The XXX-Gene (Marvel)(Mutant OC)

Chapter 48: Improvement

Chapter 48: Improvement

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Things progress and Cessily gets improvements~


They go all night long. Cessily doesn’t really have to worry about getting tired given how her power works. She hasn’t needed to sleep since her mutation first manifested itself years before. That said, she’s a little impressed with how long Thaddeus proves capable of going. At least until it finally dawns on her just how much he and Laura must have fucked.

Sure, Laura had spelled it out for her, but it’s not until Cessily and Thaddeus are in hour three of nonstop sex that she realizes he and Laura must have gone at it dozens if not hundreds of times, leaving his stamina and regenerative capabilities at astronomical levels.

The more they fuck, the more Cessily feels. Until eventually, she’s arching her back and moaning as he plants his cock deep inside of her from behind. With Thaddeus pounding into her doggystyle, Cessily has to admit, she’s never felt more alive. Something is definitely happening, something is manifesting, and she’s feeling sensations she hasn’t felt in years.

Actually, she’s feeling sensations she never felt, even back before her mutation made itself known. This is because, before Cessily became Mercury, she was a virgin. She’d never had sex before, not even to suck a dude’s dick or get fingered behind the bleachers. She’d had a couple of kisses and done some over the clothes groping… and that was it.

After becoming all-mercury, it just hadn’t seemed to matter anymore. She wasn’t a carbon-based lifeform at that point, after all. But now? Now, with Thaddeus buried deep inside of her as she manually clenched and vibrated her cunt all along his shaft, she was starting to really, REALLY enjoy herself.

Hell, after being lacking in sensation for so long, even the impact of his thighs against her rippling mercury ass was starting to feel really, really good. It stung for sure with how hard he was fucking her… but in a good way. And the more she moaned for him, the more she began to respond to his touch and his big fat dick, the more enthusiastic Thaddeus got.

He was in the zone now, finally getting the reactions he expected from her, it seemed. Though, even now it was still muffled… and Cessily still hadn’t cum a single time in the last few hours. Could she even orgasm still? Or would she be forever eternally edged? Able to experience pleasure, but never release…

Was that better or worse than no sensation at all? Right now, Cessily’s mind said it was better. ANYTHING was better than no sensation at all, especially now that she’d gotten to experience this muffled pleasure slowly building as the hours went on. However, she wasn’t sure she would necessarily agree with that sentiment forever. There might come a point where the edging drove her insane…

No. She needed to cum. She wanted it so badly. She wanted that release, to experience that full body ecstasy. But how? Well…

“P-Pull my hair.”

Thaddeus nearly pauses as she suddenly speaks up. They’d talked a lot in the beginning, back when she wasn’t feeling much of anything at all and the sex was just them going through the motions in order to see what would happen if they fucked a few times. But the more that Cessily had started to feel, the less she’d talked, until ultimately she was just a moaning, writhing mess of mercury under him.

He manages to keep fucking her after faltering momentarily, but his voice is still a little incredulous as he reaches up and wraps her red locks around his fist.

“Pull your… hair?”

Cessily groans and shakily nods as best she can now that he’s holding her hair in a makeshift ponytail.

“A-And… spank me while you fuck me… I want you to try to h-hurt me… I want you to make me FEEL it.”

Her ‘dance’ partner is quiet for a moment before finally letting out a grunt of acknowledgment. Then, he roughly tugs her head back by her hair, while at the same time bringing his hand down on her rippling silvery ass.


Cessily gurgles, feeling the strain on her scalp and the sting of his palm impacting her behind. She’s having to concentrate to ‘firm up’ her body right now so to speak, enough that he doesn’t just elongate her hair, but actually manages to pull her into a spine-tingling arch… even if she doesn’t actually have a spine.

Meanwhile, her ass goes from liquidy to firmer as well, so that his palm actually has something of an effect on her. As expected… it feels rather good. Painful? Maybe a little bit… but at this point, even pain feels good. Licking her nonexistent lips with a mercury tongue, Cessily shudders.







This pain is nothing like the sense of ‘loss’ she’d gotten from when they managed to cut pieces of her away for their experiments down in that damn laboratory. No, this pain… this pain is the pain of knowing she’s alive again. Cessily honestly hadn’t been sure. What was ‘living’? Was she truly alive when she didn’t actually need to eat, breathe, or sleep anymore? Oh sure, she’d still gone through the motions, but it hadn’t felt like she’d been living ever since her mutation manifested. Merely… existing.

