TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 323: The Elimination Stage

Chapter 323: The Elimination Stage

"The rest is over !!! The fights will start !!!! " Grum, the Impartial Judge, announced.

A half-hour has passed. The life and death fight will begin.

"I will explain the rules to those who don't know !!! The competition allows the use of weapons, so any weapon can be used. In this competition, all participants are between levels 150 and 200, so if you want to give up, now is the time. When you go up to the arena, you may not have a chance to give up" Grum, the Impartial Judge, spoke solemnly to everyone. He's seen all kinds of scenes before.

"..." Nobody dared to give up. They have already paid a hundred crystals to sign up.

If any of them give up, it will be a big loss. Even if they have a chance to die in the arena, they will not give up easily.

"As there is no withdrawal, I will start the elimination round. Due to a large number of participants, we will have several rounds in the elimination stage. We have a total of 2348 participants, we will have several elimination steps to reduce the participants to 100. But because the division between the participants is impossible. Each participant who passes the fourth part of the elimination stage, but fails in the fifth, that person will be able to choose one of us as opponents. Those who succeed in defeating us can move forward."


Grum, the Impartial Judge, snapped his fingers and they were all divided into ten smaller groups. This was the division so that each group can use a hundred arenas at once.

The members of these groups will fight each other for a few rounds. But there were groups with more members than others because it was not possible to divide correctly to have the same number of participants.

"The draw to decide who your opponents will be will start. The previous draw was just for you to choose a random number, that number will be used to decide who your opponents are. But as everyone is divided into different groups, your opponent will not be number one more or less, your opponent will be a random number."


He snapped his finger again. A projection appeared in front of the groups.

The projection was the fight division. Number 01 will fight number 2249. The division of groups and opponents was random.

"The fights will start. The first hundred fights will happen at the same time. Competitors can go to arenas. Those who will not fight in the first round need to move away. If any of you are twenty meters away from the arena, I will disqualify whoever does this" Grum, the Impartial Judge announced.

The projection changed and showed who was the first to fight and which arena they should go to.

Participants walked to the fighting arenas while the rest of the participants watched from afar.

Liu Yang was in the crowd looking at the other fights, he already knows his opponent's number, but he doesn't remember who he is. Because of the large number of people in the place, he had no time to look at everyone during the moment of picking up the number.

(Looking at these fights will show me some interesting things about the tournament.) Liu Yang thought. He only heard stories about the fights inside the coliseum, but seeing is a whole different thing.

"Counting will start. Prepare yourselves!!!" Grum, the Impartial Judge, announced. He was not one of the judges who will look at one of the arenas, he will only look at the general scene.

Participants took off their weapons and armor. Like a fight to the death, they need to be well equipped to fight.

A count appeared in the middle of each arena.

3 ...

Participants look at their opponents with solemn glances. Nobody knows anyone, so knowing the level of power on the other side is almost impossible without having the right skills.


The weapons were tightened tightly. A little sweat runs down the faces of the participants in the hundred arenas.

It would be a lie if they weren't a little nervous.


The solemn look became cold. They understand that they must kill, or they will be killed by the opponent.

GO !!!!!!!!

"Ahhhhh !!!!!!!!!" Everyone screams at the same time.

Stomp !!!!!!!!!!!

The most hurried ones stomp on the ground and fiercely charge towards their opponents. Their weapons shine brightly with the activation of skills.

"Deep cut!!!!"

"Powerful Blade !!!!"

"Fiery Explosion !!!!"

Hundreds of skills shine in the arena, the most surprising is that some people used magic among the participants. This took many by surprise.

Booooooom !!!!!! Booooooom !!!!!! Booooooom !!!!!!

Clang !!!!!!! Clang !!!!!!! Clang !!!!!!!

Crack !!!!!!!! Crack !!!!!!!! Crack !!!!!!!!

Hundreds of different sounds when the skills clash with other skills.

The spells had more powerful effects and exploded the opponents' bodies.

"Arggg !!!!!!!"

"Arggg !!!!!!!"

"Arggg !!!!!!!"

Hundreds of cries of pain are heard.

Many participants were killed in the first attack while others survived to attack a second time.

The fights were being very one-sided because those at level 200 slaughter those who were between levels 150-180.

Participants from level 180 to 200 still manage to survive, unless the opponent is a magician. Wizards destroy their bodies with quick spells and none of them can defend themselves.

"I quit!!!!"

"I quit!!!!"

"I quit!!!!"

Some shouts of withdrawal echo through the place. These people were the ones who managed to survive the first attack. They were lucky not to be killed like many others.

Booooooom !!!!!!!!!! Booooooom !!!!!!!!!! Booooooom !!!!!!!!!!

Explosions are heard in the arenas where the participants gave up, their opponents continued to attack without caring for the group.

Fortunately, Grum, the Impartial Judge, acted on the moment they cried. He created barriers and protected those who gave up.

"Those who have given up can leave the arena and go. Winners can go that way. The next round of fights will start in a minute" He announced.

The living participants went out and left the dead bodies in the arena.


Grum, the Impartial Judge, snapped his finger and these bodies were burned to ash and blown by the wind.

The arenas have been cleaned and ready to be used again.


The projection appeared again and the next fighters were selected.

Most rounds of fights last less than a minute because of the disparity between the participants, but there are also fights that last a few minutes when both sides are level.

The fights went on without a problem. Many deaths happened and nobody cared about it.

The dropouts can only taste the bitter taste of defeat and leave the place. They had no other chance to compete unless they paid the entry fee again.

"This will be the last round of the first elimination stage." Grum, the Impartial Judge, announced.

After several rounds of fighting, Liu Yang's turn finally came.

His opponent is a man of earth-type elemental spirit race called Earth Fury. His body was like a normal person, but it was covered in dirty soil along with his steel armor.

Two steel swords were already in his hand. His solemn and cold gaze was trying to discover information about Liu Yang.

3 2 1 GO !!!!!!!!!!!

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