did not know whether there were other effects or not.

Zzzzzzzzzzz ...


The Queen of Blades disappeared again and the cutting sound was heard, but this time, it was on Liu Yang's other thigh. It will increase the amount of poison in his body, but it will be so easy for her to do it without any fight back by Liu Yang.

"Arg ..." Liu Yang just made sounds of pain under the mask, but he continued to pretend to be in trouble.


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