Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 260

Chapter 260

Mu-Gun stepped through the unlocked door into the Dragon Mountain Range. As he entered, the boundary door closed behind him.

Mu-Gun extended his senses to their utmost capacity, scanning the Dragon Mountain Range for any sign of a Dragon. Before long, a formidable energy surged towards him. It appeared as though something was hastening to investigate upon sensing the opening of Gods boundary.

There are three of them in total.

Three Dragons were closing in on Mu-Gun's location. The lore spoke of eleven Dragons confined within the Dragon Mountain Range. Given the Dragons' remarkably long lifespans, spanning thousands of years, it was highly likely that all eleven Dragons remained alive.

The presence of only three Dragons approaching could be attributed to the vast expanse of the Dragon Mountain Range. It was highly likely that the Dragons located relatively far away did not detect Gods boundary opening.

Mu-Gun felt a sense of relief. Dealing with a smaller number of Dragons in a potential battle was to his advantage. Moving cautiously within the Dragon Mountain Range, he patiently awaited the approaching Dragons.

At last, three Dragons appeared one after another before Mu-Gun. Soaring through the sky, each Dragon stood an imposing sixty meters tall, adorned with two long horns atop their heads and gleaming scales covering their entire bodies. The sight was nothing short of overwhelming.

The Dragons confronting Mu-Gun emitted a vibrant red glow. They were known to be the most violent among the Dragon speciesthe Red Dragons. Confirming the rumors, the three Red Dragons landed with a ferocious presence, causing the surrounding land to tremble under their colossal weight.

The smallest of the Red Dragons spotted Mu-Gun and spoke. Identified as Calderoon Red Draconia, it held the Dragon Title and boasted a staggering lifespan of over four thousand years,

-I wondered who had broken through Gods boundary, but its a human being, huh?

The Red Dragon that touched down before Mu-Gun detected his energy and spoke. Known as Calious Red Draconia, this Dragon held the title and had also surpassed the age of four thousand years,

-Looking at you, I can feel divinity from you. Seems like you are not a normal human being.

The Red Dragon, which landed on Mu-Guns right, added on to Calious words. Its name was Carcion Red Draconia, the chief of the Red Dragon clan,

-He is also a human being who possesses the Sky God Yupir and the Spirit God Vaharas divinity.

Calderoon blatantly displayed hostility and spoke,

-Hes a follower of the Gods who locked us up here for a thousand years, huh? Though I wonder why he broke through Gods boundary and came here.

Mu-Gun comprehended every word as the Dragons conversed with each other in front of him. They spoke in Dragon Tongue, the language peculiar to their kind.

Although Mu-Gun had never studied Dragon Tongue, he inexplicably understood the Dragons' language as if it were second nature to him.

It was one of the capabilities his divinity possessed.

I came here to give you Dragons an opportunity as the Sky God Yupirs representative, Mu-Gun spoke to the Dragons, who were openly hostile to him.

-Did you just say an opportunity?

Carcion, the leader of the Red Dragons, asked in bewilderment.

"The Dragons aligned with the Demon God, aiming to annihilate Avalon, forsaking the mission assigned by the Dragon God Bracant. This choice amounted to a rejection of your God, Bracant, and a denial of your inherent nature. I present you with an opportunity to absolve yourselves of the sins committed in those dark times."

-How impertinent. Who do you think you are to give us an opportunity?

"As I mentioned before, I stand as the representative of the Sky God Yupir. Furthermore, I carry the mantle of the Spirit God Vahara's mission. Possessing the divinity of these two paramount Gods, I hold the power to release the Dragons from Gods boundary."

-Lets say thats the case, but how are you going to cleanse us of our sins?

"The Demon God has once more descended upon this land. Should the Dragons assume a leading role in vanquishing the Demon God, the Gods will forgive the transgressions of the past. Furthermore, the entirety of Avalon's inhabitants will laud and revere the greatness of the Dragon species."

-In a nutshell, you need the power of our species to stop the Demon God. However, our species does not have the intention of fighting for the Gods. You want to borrow our strength now after banishing us in this place for the past thousand years? If you knew what a painful time our species has been through here, you wouldnt be asking something of the sort.

In the end, are you going to once again reject the mission that the Dragon God Bracant has given to the Dragon species?

