This Overlord Doesn't Care About Anything

Book 4: Chapter 33: If It's Slipped Through My Hands, Then Let It

Book 4: Chapter 33: If It's Slipped Through My Hands, Then Let It

Just like this, the negotiations have formally begun!

The first one to make a statement was West-Resisting Citys City Lord Li De, aka, me. As any talent recruiter would do first, I naturally started out by speaking about benefits and salary. I picked up the book next to me, took out a draft that I had prepared in advance from it, and preached to Fang Thirteen straight away:

Any conditions you have, West-Resisting City will consider. Any misgivings you have, West-Resisting City will clear up. Apart from giving you absolute trust, Aleya and Felita will accept your management during wartime. One Level 5 Swordsman at greater perfection, just a fine line away from Level 6, also a talented assassin. The other a Demon Race hybrid, a Level 5 tactical magic fort. You understand the importance of such a strategic resource as well as I do, if not more. Although army formations are for the purpose of displaying the peak strength of the army being controlled, having such a strong force within the formation as a variable can greatly increase the flexibility of the battle formation.Thus, it will allow you to have more cards to playyou admit to this point, right? How about it, Fang Thirteen?

Fang Thirteen shook her head and clenched both hands together as she replied:

Ive already told you, even if you offer excellent treatment, I still wont leave with you. Because I am the Overlord of Zhao Chens daughter, Sky Star Citys

Without waiting for Fang Thirteen to finish her words, I interrupted by yelling at Aleya:

That Fang Lita is always weeping and wailing, how annoying. Go and block his mouth. Make sure he doesnt bite his tongue off first, then break off two of his fingers. Lets see if he dares cry out then.

There wasnt enough time for Fang Thirteen to prevent it from happening. Aleyas longsword fell and the sound of bones being smashed into pieces was clearly transmitted into everyones ears. Fang Litas mouth had undoubtedly already been blocked up by a cleaning rag, but he nevertheless produced a muffled hum. The sound wasnt too loud, but it would make the people hearing it shudder and feel as if their hearts were being clawed by hundreds of animals. Fang Thirteen hastily yelled:

W-wait a minute!

As she gasped for breath, she made a difficult compromise. Even though she still hadnt yielded, she reluctantly said:

Ill give it some thought.

I nodded and continued:

Then allow me to introduce our West-Resisting Citys benefits and salary. Receiving double salary at year-end is guaranteed and in addition to this, it is also possible to receive a three-month performance prize. As long as no major problems arise, receiving 16 months of pay a year should be easy. If you live in the City Lords mansion, you will be eating meals with me every day. If you arent, there will be extra subsidies provided for you. There is also overtime pay for work you do extra. As for your residence, we will choose a room within West-Resisting Citys City Lords mansion for you, maids included. As for guards, we guarantee that you will be absolutely safe within the City Lords mansion. If you decide to go out, you may choose up to 10 people from the army to be your specialized guards. These 10 people will follow your arrangement and you can depend on them.

Fang Thirteen carefully thought for a moment before responding:

There are no problems with these things, but I am still

Just like before, I interrupted by yelling at Aleya before she finished her words:

How come that Fang Litas been twisting and turning so wildly, as if hes a bug? Shouldnt a kidnapped person be a little more quiet and still? Aleya, disrupt his arm, you can do so by breaking his shoulder blade.

This time, Fang Thirteen hurriedly shouted:

Wait a second, I

Aleya certainly wouldnt listen to her words, so the sound of bones being fractured echoed the room once more.

Fang Lita had already fallen apart crying.

Fang Thirteen shuddered from head to toe as both her hands firmly grasped the bed sheets. She had already been biting her lips, but due to her body shivering so much, her teeth punctured her lips and dark red blood fell onto the bed. I yawned and remarked with a flat voice:

Finally, some peace and quietwhat did you want to say just now, Fang Thirteen?

Fang Thirteen took in a deep breath, then coldly answered:

I said I would give it some consideration.

I responded with a grin:

Mm, thats fantastic. Lets proceed with the discussion. But before that, Fang Lita seems to have some words to sayAleya, take down the cloth from his mouth.

Aleya pulled on the corner of the cleaning rag, untying the saliva-filled cleaning rag before immediately throwing it into the floor, appearing as if she didnt want to be touched by even a single drop of saliva. Fang Lita howled out miserably as if to vent the pain of having bones broken. A short while later, as he was gasping for breath, he suddenly cursed at Fang Thirteen:

Its all your fault! Its all your fault, you useless sister! If it werent for you, Sky Star City wouldnt have been lost and I wouldnt have become like I am now! If you didnt exist, I would still be a City Lord in some place. Even if there werent 10 cities, at least I wouldnt be a prisoner like I am now. You waste, youre never able to do anything right! I shouldnt have been good to you at the time, I shouldnt have saved you!

