This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 128

Chapter 128

Yu Shu was able to soothe Shen Youlin quite well, but she didn't expect that she herself would be the one tossing and turning, unable to sleep all night—little chubby Wenwen had no sense of how to sleep properly, and even a large bed of 1.8 meters was not enough for her to toss and turn alone.

Yu Shu hugged a pillow and slipped into the next room, startling Shen Youlin awake as she got into bed. Shen Youlin smiled with satisfaction, pulling her into his embrace and patting her like a treasured possession.

Yu Shu snuggled into his arms, finding a position to avoid the light, and closed her eyes with a yawn to sleep. Shen Youlin stroked her hair and reached up to turn off the bedside lamp used for lighting.

With the sun in his arms, he no longer needed a lamp.

Yu Shu slept soundly through the night, waking up to bright daylight when Shen Youlin was no longer in the room. She slipped back to her own room to freshen up, seeing Wenwen sleeping in a curved bow shooting an eagle posture, and couldn't help but laugh as she covered her with a blanket.

In the living room, Yu Yang and Shen Youlin were actually playing catch with Dou E, the maid. Yu Shu was puzzled: "How did Dou E end up here?"

Shen Youlin trotted over cheerfully: "Mom and I went out to buy groceries and ran into a passerby walking Dou E. Mom said it's the New Year's holiday, and even dogs are family members, so she brought it back."

Yu Shu looked at his apologetic expression and scoffed: "Did she make you pay a fine for calling her 'Mom'?"

Shen Youlin gave a sly smile: "No, so I don't call her that to her face. It's a bargain we can't afford to miss."

More like he dares not, Yu Shu thought with a smile but didn't call him out.

It seemed they had been getting along quite well that morning.

The others had already eaten breakfast, but Ye Ping had underestimated Shen Youlin's appetite, allowing him to finish everything.

Ye Ping wanted to make breakfast separately for Yu Shu, but Yu Shu stopped her: "Don't bother, I'll go out and eat noodles. I'm craving the Baguai noodles by the bus station."

"Baguai noodles? Get me one too!" Wenwen poked her head out from upstairs, still in her pajamas with messy hair.

Yu Shu: "You have ten minutes to wash up and change clothes, my dear little chubby one."

Shen Youlin wanted to tag along, and Yu Yang also wanted to join in for the group activity.

Yu Shu started up the SUV that cost over a hundred thousand yuan, but having gotten used to luxury cars, she found this vehicle uncomfortable in every way, thinking to get a new car for home use after the New Year holiday.

Even though it wasn't peak hours, the little noodle shop was still booming with business. Yu Yang and Shen Youlin had already eaten breakfast, but they still couldn't resist ordering two servings of noodles each.

With a childish nature, Shen Youlin always felt that other people's bowls smelled better. After eating from his own bowl, he even reached his chopsticks into Yu Shu's bowl. Yu Shu had eaten half, and she exchanged her remaining half-bowl of assorted sauce noodles for his beef noodles—she wanted to try both kinds too.

"Hey, did you hear? Last night at the county high school stadium, there was a plane that landed there."

"Yeah yeah, I saw it too. My house is right next to the county high school, and I saw it from my balcony last night. I took a video, check my social media."

"Damn, the local forums were all ablaze about it—a private plane, with a bunch of bodyguards coming out to escort a young couple..."

"As soon as they left the stadium, they were whisked away by a fleet of cars, damn...a line of luxury vehicles..."


Wenwen gradually caught on that something was amiss, pointing at Yu Shu and Shen Youlin: "Sister, brother-in-law?"

Shen Youlin raised his middle finger to his lips: "Stay low-key, low-key."

Wenwen and Yu Yang's eyes widened: "I want to ride too!"

"Ride, ride, you'll all get to ride. Next time I'll take you guys along."

The two of them were both restless, pestering Shen Youlin to see photos of the private plane.

Wenwen was so excited that her little face turned red, cupping her cheeks as she cheered softly: "Having a brother-in-law with a private plane is so cool!"

Yu Yang imitated her: "Having a sister with a brother-in-law is so cool!"

Purely out of love for his new family, Shen Youlin found Wenwen and Yu Yang utterly adorable, indulging their every request along the way.

