The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 93: The Beginning of the Fifth Day

Chapter 93: The Beginning of the Fifth Day

The next day after the intense battle. In the morning of the fifth day, I woke up in the ruined school building.

So its morning already

I wake up while scratching my head. Irregularities there are none. Enemy Detection tells me that there arent any monsters nor humans around us. All good. Looking to the side, Ichinose-san and Rikka-chan are still asleep. Just looking at them sleep, they look no different from regular girls their age.

Dont sleep with your gun

Ichinose-san, who is sleeping peacefully, has her sniper rifle firmly on one arm. Whats up with this former school girl who sleeps while hugging her gun? Misfire shouldnt happen. The gun doesnt seem loaded anyways. Apparently, she can make bullets using a skill which consumes MP.

Looking closely, Rikka-chan hasnt let go of her hatchet either. Even though two beautiful girls sleeping while holding hands sounds like yuri, the things theyre holding are too barbaric in comparison.

Theyre holding hands in order to share the effect of Cognitive Impediment. I learned later on that the skill is active even during her sleep if Ichinose-san doesnt turn it off. As of now, Aka is weakened to the point where it cant mimic and camouflage all of us. For the sake of safety during the night, it was best to stick together and sleep.

What about me? Well, I slept with my hands on the hem of Ichinose-sans clothes. Clothing is recognized as part of the body, so theres no problem. I dont feel sorry for myself either. Putting Rikka-chan aside, Ichinose-san is a wall. Theres no problem. (TN: Kind of confused. Is he saying that Ichinose-san is an airport runway?) Guess I dont have to wake them up just yet

After everything that has occurred yesterday, its no wonder theyre tired. On the contrary, in terms of being fatigued, Im supposed to be the most tired but? Is it because of the potion that I received from Ichinose-san? Im very well.


Noticing that I have woken up, Momo comes out from the shadow.

Good morning, Momo.


Different from the two JKs that are sleeping in a barbaric manner, Momo is as cute as ever. As she licks my face, I also stroke her head and body. Oya? Is it just me, or is her fur better than before? This feeling is the best.

Thank you for guarding us as well, Aka.

Furu furu.

Next, I turn my attention to Aka who is shaking near Ichinose-sans feet. Aka shakes as if to say Dont mind it. Slimes do not require sleep. Even though Aka couldnt mimic, it helped us by keeping watch through the night in case something abnormal happened. Really, Aka is a good child. When I pick up and hug Aka who has reduced its size, it feels really cool and nice. Hmm, I felt slightly reluctant in the beginning, but since I got used to the feeling, Im beginning to believe that this may feel almost as good as Momos mofumofu.

Oh right.

Before the duo wakes up, I should distribute the points. From yesterdays battle, my level rose by one and became level 18. I have 20 SP and 10 JP to use. What should I do After a short period of contemplation, I first increase the level of Ninja to level 6 using JP. As a result of Ninja rising to level 6, the level of Ninjutsu, Throwing, Enhanced Senses, Odorless, Silent Operation, and Concealment goes up by one. I preserve the remaining 4 points of JP.

Next up, what should I do using the SP? Right. I raise Active Physique to level 5, Ninjutsu to level 8, and Prediction to level 3. All 20 of the SP have been allocated. The status looks something like this:

