This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 117

Chapter 117

Because there were many people at dinner that night, the men and women were separated into two banquet halls, and the children were taken by the servants to the dining room to eat. With the women left to themselves, they really let loose, drinking and playing drinking games, getting rowdy and lively.

Yu Shu was able to chat with anyone, mingling effortlessly, and soon became fast friends with everyone. Zhao Wenqian thought it was too noisy, hurriedly ate a little something, and then left.

Shen Youlin was showing off too much, and managed to offend all of his brothers while playing pool. That night, they got their revenge by taking turns forcing him to drink, until Yu Shu stepped in to protect him before they finally eased up a little.

Shen Youlin hugged Yu Shu as he tattled on them one by one, holding up his fingers: "They're all bullying me. Big brother didn't help me, but fanned the flames on the side; second brother is especially bad, threatening me with my embarrassing childhood photos! My third brother made me drink a whole bottle, fourth brother gave me an extra big glass, and fifth brother was the worst, he laughed at me for being henpecked...when he's no better himself! My second and third brothers-in-law ganged up to trick me..."

Yu Shu smiled and pinched his cheek: "That's what you get for always teasing them like a naughty child."

"Hmph! I'll still dare to do it next time!"

"Let's go, time to go home."

"Carry me!"

Yu Shu looked him up and down: "You really overestimate me."

She had drank quite a bit tonight too, so she held Shen Youlin's hand as they walked back, to aid digestion and to sober up in the cool night breeze.

The moon was bright and the clouds sparse tonight, they could actually see a few stars.

"Let's buy a star!" Shen Youlin had a sudden idea, "Buy a star and name it after both of us. Then even after we're gone, the star will still be there, it can exist for millions of years. Our love will also last millions of years."

"How can you be sure the star we buy will be a long-lived one? What if we buy it and it explodes the very next day?" Yu Shu teased him, "Oh wait, bad example. Let's say we buy a star 10,000 light years from Earth, and it explodes the next day - but actually, it exploded 10 years ago already. By the time we buy it, it's already gone. You're just buying naming rights for a star, you can't eat or drink it, and you don't know when it might explode, or if it already did. Tsk, what a scam, there's no bigger fool's tax than this."

Shen Youlin: "......"

"You're not the least bit romantic!"

"I didn't say I wouldn't buy it."

"But you said it was a scam!"

"Not knowing it's a scam and still jumping in is foolish; knowing it's a scam but still jumping in, is because of love."

Shen Youlin immediately turned coquettish: "Who do you love then?"

"I love you~"

"Who loves me?"

Yu Shu couldn't keep it up: "You're so coy!"

"Say it quick! Or else tonight I'll..."

A mournful dog's wail suddenly intruded into their ears. Shen Youlin froze, then whipped his head towards the sound, muttering deliriously: "Yun Duo has come back."

"What?" Yu Shu didn't hear clearly, and asked in confusion.

That piteous dog's cry was full of agony, occurring once more.

Shen Youlin didn't answer her, but ran towards the small grove by the road. Leaving the main road, the lights along the path were dim, but Shen Youlin wasn't afraid at all. On the contrary, he ran even faster.

Seeing this, Yu Shu hurriedly followed him, but tripped on the gravel road, smashing her phone screen. What made her even more desperate was that in just that brief moment, Shen Youlin had already disappeared from her sight.

Yu Shu couldn't help but curse out loud. Ignoring the pain, she climbed up and continued forward - she had to find Shen Youlin first.

Yu Shu walked along the path, and after a few minutes arrived at a small villa nestled among pine trees. The wall around it was very high, and peering in through the large iron gate, she saw a desolate and lonely courtyard. The plants inside were sparse, and the whole house was cold and uninviting, clearly no one had lived there for a long time.

The electric gate was open, leaving just enough space for one person to pass through.

In the dim moonlight, Yu Shu could make out rust stains on the gate, and a thread hanging off it that was the same color as Shen Youlin's down jacket.

"Is my life's storyline really changing from a carefree romance novel into a haunted horror mystery now?" Yu Shu muttered as she entered the yard, "Shen Youlin, don't mess with me, or you'll become a widow."

She had barely walked far when the gate suddenly closed behind her.

Yu Shu had a thousand words she wanted to say, which all boiled down to one - "Fuck!"

Yu Shu's patience was completely gone. She shoved open the villa's door and yelled, "Shen Youlin come out right now!"

No sound answered her back. The furniture was all covered with white dust cloths, the only thing that moved were tiny specks of dust, drifting in the moonlight.

Using the moonlight, Yu Shu felt around for light switches or power switches, but found nothing.

As time passed, Yu Shu shivered uncontrollably: "I'm scared of the dark too..."

Suddenly, soft footsteps sounded behind her. Yu Shu looked back in fright, and seeing it was Shen Youlin, finally relaxed. His whole face was obscured by darkness.

Yu Shu punched him in the chest: "Let me tell you, you've really done it this time. When you get home, kneel and scrub the laundry boards..."

In an instant, Yu Shu couldn't speak - Shen Youlin's hands were clutching her throat, his eyes empty in the darkness, twisted and terrifying like a vengeful ghost seeking her life.

What was it like to be strangled?

Despair, terror...

Yu Shu's vision went dark, the air in her chest drained away. Her trachea felt the sting of a thousand needles, even the blood in her body seemed to congeal.

Yu Shu couldn't make a sound, tears spilled from her eyes, falling onto the back of Shen Youlin's hand.

Shen Youlin woke up with a start, and fiercely pushed her away. His whole body shook uncontrollably, he opened his mouth but no sound came out.

Yu Shu broke out in violent coughs, and as soon as she caught her breath, said: "It's me, don't be scared..."

She tentatively reached out a hand to touch Shen Youlin, but he suddenly retreated back two steps, then turned and ran upstairs.

"Damn it! You're finished this time, if you don't kneel and scrub until you break the washboards, I'm taking your surname!"

The curses Yu Shu uttered tonight were more than she had in a whole year.

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