Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 271

Chapter 271

Even as Antalion dismantled one Hellgate magic circle, the completion of four other Hellgate magic circles resulted in the simultaneous opening of four Hellgates across four distinct territories. Subsequently, the Demon Gods legions commenced their summoning through these newly activated Hellgates.

The Wind High Elves and the Earth High Elves, through their connection with the spirits, belatedly ascertained the creation of Hellgates in two territories. Swiftly, they relayed this critical information to Mu-Gun and Antalion.

Upon receiving this information, Mu-Gun deduced that the Demon God aimed to concentrate the opening of Hellgates around the Albion Kingdom. Consequently, he surmised that beyond the two locations identified by the spirits, there might be other sites where Hellgates had been initiated.

Mu-Gun promptly issued commands for further searches and hurriedly made his way to the Albion Kingdom. Simultaneously, he urged the Dragons overseeing other kingdoms to provide immediate support to the Albion Kingdom. Following this, he directed Antalion and the assigned personnel overseeing the Albion Kingdom to stand by until he and the other Dragons arrived to reinforce them.

Despite the possibility of encountering high-ranked demons, Antalion considered the relatively recent opening of the Hellgates. He reasoned that, with the limited time since their summoning, the number of demons present would likely be sparse. Confident in his ability to handle a single Hellgate on his own, he held a divergent perspective on the situation.

Defying Mu-Guns instructions, Antalion proceeded independently. In contrast, the High Elves, the Avalon Knights, and the Yupir Churchs paladins adhered faithfully to Mu-Guns commands. Antalion, upon reaching the closest territory with an opened Hellgate, verified the presence of the Hellgate and assessed the number of summoned demons. There were slightly over a hundred and fifty demons, all sporting black wingsa clear indication of their high-ranking status.

Antalion found himself hesitating, unable to launch an immediate attack. The superior demons wielded power akin to that of a Grand Master. Regardless of a Dragon's formidable strength, dealing with a hundred and fifty Grand Master Rank demons simultaneously presented a formidable challenge. Moreover, Legion Commanders possessed demonic divinity, which could counter the Dragons divinity, adding another layer of concern to the situation.

Antalion faced the potential peril of being overwhelmed if the Legion Commander and high-ranked demons converged on him simultaneously. From a rational standpoint, retreat seemed a reasonable choice. Nevertheless, Antalion resisted yielding to Mu-Gun's orders. In Mu-Gun's shoes, he reckoned, there would be no withdrawal from such a predicament; instead, a fight would ensue.

Despite the looming danger, the prospect of retreating seemed to Antalion a compromise to the Dragons' dignity. Though others might not perceive it as such, this was Antalion's perspective. He resisted the idea of withdrawal, understanding it might be too audacious, but he aimed to demonstrate to Mu-Gun the strength and magnificence of the Dragons.

However, the primary reason for his restraint was that a last shred of rationality prevailed within him. The predicament arose when the demons became aware of his presence. Belial, the Legion Commander of the legion summoned through the Hellgate, detected Antalion's energy and swiftly ordered an attack upon ascertaining that Antalion was alone.

Over a hundred and fifty high-ranked demons swiftly took flight, encircling Antalion with speed. Antalion furrowed his brow and unfurled his expansive wings, conjuring a thunderstorm before him. Simultaneously, he utilized the resulting recoil to pivot his body, swinging his tail in a defensive maneuver.

The demons encircling Antalion from the front recoiled to evade the thunderstorm, conjuring a barrier of darkness to shield themselves. Simultaneously, those under assault from Antalion's tail retaliated by erecting a defensive shield of darkness.

Explosions erupted both from the front and rear as the demons obstructing Antalion's strikes were forcefully repelled. Simultaneously, numerous Dark Flame Spears descended from above Antalion. However, Antalion's assault did not reach all the demons, as those unaffected soared overhead and initiated a counterattack.

The downward-propelled Dark Flame Spears pelted Antalion's body, resulting in an explosive impact. However, the resilient scales covering Antalion's body prevented the spears from penetrating. Instead, they triggered the spread of dark flames throughout Antalion's form. These dark flames signified the purification of demonic qi, causing severe damage to anything they touched.

Antalion, too, experienced the infiltrating malevolence of the demonic qi within the dark flames, attempting to corrode his magical energy. Were it not for the protective divinity of the Dragon God Bracant, dispelling the demonic qi threatening to erode his magical energy would have posed a formidable challenge.

