This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 160

Chapter 160

The group chat for the sisters exploded with chatter, all of them complaining that Yu Shu had kept them in the dark - they only found out about her proposal from the trending searches.

Yu Shu felt a bit embarrassed by their fuss. It had been a while since they last got together, and since today was the weekend, she arranged for them to meet for afternoon tea.

As the brand Zha Zha Hu Hu continued to grow in value, Zhiyang and Zhixia's net worth had both surpassed a hundred million yuan. They were now busy buying houses to settle down in Rong City. With everything on the right track, they no longer had to work grueling twenty-hour days, and could start enjoying the good life that came with their wealth. Both of them looked radiant and vibrant.

Lin Fangyu's belly was already quite big - the baby was due next month. She had put on some weight, but her spirits were high, and her skin was so good that it made the others jealous. Bai Xuan'an had driven her there, carefully helping her into the cafe and reminding the staff of her dietary restrictions before leaving. Lin Fangyu complained about him fussing over her, but the smile never left her lips, her whole being enveloped in happiness.

The group bantered and joked until Ou Doudou arrived late, breaking the cheerful mood.

She came with red, tear-stained eyes, and before she could utter a word, tears began streaming down her face.

Yu Shu had seen her once before the Spring Festival, but then Lin Fangyu got married, and Ou Doudou went back to Yunnan for the holidays, so they hadn't met in nearly half a year due to being held back by her in-laws.

"What's wrong? Who's bullying you?" Yu Shu quickly pulled her down to sit, gently comforting her. "Tell us about it. Who's bullying you? We'll help you get back at them."

Ou Doudou covered her face and wailed, only speaking up about her grievances after she had cried her fill.

It was all petty family drama. Her mother-in-law was vicious, her husband took her side, and although they didn't live together and only saw each other a few times a year, which made it bearable, this year shortly after the New Year her mother-in-law showed up in Rong City without warning. At first she said it was just a short stay, but then claimed the climate was good for her old age, so Xu Kai let her stay and even brought his father over, completely ignoring Ou Doudou's suffering.

Zhixia, who spoke her mind bluntly, was furious after hearing the story: "Why are you keeping a man like that? Dump him, we'll introduce you to someone better."

Ou Doudou cried even harder: "But...but I'm pregnant..."

Yu Shu: "Huh?"

As Ou Doudou explained the circumstances, she could barely bring herself to speak. Originally, she and Xu Kai had agreed to work hard for a few years and build up some savings before having a child. But Ou Doudou's mother-in-law couldn't wait for a grandchild, so she secretly poked holes in all their condoms.

The old woman proudly admitted to this herself after finding out Ou Doudou was pregnant, not seeing anything wrong with her actions at all.

This was just speechlessly speechless, the epitome of speechlessness.

"I really don't know what to do!" Ou Doudou gripped Yu Shu's hand tightly. "Yu Shu, please help me. You helped Zhiyang and Zhixia, so please help me too."

Yu Shu didn't know what to say. Helplessly, she replied: "Calm down first. Their situation was different from yours. Their problem was financial hardship, and all I did was give them an opportunity. Could you endure the hardship they went through?!"

"Then what should I do?! I can barely keep my job!" Ou Doudou was hysterical. "They demoted me and cut my pay after finding out I was pregnant. I'm only making three thousand yuan now, walking on eggshells every day, and when I get home I have to put up with that old woman's bullying!"

Yu Shu's tone turned cold: "I can solve your work problem and get you a stable income with light duties until the baby is born. But think carefully - is a job all it takes to solve your problems? Can I resolve your conflict with your mother-in-law? Your marital issues? Think it over."

Ou Doudou pressed her lips tightly, unable to speak for a moment.

"You chose this marriage yourself. Whether to divorce or not is your choice too, but I can guarantee that you and your child will not face any financial difficulties if you do divorce. That's all I can do. Think it over carefully before deciding, and don't regret your choice later."

Ou Doudou lowered her head in thought, not saying a word, and the small gathering dispersed abruptly.

When Yu Shu went home that evening and told Shen Youlin about it, she recalled what he had said at Ou Doudou's wedding, realizing he had been right.

Ou Doudou was stuck in this mess, clinging to her rotten, stinking marriage, because she truly loved Xu Kai and couldn't bear to let go, couldn't see clearly, could she?

After hearing the story, Shen Youlin was alarmed: "Darling, you mustn't develop a fear of marriage because of this. Our situation is different from theirs. I'll listen to you no matter what - there won't be any mother-in-law conflicts at all. Auntie Yu dotes on you like her own daughter. If she dares say one bad thing about you, I'll tear her mouth apart!"

Yu Shu burst into laughter: "I know you're a devoted son. Why are you so worked up? I was just reflecting on it."

Speaking of the devil, Yu Fanxing called at that moment. Yu Shu thought she wanted to discuss wedding plans, but instead she got an earful of gossip about Shen Yuxiao's lovesickness.

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