The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 97: The Intriguing Tree and the Difference in Power

Chapter 97: The Intriguing Tree and the Difference in Power

We are exploring the streets after leaving the school. Although the number of people in our group has increased, what we have to do didnt change. Leveling up and acquiring supplies. Not only am I talking about food, Im also talking about heavy machinery and scrap cars that could be used against monsters.

(Because I used up a lot of them in the fight against the dark wolf yesterday)

If it was against normal monsters, I could reuse them after picking them up, but I cant do that when the dark wolf swallows them with its darkness. Thanks to that, the massive number of bullets has hit rock bottom. It can be said that the wolf is the nemesis of the Item Box. It can also see through stealth with its sensitive nose. The wolf is becoming trickier to fight against.

While Ichinose was resting, I had already collected some boulders and heavy looking objects from the surrounding, but I dont feel at ease. Power in quantity. I want to be well prepared in case we meet against a large army of monsters. That being the case, while were walking, I pick up scrap cars, vending machines, and fallen telephone poles when Rikka-chan isnt watching.


While moving in such a manner, something in front of me catches my eyes. Its a giant tree which has grown through houses. Ever since the world has become crazy, they have been growing everywhere.

Doesnt it feel like this tree has become even larger?

Now that you mention it, yes.

Ichinose-san nods at my words. To begin with, it was a huge tree that was dozens of meters long, but its trunk has become thicker.

(Ive been paying a lot of attention to the monsters, but these trees are a mystery)

The day monsters began appearing, these trees appeared as well. Theyre growing everywhere around the city, and theyre getting bigger. What are these trees?

but its strange

What is?

Ichinose-san traces the tree trunk.

Its such a big and unusual plant, so our attention should be easily attracted to it but if we dont stop by deliberately to observe, we dont pay much mind to it Ah, youre right.

Rikka-chan agrees to Ichinose-sans statement. I agree as well. I didnt even care about them. They did block my path and get in my way, but I didnt both thinking in depth about their existence. However, now that I think about it, its really strange. Monsters are abnormal, but its the same with these trees. I wonder about monster a lot of the times, but why isnt this the case with these trees? Its as if theyre purposely making me think this way.


Do these trees also possess some type of skill? A skill which moves other peoples attention away from themselves, just like Ichinose-sans Cognitive Impediment Theres certainly a possibility. Since animals and insects also have levels and skills, theres no reason for plants to not have them too. Not to mention the fact that these trees appeared along with the monsters. We cant expect them to be normal.

Wait a minute. Then if we cut down these trees, do we get experience?

For a moment, I feel the urge to try it out. However, to cut down a tree of this size is quite the hassle. By spending time with a chainsaw, its possible to do so, but the sound might attract the attention of unwanted monsters. Its more efficient to simply hunt monsters by detecting them. Furthermore, the moment I thought about cutting down the trees, I felt something unpleasant. And that feeling was at a dangerous level.

Perhaps they have skills that are used to counterattack. If theyre something that would become aggressive only when theyre attacked, it will be wise of us to not lay a finger to them.

What should we do? Should we try cutting it as an experiment?

Thinking so far, I return to reality. Rikka-chan is approaching the tree with a hatchet on her hand. I stop her in a hurry.

Lets not. I dont think anything would come out of cutting it a bit. Rather than that, Enemy Detection has reacted. We should head over there. A monster?

Yes, probably goblins. There are four of them, one of which appears to be a hobgoblin. Hearing this, the two show faces of alert. We head towards the direction which Enemy Detection has indicated. The moment our consciousness moves from the tree to the monsterHmm?

Whats wrong?

No, I just felt something strange


What is this? I think I was thinking about something, but I wonder what it was? I cant seem to remember. What was it that I was wondering about?

No, its nothing

Since I forgot about it, it shouldnt be anything important. The tree rustles behind us. While listening to the sound, we leave the area.

We discover three goblins and one hobgoblin. Theyre leaning on the wall and stretching.

Ill snipe.


Ill do my best.

Ichinose-san holds her gun while Rikka-chan holds her hatchet.