Thankful for the bestowed divinity from the Dragon God Bracant, Antalion harnessed its power to incinerate the demonic qi and quench the dark flames. Meanwhile, the demons enveloping Antalion simultaneously unleashed dozens of Dark Demonic Dragons in his direction.

Encompassed on all sides, Antalion found himself without any avenue for escape. As the Dark Demonic Dragons surged toward him, Antalion's colossal form became obscured amidst the countless dragons. A palpable threat to his life loomed. Innumerable Dark Demonic Dragons, estimated to be around a thousand, dominated the sky, leaving Antalion essentially powerless to thwart each one individually.

Nevertheless, Antalion pressed on, executing whatever he could muster. Unleashing Thunder Breaths at random and flapping his wings, he generated a thunderstorm. Those Dark Demonic Dragons ensnared in the tumultuous weather and assaulted by the Thunder Breaths succumbed to destruction. Regrettably, the number of vanquished dragons constituted less than a fifth of the total encircling Antalion.

Evading Antalion's counterattacks, the Dark Demonic Dragons closed in on his colossal form. In a desperate move, Antalion hastily activated the Absolute Defense Magic, enveloping his massive body in a shield of silver lightning. Almost immediately, the Dark Demonic Dragons descended upon the shield in unison, shrouding it with dark flames expelled by the dragons. Soon after, another wave of Dark Demonic Dragons collided with the already besieged shield.

The demonic qi within the dark flames began corroding the silver lightning shield, initiating a gradual erosion. Subsequently, as the Dark Demonic Dragons collided with the already compromised shield, it began to crack. The dragons intensified their assault, resulting in the ultimate destruction of the shield, which shattered like glass, dispersing in all directions.

Undeterred by the breached lightning shield, the Dark Demonic Dragons pressed on, crashing into Antalion's immense form. This collision triggered the ascent of dark flames and, subsequently, an explosion. However, Antalion's formidable scales, fortified by divine protection, remained impervious to the Dark Demonic Dragons, preventing their penetration.

Yet, while unable to breach the scales, the Dark Demonic Dragons ignited with dark flames. These flames began to melt Antalion's scales and seeped into his form, carrying with them the malevolent demonic qi. Simultaneously, Antalion's wings fell victim to the consuming flames.

Antalion, engulfed in the dark flames, summoned his divinity in a desperate bid to withstand the onslaught. However, the flames had become so pervasive that they proved challenging to contain. The gravest consequence manifested in the uncontrollable spread of dark flames across his wings. Unlike the rest of his body, Antalion's wings lacked the protective covering of scales. Consequently, his wings succumbed to the relentless burn, causing Antalion to lose balance in the sky. In a dire predicament, he began falling toward the ground, his wings compromised and unable to support his massive form.

As Antalion descended towards the ground, his fate seemingly sealed, the demons responded with another onslaught of Dark Demonic Dragons aimed at putting an end to him. Antalion, witnessing the incoming wave of dragons, felt the impending certainty of his demise. In his current state, enveloped in dark flames and hurtling toward the ground, it seemed impossible for him to thwart the impending assault by the Dark Demonic Dragons.

In the throes of regret for disregarding Mu-Gun's counsel, Antalion braced himself for the impending onslaught. Suddenly, a colossal wind giant swiftly approached the falling Dragon. This wind giant was none other than Nervatum, the Wind Spirit King. Mu-Gun, acting swiftly upon learning from the spirits that Antalion had taken matters into his own hands to obliterate the Hellgate, rushed to the scene. He arrived just in time to witness Antalion's descent, engulfed in dark flames.

Upon witnessing Antalion's perilous descent, Mu-Gun swiftly invoked the Wind Spirit King Nervatum to intervene and rescue the fallen Dragon. Responding to Mu-Gun's command, Nervatum promptly covered several kilometers in an accelerated flight, seizing Antalion mid-fall. Evading the Dark Demonic Dragons descending from above, Nervatum maneuvered sideways to secure both his and Antalion's safety.

Nervatum, grabbing Antalion who was much bigger than himself, cried out in horror as the dark flames spread to him,

-Damn it! Do something about the demonic qi flames!

Responding swiftly to Mu-Gun's call, Eladium materialized into the shape of an ice giant. She directed a frigid ice storm toward Antalion and Nervatum, both shrouded in dark flames. As the icy tempest swept over them, the dark flames were immediately extinguished. Meanwhile, Nervatum clung to Antalion, whose wings were now charred and tattered, gently guiding them back to the earth below.

