TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 175: I want to see your power

Chapter 175: I want to see your power

The women, who already intended to become slaves to Liu Yang, have already followed him without any hesitation. They owed him their life, even though Liu Yang refused before, they wanted to have the chance to ask to be his slaves again.

Sara's faithful subordinates hesitated a little, but it didn't take long for them to do the same thing. Half had left while the rest were in the center of the small village.

"Did you decide to stay?" Sara looked at the other women in the room.

"Leader, before I decide. I want to ask you something" One of them spoke up.

"You can ask"

"Leader, why did you decide to leave the group? This is very sudden. Is it because of that man? Why didn't he come earlier to pick you up?"

"Yes. I'm leaving because of him, but also because I want to continue my journey through the Temore Kingdom, he has the ability to help me, besides, he is already a very influential nobleman. I've been in the group for a long time and it's time to leave" Sara said about why she wanted to leave.

Since her previous goal was to leave the initial village to explore the continent, Sara did part of that, but she stayed with the Free Flowers group sometime after she arrived. So she was unable to explore the Temore Kingdom, much less the Xinia Continent.

Liu Yang's arrival was a good time, as she can now leave the forest and continue her journey through the kingdom. But to do that, she would have to leave her companions behind.

If possible, she would like to take them together. These women had a hard life and were always for their lives. So, if they had more time to enjoy their lives, Sara would prefer it to happen.

Sara had confidence in Liu Yang. As he managed to become a powerful noble in such a short time, he had certainly capable abilities.

"..." The women did not comment on Sara's words but were only thinking about the matter.

"Leader, why do you think he is a powerful nobleman? He may be lying to you"

"He's my man, so it's only natural that I trust him. Besides, he showed me irrefutable proof that he is a nobleman from a very powerful and wealthy city" Sara saw the scroll with the Thorp family stamp.

It was proof that Liu Yang was a Gold-Minner City nobleman.

"I see ... He won't treat our mates unfairly, right?"

That was the question that attracted everyone's attention. It didn't matter whether Liu Yang was a noble or not, what matters for women is whether Liu Yang will take good care of them and treat them fairly.

"He will treat everyone fairly. If you don't believe it, you can ask the women he released before. Why do you think they want to be his slaves so willingly? They know that he will take better care of them and they will have a good life and do not need to stay up every day thinking about how they will survive another day. Not everything is wonderful, it also has its problems. But this is better than being inside this forest for fear of being killed by another group" Sara spoke her opinion honestly about Liu Yang.

To emphasize her words, she used the women he set free as an example. They seemed to be fanatical about him and wanted to be his slaves anyway.

The reason for this was the scenes they had seen before. When Liu Yang massacred the thugs on the spot, they saw that Liu Yang's women had expensive clothes, well-fed, and in good health. They were also quite powerful. This shows that he takes good care of his slaves.

For those who were weak and did not have many prospects for life, being a slave to someone like him was better than living a bad life. Because at least, they would have some purpose in life.

The women Liu Yang released did not have many dreams or things like that, they were wandering people with no home or place to return. They live life on their own without anyone's rules. But the dangers they face are also very great.

At any time, they can be ambushed by some group of strangers and can be killed or become slaves to be sold in slave markets.

This does not happen only with women, many men also go through this same situation. Every day, scenes like this happen across the Xinia Continent.

"Leader, I will believe your words. I accept the submission and follow him." Some women decided to follow Liu Yang after hearing Sara's words. They also went to Sara's home to meet Liu Yang.

Only a small number of women remained at the site, about seven women, they would not easily accept this.

"Leader, I would like to test his power. I don't want to submit to someone weaker than me" One of them commented. The others agreed with that.

As a warrior, she will only submit to someone stronger than herself.

"You can settle this matter with him when he leaves my house"

It didn't take long for Liu Yang to leave Sara's house, but he was left alone and no other women could be seen. They were sent into the dwelling ring.

Liu Yang used the power of Heidi and Lilaris to make them sleep, he marked them as slaves and put them inside the ring. They will receive instructions from other women when they wake up.

"Where are other members at?" Sara asked. She was unaware of the existence of the dwelling ring.

"I sent them to a more secure location. They are sleeping." Liu Yang commented vaguely.

"..." The women did not comment on Liu Yang's words, but they were curious about where he took the women inside the house.

About twenty-five women agreed to become slaves to Liu Yang. This amount was not small.

"Do you have anything to discuss with me?"

"Yes. I want to test your power. If you show me that you're as strong as our leader says. I accept to submit to you as a slave and you can use me in bed as you wish" The woman swore.

"I see ... Do you also think the same way?"


"No problem, but you don't have to force yourself to serve me in bed. You can do this when you feel like sleeping with me, I will not force you to do this" Liu Yang did not need to force his women to sleep with him. He already had several beautiful women who like to do this, so there was no problem with that.

"..." The women were thoughtful about Liu Yang's words. This shows that he did not have much desire in their bodies.

"How do you want to fight?" Liu Yang interrupted their thoughts with a difficult question.

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