Kudou Kazuto

Level 18

HP: 190/190

MP: 45/45

Strength: 142

Endurance: 138

Agility: 318

Dexterity: 288

Magic: 25

Magic Resistance: 25

SP: 0

JP: 4


Ninja LV6

Hunter LV6

Shadow Master LV5

Unique Skills


Profession Enhancement


Ninjutsu LV 8, Throwing LV 5, Enhanced Senses LV 5, Odorless LV 6, Silent Operation LV6, Concealment LV5, Night Vision LV4, Critical Aim LV5, Attention Cutoff LV7, Appraisal Interruption LV4, Enemy Detection LV7, Telephoto LV3, Agility Reinforcement LV7, Dexterity Reinforcement LV4, Observation LV10, Listening Ear LV4, Shadow Manipulation LV5, Body Strengthening LV10, Active Physique LV5, Swordsmanship LV5, Stress Resistance LV9, Fear Resistance LV9, Poison Resistance LV1, Paralysis Resistance LV2, Virus Resistance LV1, Hear Resistance LV1, Aberration Resistance LV1, HP Auto Recovery LV1, Hostility Detection LV6, Crisis Detection LV9, Escape LV4, Defense Instinct LV1, Item Box LV10, Mail LV2, Concentration LV3, Prediction LV3, Negotiation LV1, Riding LV2 Party Members


Assassin Dog LV5


Mimic Slime LV2

Ichinose Natsu


With Ninjutsu leveled up to 8, 2 more ninjutsus become available. How to use them appears on my mind. Hmmm theyre quite interesting. Until now, most of the ninjutsu were geared towards running away, but these can be utilized in other forms. By using them alongside Akas abilities, infiltrating will become easier.

Putting the newfound abilities aside, everyone else also leveled up during the battle yesterday. I mean, Ichinose-sans level is as high as usual Level 23 thats still 5 levels above me. Why doesnt the difference remain even when I have the unique skill Precocious? Whatever, I should prioritize checking my skills.

Yesterday, I acquired the unique skill Profession Enhancement while going against the dark wolf. Its effect is likely the enhancement of skills that are related to the users professions. I need to analyze the skill in further details. Similar to Precocious which provides extra experience and points, Im sure this unique skill is quite powerful. Also, what the monster tamer said yesterday lingers in my mind.

-I can strengthen those skills you know?

That was what she claimed. If that wasnt a bluff, the skill should be capable of influencing fellow party members. That being the case, this skill would be a powerful tool which would help in surviving. When Ichinose-san wakes up, I should test it out.

But then again, if they wake up, we would have to decide on what to do with Rikka-chan.

Even after wracking my brain for the entire night, I dont have an answer. What should I do? Currently, if Rikka-chan wants to return to Nishino-kun, I wouldnt mind doing that, but if she wants to stay with Ichinose-san, am I to party up with her? To be honest, she might be a close friend of Ichinose-san, but she isnt that important to me. Its the truth that I dont want her to die, but its not like I could trust her with my back during a fight either. The very fact that Im thinking about this proves that I dont have faith in her. The world is like this already. No one is there to judge whether one choice is better than the other. Just yesterday, I made many mistakes and hesitated over several subjects.

Momo, what do you think?


I ask Momo who is lying on top of my lap. What should we do about Rikka-chan?


Momo thinks about it for some time before replying, Ill leave it up to you.

How about you, Aka?

Furu furu.

Aka shakes, saying Ill leave it up to you as well.

I see, both of you are leaving it up to me. In the end, what is it that I should do?

Hmmmmmm huh? Kazuto-san?

I hear Ichinose-san behind me. She must have woken up.

Good morning. Did you sleep well?

Yes. Fuaaa.niyuu

Yeah, she appears to be still sleepy. Even so, she is still holding onto her gun, which leaves a peculiar taste.

N? Huh? I

Following that, Rikka-chan wakes up. As if she is confused about whats happening, she looks around until her eyes open wide upon seeing the figure of Ichinose-san who is in a dazed state.

Natsun? Eh? Seriously? That wasnt a dream? Im alive?

I cant believe it, Rikka-chan mutters. I see, from how she was yesterday, it isnt strange to think that it was a dream. After all, she was so injured that she fainted right afterwards.

Ah, Ricchan, good



Rikka-chan hugs Ichinose-san with great ferocity. Oh, Ichinose-sans face is buried in her chest!

Goodgood it wasnt a dream it really wasnt a dream


Im sorry for interrupting your emotional reunion (version 2), but can you avoid hugging her too tightly? Ichinose-san is suffocating. You see, shes a former Hiki Komori, so her status is in the singles digit.

You know what, screw it. Since theyre both awake, lets discuss what to do while eating.

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