Thousand Autumns

Extra 2

Extra 2

Shen Qiao did intend to return to Changan, after all Yuan Ying was still in Changan helping him oversee Xuanduguans construction, the other lacked experience, he couldnt just leave him there alone too long.

Once construction was complete, the Sui court would provide an imperial edict, perhaps the emperor would request an audience, when the time comes hed have to make an appearance as the zhangjiao, if it was left to the inflexible Yuan Ying to face the emperor, Shen Qiao didnt need to imagine to know it would not go well.

Shen Qiao, arriving at this point in his musings, went to find Yu Shengyan, he was ready to bid him farewell, but who knew that for two days in a row, Yu Shengyan either departed early or returned late, he was unable to catch him, on the third day, Shen Qiao finally blocked his way at the door.

Yu Shengyan laughed: My master is currently bedridden, all matters are left to the disciple, Ive been running back and forth, see

He waved the letter in his hand, I have to help shizun deliver this letter to Yi-guanzhu, if theres something Shen-daozhang wishes to discuss, you should tell it directly to shizun, I think shizun wont say no to anything!

Shen Qiao stopped him, coughed quietly: Really theres no need to seek him, I just want to say goodbye, its the same if I say it to you.

Yu Shengyan, earnestly: Shen-daozhang, your connection to my shizun isnt a simple one, if shizun knew you bid farewell to me alone, he would probably be angry with me, if you plan to leave, why not say it to shizun, this will save me from being stuck in the middle!

It was because Shen Qiao didnt want to seek out Yan Wushi that he sought out Yu Shengyan.

Truthfully, in his heart, he didnt know how to face Yan Wushi, so could only choose this method of evasion.

Yu Shengyan was about to say something, but just then someone rushed out, whispered something into his ear, Yu Shengyans expression changed drastically, his voice trembled: How can this be, he was fine this morning!

Shen Qiao heard it clearly, he snapped to attention at once: Whats happened?

Yu Shengyan forcefully regained his composure, in a complete reversal of his previous plea: Nothing, I have something to do, apologies for leaving first!

Saying this, he turned around and rushed off with the attendant, not giving Shen Qiao any chance to react.

Shen Qiao stood where he was, the more he thought about it the more he thought it had something to do with Yan Wushi, the more he thought the more he worried, finally he turned his steps in the direction of Yan Wushis room.

Before he had gotten close to the room, he could already see people rushing in and out, some were carrying basins of hot water, some had gathered bunches of clothing to be washed, Shen Qiaos keen eyes picked up on the blood on the clothing.

His heart missed a beat, tossing aside all of his reservations, he barged into the room.

Past the screen was the bedroom.

On the bed lay a person, it was Yan Wushi without a doubt.

The others eyes were shut tight, his complexion pale, it was no different than how he had appeared that day coming down Banbu Peak.

In that moment, Shen Qiaos heart almost stopped, he rushed forward, intending to grab the others wrist to examine his meridians carefully.

Yan Wushi in the same moment slowly opened his eyes.

Werent you leaving, why are you still here?

His tone was cold, it had none of the earlier playfulness, even his gaze was a like a cold spring, deep and unfathomable.

Shen Qiao froze.

Words of parting stuck in his throat, and he couldnt spit out a single one.

Yan Wushi closed his eyes again, blandly: Im fine, if you want to go then go.

Whatever he wanted to do, whatever goal he wanted to accomplish, he could use any means, Shen Qiao had known him a long time and understood him enough, but now seeing this completely reversal in attitude, uncharacteristically distant manner, he didnt feel any relief at all, only an indescribable awkwardness.

Shen Qiao gathered himself: I will save a person the entire way, since I carried you down from Banbu Peak, I will wait until you are completely healed before departing.

He had thought he was out of the worse of it, he hadnt expected this turn at all, it made Shen Qiao worry again.

But Yan Wushi was unwilling to let him examine his meridians: Thank you Shen-zhangjiao, youve gone to your limits saving this venerable one many times, this venerable one will remember it well, but theres no shortage of skilled doctors in Huanyue Sect, theres no need to trouble Shen-zhangjiao personally any longer.

