The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 87: After the Fight

Chapter 87: After the Fight


My consciousness slowly returns. Huh? What was I doing again? I was I was fighting against the dark wolf when I fainted Right. Momo!


When I try to stand, something collides with my head.

Huh? Ichinose-san?

Oh, g-good. Youre awake

Ichinose-san turns her head away while holding her nose.

Are you okay?

Im fiwait, youre, youre too close!


She pushes me away with the hand she used to hold her nose. However, she remains close to me as her other hand is holding mine. Its soft.

This this is because the skills effect cannot be shared otherwise

With her face still turned away, she turns red before providing an explanation. But you could touch just about anywhere for that you know Never mind, this is fine with me. Ichinose-sans hand is very soft and a little sweaty. This is good as it is.

Wait a minute. What the hell is happening here?



What happened after I fainted?

When I ask, Ichinose-sans expression turned dark before replying.

To be truthful, I dont get it either. I dont understand why that monster showed mercy on us Showed mercy?

For a moment, I thought I heard wrong.

Yes. The dark wolf left before landing us the final blow


Whats this about? Its incomprehensible. Is there any reason to let us go in that situation? Ichinose-san seems confused after saying it as well.

Oh right! Then what about Momo? Is Momo okay?

If youre talking about Momo-chan-


Before Ichinose-san finishes speaking, Momo appears from my shadow.



Momo comes out, rubs herself on my body, and licks my face. She also shakes her tail furiously. Using my free hand, I pat Momo. Un, this feeling, shes authentic.

Ah Momo. Thank god


Hugging her with the free hand, tears roll down my eyes. From the bottom of my heart, I feel comfort knowing that shes safe. Even so, a question arises.

Was Momo spared as well?

That seems to be the case

Im getting more and more confused as time passes. What was that dark wolf going to do? The reason behind sparing my life. The reason behind leaving Momo behind. Various hypotheses swim around in my head, but none of them sound plausible. Theres no way for me to understand the thought process of monsters.

Shortly after the dark wolf left, Momo-chan woke up. With her help along with Akas, we moved you here. Here?

Having heard that, I look around where I am currently at. I see walls and ceilings, as well as stairs and corridors at the corner of my view. Am I in the school? Even so, I dont feel much presence around me Furu Furu.


I see Aka glued to my leg.

Furu Furu!

It sticks to me as if its trying to say Aka was worried you know. Aka must not have recovered fully either. Its body is around half its original size.

Sorry, Ive made you anxious as well

~~ Furu Furu.

When I softy caress the semitransparent body of Aka, it trembles in delight.

Huh? Now that I look at myself

I check my body. There arent any injuries? While my clothes are stained with blood and ripped throughout, other than that, my body isnt harmed in the slightest. I feel slightly tired and dizzy, but thats about it.

Was this Ichinose-san?

Yesyes I used an HP recovery potion. I got it from the Gacha again

The Gacha skill. If I remember correctly, Gacha, a skill which Ichinose-sans occupation Hiki Komori offers, allows the user to roll the Gacha 3 times and get various useful items in exchange for 1 SP. It was also her potion which healed me after my fight with the high orc.

It is up around 3 SP, but I was lucky enough to obtain it.

As if relieved, Ichinose-san shows me the emptied bottle. How did she feed me the potion? Im very curious, but I dont think I its something I should ask.

I apologize. To make you use your precious points for my sake

3 SP. For me who possesses a bonus boost, it isnt costly, but for Ichinose-san, it must have been quite the expense.

Ah, its fine. I obtained decent items and occupations from it as well and to begin with, this all started due to my selfish desires Her voice trails off by the end, and her expression turns dark again. She must be thinking that she is the main cause of this trouble. Indeed, its not entirely wrong. If I had ignored Ichinose-sans suggestions and passed through the school, none of this could have happened. But talking about this is meaningless. After all, time cannot be reverted back.

Ichinose-san, dont mind it too much. I didnt disagree with your plans either, and there were many things that I could have done better. Rather, I should be the one to blame for failing to carry things out properly due to hesitation. No, if I hadnt suggested it in the first place-

Nonono, if I had done a better job-

No, if I-

No, if-

In the end, we laugh after blaming ourselves and lowering our heads at the same time. Thanks to this, Ichinose-sans expression has become brighter albeit still looking away from me.