-The mission of a God, which has already ceased to exist, no longer binds our species.

The Dragon God Bracant met its demise in a clash with the Demon God during its prior descent upon Avalon. With its existence extinguished, the Divine Command it once held over the Dragon species lost its compelling influence.

The only way was for the Dragons to voluntarily adhere to Bracants Divine Command. Yet, the Red Dragons seemed intent on rejecting this course.

Then, you will have to stay here forever.

-That was the case if you didnt show up here.

I have no intention of letting you out of the boundary.

-Your will is not important. Whats important is that we want that.

Upon this revelation, the three Dragons exchanged glances among themselves. Observing their looks and words, Mu-Gun discerned their intent to overpower him.

As expected, the three Dragons launched an assault on Mu-Gun. Their claws soared in three different directions, converging on Mu-Gun. Accompanied by an explosive impact, the ground beneath the Dragons' strikes lay in ruin.

Even for Mu-Gun, escaping unscathed from a blow by a Dragon's claws would be impossible. Yet, with swift agility, Mu-Gun deftly evaded just before the Dragons' claws could make contact.

Upon realizing the futility of their attacks, the Dragons beat their massive wings. A formidable wind pressure, surpassing even that of the Wyverns, surged towards Mu-Gun like an unleashed storm. The forceful gusts, generated by the Dragons' wings, flattened the space within a radius of hundreds of meters in an instant.

Once more, Mu-Gun swiftly propelled himself upward, escaping the imminent danger. Simultaneously, the three Dragons ascended into the sky, expelling Flame Breaths from their mouths. A formidable blaze, surpassing the might of the Wyverns, descended upon Mu-Gun from three different directions.

Using the Thunder God's Aerial Steps and the Thunder God's Shadow, Mu-Gun skillfully dodged the incoming Flame Breaths. Yet, the relentless flames pursued him persistently. The Dragons, adjusting their aim, redirected the trajectory of their Flame Breaths towards Mu-Gun's evasive path.

Accelerating quickly, Mu-Gun rapidly outpaced the pursuing Flame Breaths. With precision, he unleashed the Heavenly Thunder Storm Burst. A myriad of Thunderbolt Swords descended from the sky, striking the back and wings of the three Dragons, unleashing a cascade of rampant lightning.

Undeterred by the onslaught of Thunderbolt Swords, the three Dragons swiftly retaliated against Mu-Gun. Displaying only a momentary stagger in the sky, they synchronized their movements, swinging their long tails at him. From the tails of the three Dragons, red scales shot forth simultaneously towards Mu-Gun.

In a swift response to the incoming onslaught of red scales, seemingly covering the entire sky, Mu-Gun hastily triggered the Golden Thunder God Star. The red scales cascaded over the Golden Thunder God Star like a shower, inducing multiple earth-shattering explosions to reverberate.

Yet, the scales proved ineffective against the impenetrable barrier of the Golden Thunder God Star, being deflected upon contact. Simultaneously, the three Dragons closed in on Mu-Gun, releasing a torrent of Flame Breath.

The colossal Flame Breaths descended upon Mu-Gun from the sky, forcefully impacting him. Despite the Golden Thunder God Star successfully blocking the Flame Breaths, Mu-Gun was thrust backward and crashed into the ground, unable to withstand the overwhelming force.

Exerting all his strength, Mu-Gun unleashed a powerful wave of Thunder God Qi against the descending Flame Breaths. The Golden Thunder God Star transmitted the surge of Thunder God Qi, momentarily repelling the Flame Breaths. Seizing the opportunity created by this momentary setback, Mu-Gun swiftly employed the Thunder God's Shadow, evading to the side.

Transforming into a streak of lightning, Mu-Gun deftly sidestepped the oncoming Flame Breaths. The fiery breaths struck the ground, promptly transforming the entire area into a blazing sea of fire.

Evading the Flame Breaths, Mu-Gun swiftly summoned the Wind Spirit King and the Ice Spirit King. While summoning all four Spirit Kings would have been ideal, he currently lacked the internal energy required to summon the entire quartet.

Hence, he opted to summon the Wind Spirit King Nervatum and the Ice Spirit King Eladium, their attributes being more favorable in countering the Dragons.