He pulled his hand back into the blankets, closed his eyes, feigning sleep.

Yu Shengyan stood at the side, perhaps he couldnt bear to see Shen Qiaos dazed expression, he spoke up: Shen-daozhang

Shen Qiao came back to his senses, asked him: Just now I saw there was blood on the clothing, what happened?

Yu Shengyan, embarrassed: It was me peeling fruit, I accidentally cut my hand.

He raised his hand to show him, there was indeed a cut across his palm, the bleeding had stopped, medicinal powder had been applied to it, the blood and white powder mixed together appeared quite gruesome.

But Shen Qiao had seen all manners of gruesome wounds, this one was not even worth a mention.

Yu Shengyan was a bright young man, in martial arts he resembled his master a great deal, what he lacked was experience and practice, a basic error like slicing his hand while peeling fruit, nevermind Yu Shengyan, anyone with wugong would be unlikely to make such an error, but Shen Qiaos mind was currently in disarray, and he didnt notice this obvious discrepancy.

He looked back at Yan Wushi one more time, the latter still had his eyes closed, as if he had truly fallen asleep.

With Shen Qiaos character, he wouldnt be able to do such a thing as shake someone awake, he suddenly felt a wave of self-pity: clearly you were the instigator, how come now youve turned your back and wont own it?

Shen Qiaos thoughts were not so direct, but it was this general meaning.

Yu Shengyan stuck between the two of them, feeling the strange mood, in order to break apart the awkwardness, he rushed to say something to resolve the stalemate: Shen-daozhang, Im also headed to Changan to see shixiong, why dont we head over together?

But Shen Qiao shook his head: You should take good care of your shizun, I will depart first.

He didnt look at Yan Wushi again, he spoke quietly, clearly taking into consideration the resting patient.

Watching Shen Qiaos retreating back, Yu Shengyan rubbed his nose: Shizun, did we overdo it? Shen-daozhang seemed upset.

Yan Wushi opened his eyes, lazily: If I dont use a harsh medicine, how will I get a good result?

He looked at Yu Shengyan again: I have my reasons for treating him coldly, but you should not disrespect him in the slightest.

Yu Shengyan rushed to say: This disciple wouldnt dare!

How would he dare, nevermind that Shen Qiaos connection to his shifu was not simple at all, Shen Qiao also ranked among the top ten martial artists under the heavens, and he was also the leader of a sect, on all of these points, Yu Shengyan could only have the utmost respect.

But what if Shen-daozhang really left? Dont overplay it, Shen Qiao had a soft exterior but was unyielding, after you truly chase him away, you wont be able to cajole him back.

Yan Wushi, a small smile: In truth, he already knows his hearts intention, but cant give up face, unable to move past his Daoist teachings.

Yu Shengyan thought: Really, how come I dont see it at all?

Yan Wushi seemed to read his thoughts: When it comes to people, you need to learn for a few more years from Bian Yanmei.

To be read like that in one glance, Yu Shengyan imagined sticking out his tongue, he didnt dare say anything further.

Shen Qiao really left, early the next morning, Yu Shengyan hadnt even get a chance to send him off, someone already came to report that Shen-daozhang had departed.

Before Shen Qiao left, he didnt forget to leave behind several prescriptions and medicines for Yan Wushis treatment.

He was kind and generous, but that didnt mean he was a fool, Yan Wushi suddenly feigning illness, Shen Qiao didnt have to examine his meridians, after he left he was able to figure it out, he was of course a bit upset, so instead of his original plan to depart in two days time, he left the next morning.

At first, Shen Qiao headed in the direction of Changan, however when he reached Fengzhou, he encountered Yuan Ying who had been looking for him.