So Ichinose-san, I want to double check on our situation right now.


Youre certain that were within the school?

Ichinose-san nods.

Thats peculiar. I dont see any signs of people

Yes, its much too silent. All the noises that we heard when we first infiltrated have vanished. Also, looking closely rather, just by looking, it is apparent that some parts of the ceiling and the walls have been damaged. Is this the aftermath of our battle? I was too focused in the fight to notice, but it wouldnt be strange to be implicated because of the dark wolfs wide range of attacks. Did the people here evacuate? When I ask, Ichinose-san shakes her head.

Im not too sure either, but just as the dark wolf was about to leave, it howled, drawing in a fair number of monsters here. What.

Now that she mentions it, I remember that shadow wolves and lesser wolves also howl to gather their teammates. Maybe their howls contain such special effects.

After which, I heard things such as screams and screams, and also things like screams and such So you only heard screams. But that is to be expected. Even the army controlled by the monster tamer was a considerable threat to the normal populace. On top of that, the dark wolf destroyed the school and drew in more monsters with its howl. The scene must have looked like the hells of Buddhism.

Since Ill be at a disadvantage fighting in close quarters within the building, we hid here until Kudou-san woke up. Despite being unable to move, Cognitive Impediment allowed us to remain hidden. After a while, all the sounds disappeared From this, I could only infer that the people ran away in an unorganized manner. There are not many monsters around as they chased after those that fled.

Is that so

I wonder how many managed to escape with their lives. The current world really is harsh on us humans. Damn it.

Oh, by the way, for how long have I been out cold?

Around an hour or so.

An hour After suffering so much damage, I should be happy about recovering after an hour. Speaking of which, how much HP have I regained? I open the status screen to check.

HP: 180/180

MP: 35/35

Both my HP and MP are full. I guess this is the effect of Ichinose-sans recovery potion. Its amazing that it could recover both MP and HP simultaneously. Is it an elixir?

Speaking of which, Ichinose-san, what happened to your friend?

When I ask casually, Ichinose-sans shoulder shudders.

I dont know. After the fight, I sent a mail, but there has been no reply.

Or so she says. Did Ichinose-san who loves spamming mails just say that she sent only one? For her to make such a normal judgment. Does she have a fever?

Um are you thinking about something very rude right now?

Its just your imagination.

I turn my face away to check my conditions. Yeah, it seems like I wont have any problems with normal movements.

Lets move. There isnt any point staying here anymore.


Im curious about what happened to Nishino-kun and Rikka-chan, but since they received the mail, they must be alive at the very least. Then there will be a chance to meet again. But then again, that student council president and that twin could be around them. While monsters are dangerous, the student council president is a source of danger in her own way. Those twins as well. Theyre unforgivable.

The next time we meet, Ill make them suffer from the Item Box from a distance away. On a more serious note, I should be cautious when I encounter them again. Since I can move again, staying here would be a dangerous move. We should find another place. I activate Enemy Detection. With Profession Enhancement, the skill is enhanced, allowing more area to be covered. I dont sense any powerful monsters around.

As for humans un, I can sense a few. Have they missed their opportunities to run away? Seeing as they arent moving, they must be either hiding or injured.


While I am thinking, Momo suddenly dashes out.

H-Hey, whats wrong?!

I chase Momo while carrying Ichinose-san. Inside the dim school, blood and flesh are scattered all over the place. With the corpses laying about, it is easy to imagine what occurred here.


After a while, Momo stops. In the direction of her sight, there is a person who has fallen down while leaning on the walls. I dont see anyone around her.


I am not unfamiliar with the person. A person wearing a miniskirt and having flashy hairs tied into a side-tail. A girl wearing uniforms that have been destroyed, exuding the feeling of a gal. A considerable number of magic stones lay around her feet. Ichinose-san also turned her head from my side to look at her.


Laying on the ground with blood around her is the classmate that Ichinose-san has been searching for, Aisaka Rikka.

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