This Witch Transmigrated into the Romantic Novel's Supporting Role

Chapter 271: Some Daily Life: Floods

Chapter 271

On this weekend day, Chu Yang was helping Jiujiu braid her hair while a father and son, looking like they were cut from the same mold, sat nearby waiting.

"Where are we going later?" Huohuo asked in his sweet, childish voice, wearing adorable overalls.

"To the amusement park. Are you excited?"

Huohuo raised both hands, "Yes!"

"We'll leave as soon as mom and sister are ready."


However, at that moment, the butler suddenly came over and said, "Young master, madam, there's a visitor."

Chi Yan and Chu Yang exchanged glances. Chu Yang finished tying the last braid with a hair tie, then took Jiujiu's hand to go downstairs and see who the guest was.

When they went downstairs, they found it was someone official.

The person saluted Chu Yang, "I apologize for the sudden intrusion. Recently, several southern provinces have experienced unprecedented flooding, so we hope to get Madam Chi's assistance."

Chu Yang had been aware of these events recently, but what she had seen was probably just the tip of the iceberg. The real situation must be much more severe for officials to come seeking her help.

Chu Yang immediately nodded, "Alright."

The official said, "Thank you. We hope you can come with us to the front lines."

Chi Yan suddenly interjected, "Can't she do it from home? Is it necessary to go to such a dangerous place?"

The visitor nodded, "If possible, we wouldn't want to trouble Madam Chi, but the situation is critical, so... it's best to survey on-site."

Chu Yang nodded, "Okay, I'll go. Let me pack some things first, please wait a moment."

Huohuo looked at the uniformed personnel, then at Chu Yang going upstairs, and asked Chi Yan, "Does this mean we can't go to the amusement park?"

Chi Yan patted his head, "Be good and sit tight, daddy's going to talk to mommy for a bit."

The butler nearby took Huohuo from Chi Yan's arms, "Young Master Huohuo, let's wait here patiently. Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?"

Huohuo shook his head, burying his face in the butler's embrace, unhappy that their family outing had been canceled.

Upstairs, Chu Yang was packing clothes when Chi Yan entered. He helped her pack, then embraced her, "Be careful. Your safety is the most important."

Chu Yang patted his back, "Don't worry, I'll come back safely. Wait for me at home. I'll call you."

"Alright. I'll instruct the branch companies that if you need any help, you can contact Chi Corporation's local branches."

"Mm." Chu Yang touched his face and kissed Chi Yan, "Wait for my return."

Chi Yan released her and helped carry her suitcase downstairs. Chu Yang also put on her scepter and crystal ball, while Wen Yi, who had packed as well, would accompany Chu Yang.

Chu Yang kissed her two children, "Wait for mommy to come back, and be good at home listening to daddy, okay?"

Jiujiu nodded, "Mom, we'll wait for you to come back."

Huohuo's lips quivered, and he started crying, "Mommy~"

Chu Yang wiped his tears, "Don't cry, mommy will bring you gifts when she returns. Be good with daddy at home, or mommy won't take you to the amusement park when she's back."

Huohuo wiped his own tears, "I'll wait for mommy to come back."

"Good boy. Be good at home, okay?"

Chu Yang handed the two children to Chi Yan, then turned to leave. Someone helped carry her luggage.

As Chu Yang walked out the front door, she turned back for a look. The father and two children were standing at the doorway, watching her. Seeing her turn, Huohuo called out "Mommy" and tried to run over, but Chi Yan held him back, crouching down to say something to him.

Chu Yang got into the car, waved from the window to Chi Yan and the children, and made a phone gesture.

After Chu Yang left, the two children finally couldn't hold back their tears. Jiujiu was better, just sniffling, while Huohuo wailed loudly, saying, "I want mommy."

Chi Yan carried one child in each arm as he went inside, "There, there, I want my wife too. Stop crying, did you forget what mommy said? If you cry, she won't take you to the amusement park when she comes back."

The two suddenly held back their tears, which were on the verge of falling. Chi Yan used soft tissues to wipe their tears, "Alright, let's go eat some cupcakes. Mommy will be back soon. It's just like when daddy goes on business trips, we can call her."

"We'll call tonight."

"Yes, we'll call tonight."

Meanwhile, Chu Yang went straight to the airport and boarded a plane, arriving at the province most severely affected by the floods around 3 PM. Without resting after landing, she went directly to the most dangerous area.

The rain was heavy here. Chu Yang, wearing a raincoat and rain boots and holding an umbrella, followed someone to the command tent.

The person escorting her reported to the leader, "Sir, she's here."

The leader, who hadn't slept for days and had severe dark circles and eye bags, shook hands with Chu Yang, "Hello. Thank you for coming."

Chu Yang nodded, "It's all in service of the people."

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, the leader came over with a map, "I won't say much. The weather forecast says it will keep raining in Heng City for the next few days. I want to know when the rain will finally stop completely. Also, this area upstream has a large amount of water coming down, and this levee won't hold much longer. So we're organizing people to protect this area. If we can't protect it, it will affect the lives and property of over a million people downstream... What we most want to know is what might happen at certain critical moments, so please help us."

Chu Yang nodded, "I understand. Can I go take a look first? Like at this dangerous area?"

The leader nodded, "Of course. I'll have someone take you there."

Chu Yang then spent several hours rushing around. She barely ate anything, just a steamed bun. She saw many civilians and soldiers working hard to move sandbags and such. Some logistics personnel were delivering food to them. Everyone was doing their part. Everyone was soaking wet, but no one complained. Chu Yang even saw some people with injured hands who were still persevering.

In the evening, Chu Yang returned to her lodging and took out her crystal ball and scepter. The crystal ball glowed all night long. Her phone kept ringing, but she had put it on silent and didn't notice.

The next day, an exhausted Chu Yang handed a paper filled with writing to Wen Yi, "Please take this to Leader Zeng."

"Yes. Are you alright, madam?"

"I'm fine. Just tired. I'll go rest for a bit. You go quickly."


Wen Yi delivered Chu Yang's note to Leader Zeng, who quickly read it twice, then immediately called a meeting with everyone. "A flash flood will occur here! Quickly evacuate the villagers... Give this to the fire department leader, tell them to find people, don't worry about houses or crops, people's safety is most important... And here..."

Chu Yang rested for half a day. She finally picked up her phone and saw Chi Yan's messages. She first replied that she was safe, then went out again to help.

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