After Shen Qiao regained leadership of Xuandushan, he had sent two elders to assist Yuan Ying, although Yuan Yings strengths did not lie in construction matters, but he still went over trembling with nerves everyday to oversee things, when Gu Hengbo arrived in Changan looking for Shen Qiao, Yuan Ying discovered that Gu Hengbo was much more capable and observant than him in these matters, at the same time news of Yan Wushi and Hulugus impending duel had spread everywhere, Yuan Ying worried about the possibility of Hulugu winning, and more about Hulugu going to find Shen Qiao after his victory, so he left the matter of Xuanduguan with Gu Hengbo, then he departed from Changan looking for Shen Qiao.

Of Qi Fengges five disciples, only Yuan Ying didnt know how to manage sect matters, wholeheartedly devoted himself to training and studying, he had never stepped outside of Xuandushan previously, the other four all had their own strengths, even Tan Yuanchun and Yu Ai, in the time period right after Shen Qiao received the zhangjiao mantle from Qi Fengge, had helped out a lot left and right, Tan Yuanchun was adept and teaching disciples, Yu Ai was skilled with daily miscellaneous matters, Gu Hengbo was a woman, but Shen Qiao did not discriminate, he taught her the same way as he taught Yuan Ying, Gu Hengbos personality was a bit colder, but in her dealings she was as decisive as thunder, her methods swift and efficient, with her overseeing Xuanduguan and managing matters in the capital, Shen Qiao trusted her with the task even more than Yuan Ying.

After the two shixiongdi met, Yuan Ying was reassured that Shen Qiao was doing well, Shen Qiao upon learning Gu Hengbo was helping out in Changan didnt feel the same urgency to press forward, he had Yuan Ying return first, he headed instead towards Yuanzhou, planning to detour around Chen.

Shen Qiao had only been to Chen once, back then Yuwen Qing had been sent as a representative of Zhou into the southern dynasty, Yan Wushi escorting him at Yuwen Yongs request, Shen Qiao was also part of the assemblage, but back then his wugong hadnt recovered, and neither had his eyes, in order to not cause others trouble, hed only ventured out of the yiguan once, but the territory of Chen was vast, and hed only caught a sliver, this he regretted, but now that he had a chance, of course he wanted to take another look with his own eyes.

There was Chen in the south, Sui in the north, apart from Tujue, there was actually another small nation Liang with its capital Jiangling, and Pubu standing southwest of Chen, ever since the Jin dynasty moved south, the common people had suffered war and displacement, everyone wished to see a unified north and south, a stable central plains, a sovereign who could bring stability and peace to their days, but theyd held this wish for several hundred years, only for the Wuhu rebellion to arrive, then a new dynasty arrived in the south, Song followed by Chen, in the north too Sui following Zhou, but the day they hoped for still had not come, no one knew when this sovereign might arrive, or between Chen and Sui, who was more likely to unify the territories, or if in the end it would be Tujue who would gain the advantage.

In a chaotic world there were too many variables, the question of destiny to knit the world together, for now there was no scholar who could guarantee on their life the answer, even Yan Wushi couldnt, before he thought it would be Yuwen Yong, but useless offspring, a careless generation, and the banners changed easily.

Yang Jian in the northern dynasty had the makings of a sovereign, but the nobles in the south looked down on him, someone who used to be a subject of a Xianbei emperor, even his surname was a Xianbei surname, but now that he was emperor, he had immediately thrown on a Han surname, complicating his origins, linking his ancestors to prominent clans of the central plains, they considered this shameless behaviour, this type of person, how could he unify the world?

The Ru sects saw themselves as orthodox, and Linchuanxuegong this prominent of a Ru sect situated in the southern dynasty naturally considered the emperor of Chens rule as orthodox, and that he would be the sovereign that would stabilize the configuration of the world.

So far, the Chen emperor was methodical in his safeguarding of the work of his predecessors, his politics was mostly clear-headed, certainly he had promise.

The reason Shen Qiao supported Yang Jian was not entirely because he believed Yan Wushis words, he had really seen Yang Jians intelligence and strength, to lead a nation required not only intelligence, but also tolerance, Yang Jian had all of these traits.