Ichinose-san is responsible for covering us. Aisaka-san is to follow behind me.



Next, I look at Momo and Aka.


Furu furu.

Both seem to be in high spirits.


The moment Aka turns into a weapon and Momo dives into my shadow, I start dashing. I hear Ichinose-san pulling the trigger at the same time. With the sound of gunshot, one of the goblins head explodes.



Giyaaaaa! Giaagaa!!

The goblins are panicking due to one of their companions sudden demise. In that opening, Momo and I cast our shadows at the goblin, binding them in the process. The enhanced skill of the Shadow Master is clearly stronger than before, so by putting in just a bit more strengthGigiGichaat!?

The goblins which could not withstand the pressure of the shadow are crushed to death.

You have gained experience.

Good. Whats left is only the hobgoblin. It seems to be trying its best not to be squeezed to death, but thats all it could do. I step forward and approach it instantly. With Aka who has become a weapon, I cut of its neck. I could have finished it faster by using heavy machinery, but as Rikka-chan is here, I just killed it the conventional way. I also wish to raise the proficiency of Swordsmanship and Critical Aim even by a bit.

You have gained experience.

The magic stones fall, and the Heavenly Voice announces the end of the battle. The battle ends in a matter of seconds.

Okay, were done. Good job, Momo.


She has approached me, wanting to be praised, so I praise her. Uri-uri, does it feel good here? Hmm? Here, here.

Wafu. Wafuuu.

Momo narrows her eyes and allows herself to become comfortable. So cute. Im healed.

Kudou-san! Me too! I want to do it too!

Ichinose-san expresses her desire to mofu-mofu Momo. Momo is cute, so it cant be helped. I guess Ill give way. This is the selflessness of a working member of society.

Fluffy, fluffy


Ichinose-san is satisfied stroking Momo. Momo is satisfied with being stroked. Everyone is satisfied. Yeah, its a good thing.

Hm? Whats up, Aisaka-san?

Looking behind me, I witness Rikka-chan staring blankly with a stunned expression. What happened? Does she want to stroke Momo as well? That doesnt seem the case though.


Huh? Oh, no, its nothing!

Is that so?

Its fine if thats the case. I glance at Ichinose-san besides me, and she is also tilting her head in confusion. However, her hand continues to mofu-mofu Momo.

Well, we should carry on.


Unwillingly, really unwilling, Ichinose-san lets go of Momo. Momo is cute, so it cant be helped. Momo also voices out a Kuuuu in sadness, but please bear with me. Leveling up is the priority right now. Now, lets look for the next target. We start walking again.

Staring at the back of the person in front of her, Rikka was thinking.

(This onii-san is overpowered)

The event that just transpired was burned into her memories. It was obvious why. The moment she readied her weapon and took a step forward, the battle had ended.

(I couldnt see onii-sans movements at all)

It wasnt at the level of just being fast. When she noticed, the goblins had been squeezed to death by the shadows and the hobgoblins head was flying in the air. She knew that he was strong based on the skills he that told her, but she didnt think it was to this level.

(Didnt this onii-san say he was level 18? Why is there such a huge gap despite being only 6 levels higher than me?) Rikka thought she was decently strong. Even among her friends, she had the highest level, and her status had improved considerably as well. Her strength and agility had gone over 40. Not only were zombies and goblins no longer her opponent, she could also fight against orcs and shadow wolves without Nishinos assistance. Or so she thought.

But as the saying goes, there is always someone above you.

(I think Ive become companions with an incredible person.)

She couldnt help thinking so. At the same time, she felt like she was petty knowing that she was hiding the truth from such an amazing person as well as her best friend who she was able to finally meet up with.

(Maybe I should tell them about it but what good will come out of telling them?)

What was the best course of action? Rikka pondered. However, she didnt come to an answer. She was never good at thinking to begin with. Soon, her brain overheated and steam came out. The Heavenly Voice resounded in her worried brain.

You received a mail.


Q: What are the trees?

A: Theyre the trees that the protagonist observed outside in chapter 2. They grow everywhere in the city.

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