Not anymore. With a loud, completely organic squeal, Cessily finally tips over the edge. She cums like crazy. No actual fluids, no physical representation of her release, but that doesn’t matter. It’s an orgasm, plain and simple. A climax that shakes her so badly she loses cohesion of her mercury body and actually collapses into a puddle on the bed in front of Thaddeus.

He cums a moment later, almost as an afterthought. But his seed lands on her all the same, allowing for another boost for both of them. That said, Thaddeus doesn’t seem to be overly concerned about that. He’s more worried about her.

“Err… Cessily? Are you okay?”

For the first time in a while, Laura speaks up from the side.

“She’s fine. She can do that. She just needs a moment to put herself back together.”

The taciturn female mutant has been watching them all this time, barely saying a word. It would be unnerving if Cessily didn’t know that was just how Laura operated. Still, the other woman is right. Slowly but surely, Cessily puts herself back together, pulling her form back up into an approximation of a human shape. Panting heavily even though she doesn’t need to breathe and has no heart that should be racing, Cessily looks to Thaddeus with wide eyes.

“… My powers don’t make any logical sense. I feel more alive than ever before, but I’m still not actually human again.”

Thaddeus frowns at that. Then, he hesitantly lifts his hand.

“I could try… draining you to see what happens? But it might be risky?”

Blinking, Cessily looks between the handsome hunk’s hand and his face.

“Draining me? Risky?”

Thaddeus just shrugs and nods.

“Remember when I said I helped someone in a similar situation to yours? Well, their power made it impossible for them to touch anyone without draining their vitality and if they have them, their powers. So basically, I now have that ability too, given we fucked long enough for me to pick up a copy. I could try draining you a little bit to see what happens… but this ability HAS put people in a coma before…”

Cessily opens her mouth… and then closes it. For a long moment, she doesn’t know what to say. She has to really think about it. But finally, she shakes her head.

“Sounds dangerous. Let’s just… keep going, yeah? The night is still young right?”

And to be fair to her, it kind of was. It had been well past sundown when Thaddeus and Laura pulled her out of that underground laboratory, but it hadn’t actually been midnight yet. Now it was definitely past midnight, but still too early to be called early morning. And since Thaddeus didn’t seem to need sleep any more than she did…

He grins and nods his head.

“You’re right. Let’s keep going.”

And so they do. They keep fucking, and Cessily gets to experience a few more orgasms at Thaddeus’ hands and cock, all while Laura watches from the side. It feels good, being fucked. Very good, considering it’s the first time she’s experienced sensations in a long, long while. Long enough that she’d forgotten what it felt like to truly be touched, let alone plowed silly.

He continues to hurt her too, at her behest. Cessily thinks she might have become a masochist, somewhere along the way. Pain was something she had decided she enjoyed just as much as pleasure in fact… maybe even MORE than pleasure. After all, pain was so much more vibrant than pleasure. The pleasure, even after a few more hours of fucking, remains somewhat muffled. But the pain… the pain grows more and more exquisite, until every spank of her ass, every slap of her tits, every pull of her hair, is enough to cause Cessily to go through a mini orgasm.

However, eventually… well, eventually they reach a point where things don’t seem to have changed all that much. Oh sure, she’s much stronger than before. And there’s something else niggling at her mind that she figures she can investigate later. However, there’s no on-off switch or anything like that. And she still looks all-mercury, even if her body can now experience sensations that it couldn’t before… impossible sensations, really.

Still, she wants more. She can’t help but want more. And so, as the nighttime hours finally start to transition to early morning hours, Cessily bites the bullet, so to speak.

“A-Alright… do it.”

Thaddeus pauses at that, in the midst of pulling out of her after the latest power-improving creampie. He raises an eyebrow and Cessily just huffs in response.

“Try draining my powers… let’s see what happens.”

Hesitantly nodding, Thaddeus carefully brings up his hands towards her arms.

“Alright, but I want you to tell me the moment you start to feel faint? I’m not saying we necessarily want to stop there, just… it’ll be a good benchmark. Ready?”

Cessily nods much more assuredly, putting on a stiff upper lip even as she hides her internal anxiety as she anticipates his touch. Finally, Thaddeus takes ahold of her arms and… begins to drain her. There’s no other word for it, to be honest. This is more akin to the feeling of ‘loss’ that The Facility had managed to invoke when they tore pieces of her off for their experiments, rather than the exquisite pain she’d been experiencing for the last few hours.

