The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 90: Interlude - The Day He Was Born

Chapter 90: Interlude - The Day He Was Born

He was attacking people on that day as well. As it was the night of a new moon, there was no moonlight. It was the perfect opportunity to attack humans. Surrounded by darkness, the only source of light was that from a torch. The only sounds that were audible came from the clicking hooves of horses and the rubbing wheels of a wagon. Travelling on the wagon was a lone old man without any guards.

Travelling under the night sky, the old man held the reins loosely as if to show his fatigue. Perhaps he didnt hire an escort in order to save money. Perhaps he was careless because the roads were well-maintained and safe. Perhaps there was another reason. However, it didnt matter.

The old man was the perfect target for him. Hiding his sound and aura, he slowly approached his prey. The first to realize the impending predator was the horse that was pulling the wagon. Hyiiiiiiiiiiiin!! With a loud neigh from the horse, the caravan suddenly came to a stop Wha-what happened.?

The old man also noticed something unusual. But it was too late. He approached the old man and attacked without hesitation.



There were sounds of something being shredded followed by sounds of something spraying out. The terrified horse began to gallop away, throwing him and the old man onto the ground.


The old man had perished. There was a sickly sound of chewing that echoed and eventually disappeared into the darkness.

You have gained experience.

A voice resonated within his head. But he didnt understand what that meant. He didnt have any intelligence to understand.


He looked around without knowing what he was doing. There was no one around. He repeated this action continuously.

No matter how many times he did this, he was a zombie without any intelligence or the capacity to learn. He merely repeated his actions, attacking people in sight. But he was a little different from all the other zombies. He had never been slain by humans, and he always managed to successfully prey on humans. The number of preys he had caught easily exceeded a hundred.

How can I hunt efficiently? How can I not have my preys retaliate? How can I not be hunted?

It was different from learning. The zombie understood these by instinct. That was how it had survived until now.


The sounds ceased. The meal was over. The moment he stood up with in satisfaction, that occurred. With a Zun!, he felt himself shaking tremendously.


The violent shaking could only be expressed as the anger of the earth. Unable to keep standing, he fell down on the spot. He rolled with accordance to the movement of the earth. Tens of seconds later, the shaking finally stopped.


What had happened? He stood up and looked around at his surroundings. There, he saw a person standing a short distance away. Even though there had been no one around a few moments ago, this person had suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

UgrhhThat was one heck of a shake

He was a skinny middle-aged man with glasses. The man was dressed in a ceremonial suit worn by nobles and was holding a box on his hand.

Really, watching over a building that is to be redeveloped in the middle of the night is downright unlucky. That bastard of a president is so annoyingthrowing all the work at me. Muttering some inaudible nonsense, the middle-aged man was approaching.

I cant see anything its so dark. Uh, phone, wheres my phone?


Once the middle-aged man turned on his phone, their eyes met.

Huh? HYAHH!! What is this monster!?

The mans tongues were tied.


He reflexively attacked the man. He understood instinctively. This prey is weak. It was an opponent he could hunt. True to his thoughts, the middle-aged man was easily caught.


The man struggled desperately to escape, but his strength was stronger. As the middle-aged man fell to the ground, he went on top of him as if to ride on a horse.


The words did not last to the end. There was a sound of chewing. Mogu mogu. He chewed continuously. The next moment, he heard a voice in his head yet again.

You have gained experience.

First kill confirmed at Chaos Frontier.

First kill bonus given.

You have acquired the skill Pride.

Along with the acquisition of Pride, the experience up to this point will be reset. Level has become 1.

This time, the voice resonated longer than usual. Next, a change occurred to him.


Severe pain struck his whole body. It was as if his body was being recreated from inside. Involuntarily holding his chest, he crouched down. After a while, the pain subsided. When he got up, he noticed the change. Power was surging throughout his body. His nerves which should have been lost were stimulated, and he felt pleasure all over his body.

He understood the changes that had taken place and smiled. On this day, at this moment, the world changed and He was born.

[Skill: Pride]

A skill given to a monster which has slain the first human after the two worlds merged. When experience is gained, a huge correction would be made. The monster which has acquired this skill would have its experience reset in exchange for high intelligence and reasoning. Carrying a Sin and guided by Fate, the monster would become an existence that leads other monsters.

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