There’s Something Wrong With These Demonic Women!

Chapter 48: I Will Drag You Into My Room

Chapter 48: I Will Drag You Into My Room

Held tightly in his embrace, Xuan Yin's emotions were already in disarray. Her heart raced violently like an untamed stallion, and a rosy blush spread from her cheeks down to her toes. Her whole body felt hot. Her rational mind told her that this was wrong, but in the face of surging desire, the little rationality she had left was ineffective.

She lifted her head, her eyes misty as she looked at him, at the man who was her husband. Her gaze revealed a hint of confusion, shyness, resistance, and a touch of infatuation. This strange and complex feeling appeared for the first time in four hundred years – like a tidal wave, recklessly eroding the dam in her heart.

No, this can't continue. I'm losing control of my body.

The little demoness tried to resist his influence, but no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't bring about a change. She could only allow herself to be held by him, succumbing to her true feelings. In the end, Xuan Yin reluctantly gave in to the desires in her heart, nestling against his chest to experience the comfort his strong embrace provided.

Her gaze moved away from his face, her burning cheeks instinctively pressing against his chest. She inhaled his masculine scent and listened to his strong heartbeat.

At the same time,

Lu Xun held the delicate body in his arms, the faint fragrance wafting over him. Though it wasn't as rich and intoxicating as Immortal Miao Feng's, it carried a refreshing sensation, not lacking in a light mature charm. He swallowed and lowered his head, his lips near her ear as he gently said, "Darling… your body is so soft and fragrant."

The soft and deep tone, coupled with the embarrassing words, pierced into the depths of the little demoness's heart, strumming the most delicate heartstrings. Her body couldn't help but tremble slightly. She struggled to control her emotions and murmured, "Don't tease me… I… I can't handle those words of yours."


"Do you like it then?" Lu Xun grinned mischievously and continued softly in her ear, "If my lady doesn't like it, then this gentleman shall refrain from saying them."

"I… I…"

The first time Xuan Yin fell into the river of love, how could she resist the antics of Lu Xun, this shameless fellow? He easily got the upper hand with just a few words. As she panted, her breath growing rapid, and while biting her rosy lips, a helpless and anxious expression flashed across her blushing face.


"I like…"

The little demoness replied in a voice as soft as a mosquito's, burying her head even deeper as she spoke.

However, the mischievous Lu Xun didn't seem to intend to let her off the hook. Looking at the self-conscious little demoness who had shed all traces of her aloofness, he asked with a playful grin, "Wife, what did you say just say a moment ago, when the wind was a bit strong?"

This… This darned scoundrel!

He must be deliberately teasing me… He clearly heard me say that I like it, yet he insists on asking again. He's so annoying… really annoying!

Faced with Lu Xun's playful teasing, the successive traps he set up, Xuan Yin, this little demoness, was completely defenseless. She felt a mix of embarrassment, anger, and helplessness, and the fact that she couldn't resist it made her even more frustrated. She lightly pursed her lips and scolded, "I said I like it… I like hearing those words from you, but… but I can't handle them after hearing them too many times."

"Oh my…"

"Then just listen a few more times." Lu Xun grinned , his expression full of mischief. "Wife, quickly put your arms around my waist."


Faced with his unreasonable request, the little demoness gritted her teeth and said, "Don't push your luck. Letting you hold me is already a favor, and now… you actually want me to hold your waist?"

Lu Xun, who was already quite audacious, became even more unrestrained. His hand silently slipped from her back and slowly moved towards her hip, as he cheekily said, "Wife, if you don't hold my waist, then I might have to grab yours…"

"You dare!"

Xuan Yin had already grasped his intentions. She raised her head, glaring at him fiercely, and threatened, "If you dare touch my butt, I'll definitely chop you!"

"You're going a bit far with that threat…"

"I haven't even touched it… Who are you scaring?" Lu Xun completely disregarded the her warning. He still moved closer, a hint of provocation in his gaze as he looked at her. He continued, "Wife, don't panic. Just like our feelings for each other, it's a matter of familiarity over time. Remember how incompatible we were at first? Now we're hugging each other."

As he finished speaking, he leaned in close to her ear and whispered softly, "Later, this gentleman will also let you…"


Before Lu Xun could finish his sentence, the frustrated little demoness bit down on his neck.

"Still… still daring to be naughty?" Xuan Yin released her grip on his neck, blushing and glaring at him, her voice filled with both annoyance and coyness.

"Don't think that just because I revealed my feelings to you, you can act recklessly towards me. In the future, without my permission, you're not allowed to lay a finger on me. Otherwise… don't blame me for unsheathing my sword."

Looking at the place where she had bitten him, the neat row of teeth marks, Lu Xun felt a mixture of embarrassment and yet also some relief. It's good she's not a venomous snake, otherwise she would've poisoned her husband to death. But thinking about it again… even if she were a venomous snake, it wouldn't work; his pure yang body is immune to all toxins in this world.

This little demoness…

She's quite fierce.

Lu Xun didn't release Xuan Yin from his embrace, still holding her tightly. He took advantage of the moment to loosen the dangling green silk belt, and leisurely asked, "Wife, when should we engage in dual cultivation?"

Although Xuan Yin didn't want to bring up this topic, she knew it was something she ultimately had to face. She lay in Lu Xun's sturdy embrace and answered softly, "When my yin energy erupts… it was supposed to be next year, but… you've been teasing my spring desires every day, which might cause the yin to erupt earlier. Probably… around…"

Saying this, the little demoness squirmed and twisted her body, muttering with a blushing face, "If it really happens when the yin erupts, I… I will drag you into my room, into… into my room."

An image surfaced in Lu Xun's mind involuntarily, of the anxious little demoness, grabbing his arm and desperately pulling him into her room, all the while shouting, Come, husband, follow me into the room…

"Lu Xun…"

"Suppressing the surging yin is quite a physically demanding task… you… you have to endure it." The little demoness bit her lip, burying her head in his chest, her voice tinged with embarrassment. "And… at that time, I won't be very rational, so don't faint halfway through."

"No worries."

"This gentleman's stamina is abundant; dealing with you, this little demoness, is well within my capabilities." Lu Xun replied with a confident smile.

Meanwhile, the loosened green silk belt, under his persistent effort, was finally completely undone.

It's not entirely his fault for being so persistent; it was just tied too tightly.

Xuan Yin's cheeks flushed crimson, her heart filled with indescribable flutters. Just as she was about to say something… suddenly, the garment she was wearing, a waist-length top, was forcefully pulled open at both sides.

Inside, there was a plain-colored, alluring inner garment, both haughty and playful.

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