It starts out as a dull ache that quickly spreads to every inch of her mercury body. But Cessily doesn’t ask him to stop. She just stares down at herself… and then she sees it. She’s focusing heavily on maintaining her humanoid form right now. And as Thaddeus drains her… she sees patches of pink amidst the silvery mess. She sees… actual skin.

Cessily’s eyes widen and she suddenly intakes a sharp breath, only to realize that she ACTUALLY intakes that sharp breath. She’s not just going through the motions or anything like that… suddenly, she has lungs again. Suddenly, she needs to breathe again. And… that breathing is getting harder and harder.


Sensing that he’s about to stop and pull away, Cessily snaps her hands up and grasps Thaddeus’ forearms, speaking through shortened breath.

“D-Don’t… don’t… s-stop…”

He frowns, but she holds onto him all the same, clinging to him for dear life. Literally, in this case. The more he drains her, the more her old human body returns to her. She can feel it, her mercury body transforming back into a human one. This was what she’d always wanted… or rather, this was what she’d THOUGHT she always wanted.

If they’d started with this, with draining her until she was a powerless human again, Cessily probably would have been happy with that. Unless it wasn’t permanent, in which case she would have been content but a little annoyed to constantly have to find Thaddeus to revert it.

But now that she’d experienced the last several hours of sensation in her mercury form, of pleasure and pain but most importantly power… Cessily realizes she doesn’t want to be human again. She doesn’t want to go back to being that powerless girl she once was.

Finally, she releases her grip on Thaddeus’ forearms, pushing him away. He immediately lets go, jerking back as she does so. Cessily, still gasping for breath, feels her heart racing in her chest for a few moments… before it and her other organs begin collapsing back into mercury once more.

She can feel the change internally, can sense her body reverting back to its mutated form all over. Bones, muscles, blood and sinew and organs… all of it goes right back to being completely mercury.


“Cessily? How are you feeling?”

However, outwardly, the same cannot be said. Both Thaddeus and Laura are looking at her in concern now, and she understands why, because outwardly… she still looks the same. She looks human. Pink skin, real red hair, actual eyes… on a surface level, she looks like she used to now, albeit aged up a bit.

But it’s only surface level. Raising an arm, Cessily watches as seemingly human fingers morph into a silvery blade with barely a thought. She watches her pink flesh turn to mercury silver, and then she moves it back again. Grinning now, she demonstrates for the others by making a blade and stabbing it into her own stomach, only to show a mercury hole where the ‘wound’ should be.


Laura sounds alarmed and maybe a little cross with her. But Laura doesn’t know what Cessily knows. So of course she would be upset with Cessily for seemingly stabbing herself like that. Grinning wider still, Cessily chuckles as she pushes off the bed and climbs to her feet, running seemingly human hands along a seemingly human body. Only seemingly… and yet…

“It’s the best of both worlds. I get all of the upsides and none of the downsides. Oh… this is perfect.”

It seemed draining her had sort of ‘reset’ her power so to speak. That, combined with the way they’d been suping her up for hours and hours now with sex, had led to her new ability to pass as human. Oh and there were other things she could do too; she was pretty sure. So many fun things. Ah… but first… that niggling sensation she got earlier, she’s finally figured out what it means.

Cessily looks off to the side, seemingly staring at a wall. But she’s not staring at the wall, she’s staring at what’s PAST the wall.

“… I can feel them now.”

She senses Thaddeus and Laura exchanging a glance before Laura asks the obvious.

“Feel what, Cessily?”

Grinning savagely, Cessily looks back to the two who had made this possible. She owed them a debt that could never be repaid.

“I can feel the pieces of me that those bastard took. And they’re all in the same place too. What do you want to bet that Harkins is with them as well?”

Her savage grin is soon mirrored on Laura’s face as understanding dawns on the other mutant. Thaddeus though looks a lot less certain. In the end, Laura turns to him, and both women wait to see what he’ll say about this latest revelation.

The Vote:
[ ] Thaddeus doesn't think they should rush in so quickly, he suggests passing the information off to heroes instead - 8%
[X] Thaddeus demands they at least get some backup this time, specifically in the form of Kitty and Gwen - 84%
[ ] Thaddeus is entirely supportive of Cessily and Laura's desire to get back at Harkins and backs them up all the way - 9%

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