The four of them played outside for a while longer, returning home before lunchtime. As they entered the neighborhood, Shen Youlin, who was driving, sideswiped another car head-on.

Shen Youlin glared at the car in front, his face darkening and teeth clenched: "That car did it on purpose!"

Yu Shu patted his shoulder: "It's okay, we'll get a new car for the New Year."

Shen Youlin glanced at her: "I'll kneel and kowtow when we get home."

With that, he slowly began reversing, then floored the gas pedal, ramming forcefully into the car in front.

A cry of alarm came from Wenwen and Yu Yang in the backseat as they tumbled off their seats.

Seeing the front of the other car completely caved in, Shen Youlin let out a long, relieved whistle.

Yu Shu was about to start scolding when she saw who got out of that car, cursing the driver's eighteen ancestors.

Of course, it had to be Meng Xulin again.

Shen Youlin rolled down the window, a mocking look on his face: "Oops, my bad, my foot slipped on the gas pedal."

Meng Xulin's face turned pale green: "Your foot sure is slippery. Maybe you should just stop driving before you hurt someone."

"Can't help it~" Shen Youlin looked smug. "My dear wife only lets me drive Porsches and Lamborghinis, this is my first time driving a car like this, I'm not used to it~"

Meng Xulin's expression looked even worse: "You sure are comfortable eating off a silver platter."

Shen Youlin patted his pretty face: "Can't help it, it would be a waste not to eat off a silver platter with a face like this."

Meng Xulin's chest heaved with anger, but then he started laughing, taunting in a low voice: "Do you really think you can replace the position I hold in her heart? I owned her most beautiful years and purest feelings."

From start to finish, Yu Shu hadn't said a word, sitting in the passenger seat watching Shen Youlin's performance. Throughout it all, she looked at him with indulgent affection. But upon hearing Meng Xulin's words, she couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Who doesn't love a few scumbags in their youth? But he will have my present and the rest of my life."

Shen Youlin immediately regained his confidence, flipping Meng Xulin the middle finger: "Did you hear that?!"

Yu Shu couldn't be bothered to deal with him any further, calling over a passerby to handle the situation. They left Meng Xulin behind, taking Wenwen and Yu Yang back home.

Once out of sight, Shen Youlin immediately lowered his head, following closely behind Yu Shu.

Yu Shu's expression was solemn, and Wenwen and Yu Yang didn't dare say a word, carefully wishing Shen Youlin good luck.

Back home, Yu Shu went straight upstairs to her room, with Shen Youlin trailing behind her. As soon as the door closed, he raised both hands and "slap" knelt down, shouting loudly: "I was wrong!"

"You were wrong, and you'll do it again next time!" Yu Shu paced back and forth in anger, grabbing a clothes hanger and pointing it at Shen Youlin: "Tell me, what did you do wrong?"

Shen Youlin pursed his lips: "I shouldn't have gotten jealous."

"Is this even about jealousy? Wenwen and Yu Yang were in the car, and you just rammed into him like that. What if they had gotten hurt?"

"I...I knew what I was doing, they're fine, aren't they..."

Yu Shu was so angry she raised the hanger, but still couldn't bring herself to strike, shaking with rage: "But what if they had gotten hurt? What guarantee do you have that they definitely wouldn't get hurt?"

"But they're fine now, aren't they..."

"Couldn't you have just swallowed that anger? Take the loss, and settle the score with him later!"

"But losing doesn't taste good..." Shen Youlin muttered softly. "Holding it in only makes you angrier the more you think about it. You have to vent that anger right away, because swallowing it will only let them walk all over you."

Yu Shu was so angry she felt faint, sitting down on the bed.

Shen Youlin was afraid she would get an upset stomach from the anger, quickly admitting his mistake without defiance: "You were in the car too, I definitely wouldn't let anything happen to you all. I promise, next time I won't dare do it again, I'll discuss everything with you first before acting!"

"Get up, you look pathetic." Yu Shu pinched the bridge of her nose.

Shen Youlin immediately stood up, doing his utmost to please her.

Shen Youlin's unwillingness to take even the slightest loss wasn't something that developed overnight. Yu Shu knew well that he wouldn't change that temperament all at once, so it would have to be a gradual process.

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