The three Dragons, upon noticing the summoning of Nervatum and Eladium, promptly released a torrent of Flame Breath. Nervatum dispersed like the wind, skillfully avoiding the fiery onslaught, while Eladium conjured an ice dragon to counter the Flame Breaths head-on.

The Ice Spirit King's summoned ice dragon succumbed to the ferocity of the Flame Breaths, resulting in the formation of a fleeting steam cloud. Nevertheless, this moment passed swiftly, as the cold energy emanating from the ice dragon froze the Flame Breaths, causing them to shatter into fragments of ice.

Dodging the Flame Breaths, Nervatum swiftly conjured a powerful windstorm directed at Calderoon, launching a retaliatory strike. Simultaneously, Eladium halted the Flame Breaths and unleashed an ice storm toward Calious, countering the attack directed at her.

Overwhelmed by the assaults from Nervatum and Eladium, Calderoon, and Calious found themselves unable to divert their attention to Mu-Gun. The powerful attacks of the two Spirit Kings demanded their full focus. With Calderoon and Calious occupied, Mu-Gun's adversary was naturally determined to be Carcion.

-Its amazing that you can summon two Spirit Kings. However, you will consume a lot of energy too. I wonder how long you will be able to endure it.

Dont worry, I will finish the fight before I run out of energy.

-Kahaha! It seems like you think you can win quickly if you are just dealing with me alone. From now on, allow me to show you how big of a delusion that is.

Carcion spoke in a baffled tone and then used Dragon Tongue Magic at Mu-Gun.

-Dragon of Fire!

Upon Carcion's utterance of the catalyst words, nine flaming dragons materialized and attacked Mu-Gun. These fiery dragons soared towards him with a semblance of life. Mu-Gun sensed that the onslaught would persist until all nine fire dragons were eradicated.

Shrouding his entire body with the Golden Thunder God Star, Mu-Gun conjured a golden Thunderbolt Sword in each hand. The golden thunder qi emitted from Mu-Gun's hands swiftly coalesced, taking the form of a Thunderbolt Sword.

The golden Thunderbolt Swords, exceeding ten meters in length, embodied the profound principle of the Infinite Thunder Sword. This signified that the colossal Thunderbolt Swords in Mu-Gun's grasp held the potency equivalent to the combination of ten thousand regular Thunderbolt Swords.

Mu-Gun wielded the Infinite Thunder Swords, slashing at the nine fire dragons closing in on him. A golden surge of lightning radiated from the Infinite Thunder Swords, expanding like a net and enveloping all nine fire dragons. The fire dragons, ensnared in the web of lightning, erupted into chaos, accompanied by a resounding explosion.

Upon witnessing Mu-Gun effortlessly destroy the fire dragons, Carcion was taken aback and responded by unleashing a second round of Dragon Tongue Magic.

-Fire of Sun!

True to its name, Fire of Sun was a magic that harnessed the flames of the sun, hurling them at the enemy. These sun-infused flames wielded the ultimate power to incinerate everything in their path.

With a single glance, Mu-Gun discerned the powerful force encapsulated in the red flames blanketing the sky. Reacting swiftly, he unleashed a wave of Thunder God Qi, activated the Golden Thunder God Star, and simultaneously employed the Infinite Thunder Sword to envelop himself in a barrier of thunder.

The sky-encompassing red flames descended upon the barrier of thunder as if they had been awaiting this opportune moment. The thunderous barrier retaliated by emitting a surge of lightning in an attempt to repel the sun's flames, but it proved insufficient.

The sun's flames melted the thunderous barrier, causing it to dissipate. Continuing its trajectory, the sun's flame struck the Golden Thunder God Star. Initially, the Golden Thunder God Star served as a nine-layered protective vajra qi.

Yet, Mu-Gun bolstered the layers to an astonishing ninety-nine. Despite this formidable defense, the sun's flame melted through the layers of the Golden Thunder God Star and penetrated within.

The Golden Thunder God Star didn't yield easily. Even as it melted, it emitted continuous waves of lightning, putting up a fierce struggle to quell the encroaching sun's flame. Eventually, its resilience began to manifest. The sun's flame weakened noticeably as soon as the Golden Thunder God Star was reduced to fifteen layers, succumbing to the power of the Golden Thunder Qi.

In the end, the sun's flame vanished completely, leaving the nine layers of the Golden Thunder God Star unscathed.

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