TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 181: Returning to the city

Chapter 181: Returning to the city

"Young master, I can see the city again !!" Tessa looked at the big image of the city in the carriage. She was happy to return to Silkhall City again.

"Yes. I can see it too. I'm already looking forward to being able to sleep in a room again." Liu Yang commented. He thought the little girl's behavior was funny.

"Young master, what do you think will happen when we get back? Will the nobles try to kill us again?" Nancy asked worriedly. She doesn't know if the nobles still had plans to deal with them. 

"I don't know. We were gone for a little over a year, so it's hard to know." Liu Yang doesn't know whether the nobles will try to do anything against him again or not. He just knows he needs to be careful.

"Young master, where are we going to stay this time? Will we go back to the mansion or will we go to some hotel?"

"Hotel. We are going to a hotel this time. The mansion is already destroyed and I haven't fixed it yet."

The group traveled towards Silkhall City calmly and casually. They were enjoying the scenery and the cold wind on their faces.

Liu Yang and his group stayed out of Silkhall City for about a year and six months. They used it all this time to train and learn new things.

The women in the Free Flowers group had a little fear of becoming slaves to Liu Yang, as they think they will be treated as objects by him. But as time went on, they discovered that Liu Yang was not a bad person and always treated them very well.

Besides, he never forced them to do anything. This improved the image of him in their minds and hearts.

Thus, women began to train with more enthusiasm. Sometimes they also do activities with him in bed as a form of reward and rest, some women per day. All of them have not done this for several years and having a partner at those times was a great relief.

Especially when Liu Yang became a beast and did not even take it anymore. Women were fully sexually satisfied. Overall, they were happy to become slaves to Liu Yang.

Although they spend a lot of time training inside the housing dwelling. Sara trained them in the best possible way and with her knowledge of military training.

The women's group only began to fight slimes after six months of intense training within the dwelling ring. Sara pressed them until they couldn't take it anymore.

Often, women wanted to give up, but when they thought about their new life, they refused to give up. They have become slaves now, they cannot give up without their master's authorization. Besides, Liu Yang was taking good care of them.

They had delicious foods and a comfortable bed to sleep on every day. This is something they haven't had for many years. Why will they give up on this because of training? They weren't going to die or anything, so giving up was not an option.

Sara's training with them was not only physical but also cooperative. As a large group, they need to be coordinated. Military training served this purpose.

After six months of training within the dwelling ring, Liu Yang had them undergo hellish training against slimes. The women were already used to fighting slimes and knew its weaknesses, but as their weapons were of low quality, they had great difficulties.

Liu Yang gave some weapons for them to fight, this greatly increased the efficiency of the fight. For their weapons were of high quality, even if it had no effect.

The real combat training with the slimes lasted more than twenty hours, they fought in the morning and at night. This was to increase their survival instincts and break their limits. This training lasted another six months.

The six months of training were dangerous and deadly, many women almost died from it. They didn't die because Liu Yang was already prepared to help, but he couldn't always help, so they had to take care of themselves.

With each passing day, women grew stronger and coordination during fights also improved. This shocked them because they don't know how much improvement there was. They made the right choice.

To improve his image in front of women, Liu Yang fights hordes of nocturnal creatures alone to show his power. The women were impressed and scared to see this scene. It was unbelievable and insane to see.

Women began to fall one by one by Liu Yang. They had no more complaints about him. He had enough power and influence to be their master.

Some women were more arrogant, but they surrendered to him in bed when the time came. During training, they were like wild tigresses, but in bed, they became harmless little kittens.

Overall, Liu Yang has achieved his goal of getting women to accept their new status.

The biggest problem now was Liu Yang. As he had so many slaves, the experience he gained became much less than before. That is, he needs to defeat an insane amount of creatures to level once.

But he didn't care about that, as he managed to assemble a powerful group to help him. That exchange was worth it.

After six months of infernal training, the group rested for a whole month inside the cave inside the mountain. They did nothing but sex for the entire month. That was the reward for women.

Liu Yang did this because that was the women's request. He accepted without thinking twice.

The other women in Liu Yang's group did not stand still, they also trained during that time, but they did different things. They had their own method of training.

For the next five months, the group traveled through the forest to the Kal Thieves Group hideout.

Liu Yang left the women and asked the women to invade the hideout as a form of training. He wanted to see the results of a fight against other people and not creatures.

The fight was not difficult, the problem was only the two leaders of the group. They were the strongest and the most difficult to deal with. Fortunately, the women's group had Sara, Adina, Leone, Devona and Della. The other three women were the other strongest members of the other two factions in the Free Flowers group.

At first, the three groups had some problems because of the complaints. Sara had some difficulties to resolve this, but in the end, she succeeded.

The group of women were at level 50, their equipment and skills were better than those of the Kal bandits. Thus, the battle was one-sided.

They massacred all the men in the group, as they were the ones who raped the women. The slaves in hiding were freed and Sara incorporated them into the group as a new small squad.

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