For Shen Qiao, he hadnt seen enough, so he decided to take a detour around Chen, he could travel at ease and at the same time personally experience Chens landscapes and peoples, it would be a hundred times better than relying on rumours.

On the road to Jiankang, Shen Qiao met a family that was preparing to leave Jiangzhou to seek relatives in Jiankang, this Li family was very rich, for their journey they had hired bodyguards, meeting Shen Qiao and learning that he was headed similarly to Jiankang, they invited him to join them.

Jiangzhou currently was part of Sui, from Jiangzhou to Jiankang, would mean crossing from the northern into the southern dynasty, although travel between the two was not prohibited, the nations were keen on establishing their borders, many bandits had taken the opportunity to set up in the neglected inter-regions, travellers were easy targets, so most travelled in large groups.

The matriarch of the Li family was a widow, she intended to bring her daughter to Jiankang to seek refuge with her family, for their journey, they had brought along their servants, and recruited bodyguards, but still didnt feel quite safe, and Shen Qiao had such an easy-to-approach appearance, and on his back he carried a long sword, so his skills couldnt be too shabby, in this day and age on a journey, one more person was one more source of strength, Shen Qiao pitied the mother-daughter pair, they were definitely headed the same way, so he accepted their invitation, he rode a horse alongside the bodyguards.

The security organization had sent out four bodyguards, the lead bodyguard was surnamed Liu, this was on account of the plentiful renumeration from the Li family, otherwise theyd only have sent two bodyguards, as the organization saw it, they were only protecting two weak women and their servants, it was not complicated at all.

Liu-biaoshi was initially curious about Shen Qiao, and inquired after his identity, Shen Qiao didnt tell the complete truth, he just said he was a drifting, clanless Daoist who had learned several years of martial arts, wandering the world.

In this day and age, there were lots of wandering Daoists, Liu-biaoshi had travelled extensively north and south, and had seen a lot, after hearing his explanation was no longer curious, instead he felt Shen Qiao might use his appearance to seduce the Li daughter, thereby gaining a hefty fortune, or perhaps he coveted the beauty of the daughter, and had other intentions.

It was not his fault he thought this way, the Li daughter was in her early teens, blooming her first interest in romance, towards Shen Qiao this kind of celestial Daoist she had no immunity, she couldnt personally make an appearance with everyone watching, but she had sent over someone several times with gifts, sweetcakes, something else, each time a portion was included for Liu-biaoshi, but how could Liu-biaoshi not see that they were intended for Shen Qiao?

As for Liu-biaoshis misconception, it would be pointless even if Shen Qiao found out and explained, he could only dig the hole deeper, if everything went according to plan, they would part ways after Jiankang, this brief journey would only last several days, there was no need to talk extensively with strangers.

This group travelled together for several days until they reached the foot of Qianlongshan in Huainan, the next town that could provide overnight lodging was still far ahead, they would not be able to reach it before nightfall, Liu-biaoshi made a hand-motion, signalling the group that they would be resting here for the night.

The author would like to say:

<How to defeat your enemy in one move> author: Yuan Ying

Yu Shengyan did not get along with Yuan Ying, every three sentences hed find a fault.

Yuan Ying on account of his stutter had never won a argument, with Yu Shengyan was no exception.

But then he learned a boss move.

Yu Shengyan: Youre this slow-witted, it truly tarnishes Qi-zhengren and your shixiongs face, if I were you, Id keep to the mountain forever out of shame!

Yuan Ying (displaying an I-didnt-hear-you-clearly, befuddled expression): Ha?

Yu Shengyan: I said, this slow-witted, it truly tarnishes Qi-zhengren and your shixiongs face!

Yuan Ying: Ha?

Yu Shengyan: Youre stupid, a plague!

Yuan Ying: Ha?

Yu Shengyan: do you seek death

Yuan Ying: Ha?

Yu Shengyan: (foaming at the mouth)

Yuan Ying, reaching his conclusion: This method of arguing, unless they fight you physically, guarantees victory. If it comes to a fight, even if I cant win I can still run, watch them rage-quit.

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