TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 315: The Iron Sword and The Tooth Dagger

Chapter 315: The Iron Sword and The Tooth Dagger

This scene surprised everyone, no one understood why Valkyrie Luna stopped trying to attack Liu Yang when Lida raised her hand.

Many people in the place know about the Ten Valkyries, only a few people in the place know about Lida, but what they know is very little.

The information about Lida is a mystery. Apart from her name and that she was from another world, there is no more information about her.

It was not difficult to discover that she is from another world because she met some people, who saw her on the bridge before entering the wooden hut to reach the Dark Continent in the Waetor Kingdom. She was recognized immediately by them.

But after a while, she was taken to the empress' royal palace. No one else knew what happened to Lida after that event.

So it was a great surprise to see that one of the Valkyries was listening to Lida's orders.

Tianna and Verona were scared by Liu Yang's crazy action, they thought he was joking or something. For it was very crazy that he gave a frozen fruit and an old piece of cloth to Lida, whose status was unknown, but it was possible to see that she was influential enough to prevent Valkyrie Luna from attacking Liu Yang.

(The young master must be someone with an extremely powerful and influential background. My feminine instinct says that he knows the silver-haired young woman) They both had that thought.

Liu Yang handing two random things to Lida and her preventing him from being attacked was proof of that.

The female instincts of the two women were correct.

It wasn't just the two women who noticed this, many others at the scene also realized that there was something wrong with Liu Yang's action.

No one is stupid to want to offend one of the Ten Valkyries and offend the Empress of Waetor Kingdom.

So there was only one explanation for that. The two know each other.

"Human, you're lucky" Valkyrie Luna spoke coldly. She was of the demon race, so it was normal for her to refer to Liu Yang as human.

Liu Yang just ignored her and focused on Lida, she was opening the folded old cloth to see what was written.

"I hope I can find you again. I traded the sword for your toothed dagger "These were the words written on the old cloth.

Lida read what was written on the old cloth and closed it again. Many kinds of emotions arose in her heart at that time. Memories about the time she spent on that roof and abandoned house came to mind. She never forgot those moments.

Liu Yang was the person who helped her that day, otherwise, she would have died of hunger on top of the roof after eating the fruit with sleeping effects.

The toothed dagger was also one of the most powerful weapons she had in those difficult days along with the extra points she received after she received something for the kiss. 

As Liu Yang feels a lot of gratitude to her, Lida feels the same way about Liu Yang. The two do not know each other's thoughts and feelings.

Valkyrie Luna felt the changes in Lida's behavior, which was very subtle, but she still managed to notice.

(Who is this young man ??? How did he manage to bring so many changes to her??? I thought a cold woman like Lida had no person on her mind, but it seems that I was mistaken) Valkyrie Luna thought. She has known Lida for many years, but she has never seen Lida show any kind of emotion or anything like that.

"Do you have anything interesting to trade with me?" Lida Aoi spoke in a cold tone, but it was possible to feel many kinds of emotions in her voice.

"Miss, I only have this to offer" Liu Yang took out a sword. He was happy to hear Lida's words about the trade.

This proves that she still remembers him and the sword.

The sword was made entirely of iron and was inside a leather sheath.

(An ordinary sword? Is he playing with it?) Everyone thought it was some kind of Liu Yang joke.

The sword shown by him was extremely common and nothing special. Even weaponry experts saw the sword as something that only poor people use.

Many kinds of laughter and sarcastic comments echoed through the hall, but none of them dared to speak out because Lida showed no discontent at seeing the common sword. This surprised everyone.

When the sword was removed from its sheath, the clean blade is shown.

The sword is what everyone thinks, an ordinary sword with no value whatsoever.

But the sword's value was not the power or rarity, but the emotional value it had. The sword was a great memory for Liu Yang and Lida.

Thousands of emotions arose in Lida's heart again. She almost wept with joy when she saw the sword again.

Liu Yang took good care of the sword to prevent it from rusting or breaking.

(So the rumors are true !!! Lida really has a person inside her heart !!!) Valkyrie Luna confirmed her thoughts. She had heard some rumors about Lida before, but she didn't think it was true.

"Miss, do you have anything to trade?" Liu Yang asked.

"That's the only thing I have to offer" Lida stabilized her emotions and took out a dagger in a sheath. She took it out and the dagger was shown.

The dagger appeared to be a large tooth, but it was also very common.

(A tooth? Is that a weapon?) Everyone was surprised to see that Lida took out something of low quality like that giant tooth.

Experts see that the tooth-shaped dagger was also very common.

Liu Yang showed a warm smile when he saw the tooth. The item was the same as before.

During his stay in the initial village, the toothed dagger helped him a lot to deal with the zombies.

"Miss, do you accept the trade?" Liu Yang asked.

Lida closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She needed to calm down after the things that happened just now.

"Not. I refuse" Lida returned the sword, the old cloth, and the frozen fruit to Liu Yang. She would not return the toothed dagger to him. This was her greatest treasure.

"I see ... This is not a problem" Liu Yang put the sword away again.

"Take it" Lida wrote some things on a piece of cloth before folding it and handing it to Liu Yang.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" This scene shocked everyone in the place.

Lida's action was a public statement that she had some relationship with Liu Yang. No woman delivers a note in a scented cloth for no reason.

He didn't read what was written, or rather, he didn't need to read it. Liu Yang just put the cloth away and smiled.

"Luna, are you finished eating?" Lida asked her friend.

"Yes." Valkyrie Luna stayed eating while the two were talking.

"Pay for the food. We are leaving"

"Yes. Here is the money for all the food "The pair left shortly thereafter.

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