Fang Thirteen swallowed a mouthful of saliva before calling out her little brothers name with great difficulty:


Fang Lita exclaimed:

Dont call me that name, am I familiar with you? Get lost, I, Fang Lita, dont have an older sister like you! Screw off! Hmph hmphon the surface it looks like everything youre doing is for my good, but who knows what youre doing behind my back? Maybe you had already been colluding with other people to deceive me, you shameless

I remarked apathetically:

Alright, it seems that no words can be expected out of a scoundrels mouth. Aleya, block up his mouth.

Fang Lita was once again relegated letting out hums in protest.

I turned to face Fang Thirteen and proceeded with what I had to say:

Fang Thirteen, Im deeply sorry for lying to you in the past. Therefore, like I said before, Im willing to take any requests you make into consideration. However, I have never regretted what Ive done in Sky Star City and will never regret having worked under you. Even though I told you a fake name, used a made-up identity, and arranged a bogus background for myself, I was witness to your emotions, I accompanied you in experiencing the highs and lows. All these memories are real, theyre genuine. My promise in waiting for you to become Sky Scheming Mansions number one top general so that I can become your deputy general, its still valid. The amount of nights Ive spent accompanying you, listening to your stories, speaking of my stories, these are also true, they held my real feelings.

I let out a sigh, then pulled on Fang Thirteens hand and said:

If youre willing, I can also sit by your bedside every few days and read you books, as well as push you on your wheelchair to experience many many places. Mountains, seas, forests, rivers; even if you cant see, Ill take you there nevertheless. When we grow old, maybe there will be a day when I also become unable to walk and need to sit on a wheelchair. There will be a person to push our wheelchairs to see an endless expanse of flowers and bury our bodies in a land filled with birdsong and fragrant flowers.

Fang Thirteens expression showed that she was clearly swayed. But then she began constantly shaking her head. It was unknown whether it was to persuade me or persuade herself, but she quietly murmured:

Stop talking! Dont

I stopped talking and watched Fang Thirteen go through inner turmoil. Suddenly, I remarked to Aleya:

Fang Lita seems to have fallen ill, how come hes incessantly humming even though we havent touched him? Its a little annoying, go break his chin.

Aleya responded with:

Yes, young master.

Fang Thirteen shrieked:

Hold on! Wait a second!

She couldnt see anything, but she still threw herself in the general direction of where Aleyas voice had come from and used both her hands in an attempt to grasp at her. I dont know whether it was due to her good luck or skill, but her hand was able to swipe the hem of Aleyas clothes. Upon feeling it, she immediately held on and begged:

WaitI beg you. Let me think for a moment, let me think for a moment.

Aleya looked over at me while I watched Fang Thirteen without saying a word.

Fang Thirteen was silent for a moment before she grit her teeth and told me:

Finedidnt you say that youll give consideration to whatever conditions I raise? Then release my little brother and return Sky Star, Star-Commanding, and Starless back to him! As long as youre able to achieve thisI will return with you to West-Resisting City. Otherwise, even if you use Aleya to threaten me, I will not accept and prepare myself to be buried with him.

I gazed at Fang Thirteen for a spell, then replied with a disdainful tone:

West-Resisting City and Abyss City have spent an untold amount of efforts on getting these cities and I, the City Lord, personally committed a risk by coming here, yet now you want me to return all I won? Right now, your lives are both within my hands; as long as I say the words, your little brothers head will fall to the ground. I dont believe that you truly have the heart to see such a scene occur before your eyes.

Fang Thirteen didnt speak as she also knew how demanding this condition was.

Perhaps she also wasnt completely sure that I would agree. If it were Moon, she would surely show off his calmness at this time. As long as he showed a tranquil and transcendent attitude, there would be increased odds of a successful negotiation. As for those like Fang Thirteen, you could tell at a glance that this absolutely wasnt her bottom line.

In fact, her bottom line was most likely just to make Fang Lita a wealthy man.

But did I really need to push down the price of her request just to test her bottom line? After all, I was the one who deceived her, which means I owe her. Since thats the case

I sighed:

Okay. Im just the foolish son of a regions Overlord anyway. Aleya, release Fang Lita. Tell Moonthat we dont need these three cities.

The expression on Fang Thirteens face turned into one of incredulity.

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