TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 269: Unknown identity

Chapter 269: Unknown identity


After the new bid, the other side was silent.

"Who do you think will win this item?"

"It's hard to say. We can't see who are the nobles inside those rooms."

"Voices are also a little difficult to identify"

Those who were seated in the normal chairs began to comment on who the two nobles who were in the dispute for the five energy spheres were. But it was difficult because nobody can see their faces.

"I pay fifteen thousand creature crystals" The voice echoed again.

"Sixteen thousand creature crystals" The other spoke at once.

"..." Everyone could feel that the atmosphere started to get tense.

The other person was clearly trying to irritate the first possible buyer by increasing the values by just a thousand crystals.

"Who are you? If you dare, show your face!!!" An arrogant and authoritative voice echoed through the auditorium.

The VIP room window was opened and a group of people was shown. The group was formed by young people and adults, most of them were nobles and some were slaves or servants. In front of the group was a handsome young man with an extremely irritated face.

People who had many contacts recognized the young man standing in front of the group.

"Isn't that the young King? A member of the Prescott family? I heard rumors that a woman who is related to his family became the lover of one of the Temore Kingdom royal family's princes. That's true?" Someone commented.

"This is true. If my memory is not failing, the woman who became the prince's lover is the daughter of a distant cousin to the leader of the Prescott family. I think the young woman's family name was Luthy, they are a middle-class noble family from a small town called Merton City. The influence of the Luthy family was high because of this marriage, but the leader of the Luthy family had the worst suffering, his influence became almost zero because the father of the young woman received more benefits since his daughter is the lover of the prince" One of the people who know the story commented.

"Ohhh This is interesting As the two families have some relationship, the Prescott family uses some of the influence of the Luthy family to pressure their rivals. Having someone from the royal family as support is no small thing."

"Things are getting interesting. I am curious to know who is the other person who is fighting with King to buy the energy crystals"

Many private conversations echo through the auditorium again. Those who know information about King begin to tell others about him.

The biggest curiosity is about the other person in the dispute for the item. Since the window is still closed, no one can see that person.

"If you are a real noble, show your face!!!" King spoke again. His tone remains arrogant and authoritative.

"Why should I show my face? We are at an auction and I don't want others to know who bought the stuff" A sarcastic voice echoed from the other window. This person was clearly mocking King.

"!!!!!!!!!!" The sarcastic words shocked everyone in the common chairs. None of them imagined that this person would have the courage to humiliate someone who has the royal family's support.

The only thought is that this person is also very influential. But who is he?

"You!!! You must be just a low-class nobleman who doesn't have the courage to show yourself. If you don't have the courage to show your face, you shouldn't even bid." King was very angry.

The other side was purposely making things difficult for him.

Before, he was not as arrogant and rampant as he is now, but after a distant relative gained a lot of influence. His family made some connections with the Luthy family to gain some influence as well. Otherwise, King would not act with such arrogance and authority.

"I don't need the courage to win at an auction. I just need money." The other side scoffed again.

What he said is true. An auction is a wealth competition where the richest will win. Whoever offers the most money will be the winner. That's simple.

"..." People in the common chairs started to become more curious about the identity of the mysterious person inside the VIP room.

The auction organizers, Marsh Group, know who the people inside the VIP rooms are, but because of the reliability and confidentiality, they cannot comment on that. Because this can damage the Marsh Group's reputation and credibility, at the same time, customer confidence may be lost. 

If something like that happens, it will be very bad for business.

"Auctioneer, can you announce the count? Since the other customer is not bidding, you can declare the winner, right?" The voice echoed in the VIP room again. He was clearly showing disdain for King.

"Ladies and gentlemen, does anyone give more?" Talbot announced. He was letting the two of them talk for a while, but he couldn't ignore his work as an auctioneer.

Because of the peculiar situation, everyone thought that the auctioneer was on the side of the mysterious person. Even though he's doing his job.

"I offer twenty thousand creature crystals!!!" King spoke. He was already very angry and spoke a figure without thinking too much.

"!!!!!" The value surprised everyone at the site because it is much more than the real value of energy crystals.

(This guy is crazy to offer twenty thousand crystals. Obviously, these things are only worth a maximum of ten or fifteen thousand crystals. To offer more than that is a loss) Those who were used to buying things at auctions and special stores inside the mine had that thought. They've seen all kinds of items in stores in the city, so they were almost experts at seeing the value of items sold in stores.

Unless it is a new item, they will be able to estimate an approximate value.

"..." The mysterious person did not speak this time, he was silent.

A few seconds later ...

"Does anyone give more?" Talbot let a few seconds pass to see if anyone was interested in continuing with the moves, but since no one did, he started counting.

"Going once Going twice Sold to the customer of the VIP room number XXX. Dear customer, we thank the dear customer for the purchase" Talbot was very happy with the amount received for the sale of the crystals.

The Marsh Group earned much more than planned.

King clenched his fists very hard, his fingernails cut the skin on his hand and some blood was running. His teeth were clenched and a hateful look appeared on his face. He was clearly humiliated in front of everyone else by someone unknown.

But the only thing he could do at the moment is to take it, because he has to respect the local rules.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the next item to be auctioned will be this one" Talbot nodded to the next young woman.

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