After putting Antalion on the ground, he then said,

-Heal yourself.

There was a Dragon Tongue Magic capable of curing wounds at once. If Antalion used that magic, he would be able to heal his tattered wings in no time.

-Thank you.

Antalion thanked Nervatum.

-I am just following the orders of my contractor, so if you want to thank someone, thank my contractor.

Expressing his discontent, Nervatum shifted his gaze towards the Spirit Kings engaged in battle against the demons. High above, the Fire Spirit King Sarman and the Ice Spirit King Eladium were contending with the formidable high-ranked demons that filled the skies.

Upon Antalion's initial arrival at the scene, there were slightly over a hundred and fifty high-ranked demons. Yet, during the skirmish with Antalion, another wave of one hundred and fifty high-ranked demons had been summoned. This fresh horde was now launching an assault on Sarman and Eladium.

Sarman and Eladium were visibly being pushed back by the high-ranked demons. Nervatum immediately soared into the sky, joining the fight.

Suddenly, a huge explosion resonated from a different area. As Antalion directed his attention to the source, he observed the obliteration of the Hellgate, resulting in a catastrophic explosion that shredded the summoned demons in its wake.

While Antalion didn't directly witness the Hellgate's destruction, it was unmistakable that Mu-Gun was behind it. Following the Spirit Kings' intervention to rescue Antalion and contend with the high-ranked demons, Mu-Gun took the initiative to eliminate the Hellgate.

You bastard!

Unable to avert the collapse of the Hellgate, Belial, the Legion Commander, seethed with fury and lunged at Mu-Gun. In his wrath, he formed elongated tendrils of dark flames in both hands, launching a frenzied assault against Mu-Gun.

The dark flames swung like a ship's sail, aiming to pierce Mu-Gun. Yet, in an abrupt turn of events, the ground surged upward, intercepting the dark flames. The earth wall, however, succumbed to the onslaught and crumbled, allowing the dark flames to spread.

Mu-Gun, having anticipated the attack, had deftly withdrawn to a safer distance. Undeterred, Belial persisted in his pursuit, brandishing the dark flames anew. Despite his attempts, the dark flames found themselves thwarted once more by an earth barrier erected by Mu-Gun.

Shielded by the Earth Spirit King Nordic, Mu-Gun was protected from Belial's relentless onslaught of dark flames. As Belial took to the air, executing erratic attacks, Nordic skillfully manipulated the terrain, shifting Mu-Gun's position with finesse. Simultaneously, Nordic erected earth barriers, expertly deflecting every assault launched by Belial.

Nordic's prowess left Mu-Gun in awe once more. The Earth Spirit King's capacity to manipulate the ground seamlessly for both positional shifts and defensive barriers was truly impressive. Above all, Nordic's defense proved flawless in the face of Belial's relentless assaults.

Mu-Gun observed Belial's onslaught without the need to divert his attention to defense. The Legion Commander's attack, employing long whip-like dark flames in both hands, was so relentless and dense that finding a gap proved challenging.

Despite his superior power, Mu-Gun couldn't let go of his martial artist instincts. Observing Belial's movements, he endeavored to identify a small opening in the relentless assault. After scrutiny, Mu-Gun eventually pinpointed a minuscule gap in Belial's onslaught.

Without hesitation, Mu-Gun lunged forward. The Dragon Scale Divine Armor on his body pierced through the dark flames Belial wielded, effortlessly navigating through and rapidly closing in on the demon. Caught off guard, Belial attempted to withdraw, but Mu-Gun's swift hands outpaced his evasion.

Mu-Gun's hand, enlarged by the Dragon Scale Divine Armor he wore, firmly clasped Belial's head. Despite his obscured face, Belial fought back, swinging dark flames in an attempt to free himself from Mu-Gun's grip.

Mu-Gun conjured a surge of lightning, temporarily immobilizing Belial's nervous system. The arms that had been wielding dark flames dropped abruptly, bringing a halt to Belial's assault on Mu-Gun.

Having thwarted Belial's assault, Mu-Gun lifted Belial's face to meet his gaze, holding it firmly. Simultaneously, he reached out with his other hand, aiming for Belial's chest.

Mu-Gun's hand pierced Belial's chest, delving deep in search of his Demon Heart, tearing through flesh until he found and extracted it.


With a piercing scream, Belial, now devoid of his Demon Heart, slumped. The absence of this source of power meant the end of his very existence.

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