The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 82: Duplicates

Chapter 82: Duplicates


The dark wolf charges in while howling. With its enlarged body, the dark wolf looks more like a huge hog rather than a wolf. It runs with a speed similar to a bullet. Yet its movements are straightforward and easily predictable I can avoid it. Dodging the dark wolf, I jump to the sides. I ready myself so that I can adjust my position if the dark wolf follows up and redirects its charge. However, the dark wolf simply pounces pass me.


A scream of agony. When I turn my gaze, I witness one of the students that were on its track getting crushed. The wolfs momentum must have been horrifying as the student that has been sacrificed becomes a bloody mass of meat.


Do-dont come here!

Just as the dark wolf is about to strike at another student besides it, the monster tamer shouts.

What are you doing? Your enemy is the man in the hood! Ignore the rest!


Hearing her command, the dark wolf turns towards me and stares at me with turbid eyes. Somehow its eyes seem to be trying to appeal for something.

You aint walking away today. Youre simply too dangerous.

Saying that, a few goblins and orcs emerge from her feet.

These guys can hold back the rest of the small fries, but Im not confident about getting rid of you if I do not use this wolf. The monsters recommence their offense. Monsters also approach the area where Nishino and the twins are.

Theyre coming, nee-chan!

Muu, theyre a hindrance!

Lets have them take care of things on their end. Rather, that would ensure that no one butts in. Now, how should I proceed I contemplate while staring at the dark wolf in front of me. I was quite confident before, but after it got strengthened, Im not sure anymore. Its injuries are healed, and its defense which has been its only weakness also disappeared after enlarging itself Should I flee?

With our ambush having failed and our existence exposed, there really isnt any merit in staying. Even if I choose to fight it, it would be better if we first retreat and prepare ourselves. If I manage to run away, all is well. Otherwise, I can gradually exhaust its health with a hit-and-run strategy. Yup, I think that is for the best. With that said, the question is how to get out of this situation. The dark wolfs sense of smell is especially troublesome. Then I guess I will go with that method.



Ah? A dog?

I swiftly retrieve Momo who hiding into my shadow and activate my new Ninjutsu.

{The Art of Smoke Shielding} (TN: Better name?)

The next moment, black smoke erupts around me. The smoke that would disrupt anybodys field of vision covers the cafeteria in an instant.

Whats this?

I cant see anything!?

This is my second Ninjutsu. It is {The Art of Smoke Shielding}. The important thing is that it interrupts everyones vision. With this, I have sealed its eyes. Next.


Under the cover of the smoke, I retrieve Ichinose-san. Even if I cant see anything, I still have Detect Enemy. As I approach Ichinose-san, I activate {Duplication} and create four duplicates. I make the duplicates rub themselves at Ichinose-san.

(Fueee~?! Wait, Kudou-san, what are you doing in this situation?)

(Just be quiet for now.)

After rubbing thoroughly, I order the duplicates to flee in different directions. If I cant trick its sense of smell, I can make do with numbers. With Ichinose-sans odor, the four of them shouldnt be differentiable. Although the chance is still one out of five, its better than nothing.

(Ku-Kudou-san! This is?)

(Ill explain later. We should first get out of here.)

After whispering an answer, we smash a window and escape. The duplicates also flee through different exits.

At that moment

Darkness spews out from the ceiling of the cafeteria and spreads like the webs of a spider. Once again, it encompasses the entire school.


This is bad! I immediately start dashing but fail to make it in time. A few seconds before we make it out, we get trapped within the barrier.

Damn it!

That was a close one.

I hear a voice from behind. When I look back, I see the monster tamer and the dark wolf standing there.

Blinding us. What a futile resistance. Also, I have no idea how you did it, but you also managed to split your smell what an interesting skill you have there This girl she saw through our plan in an instant. While being secretly surprised, I release the duplicates that are some distance away. Since the escape has failed, there isnt a need to waste any more MP.

Hee~ so you are indeed with Ichinose-san.

The monster tamers stare alternates between Ichinose-san and me.

Long time no see. Didnt think wed unite like this.


Ichinose-san doesnt reply. However, her shoulders are slightly shaking.

It was unexpected. I didnt think you and Aisaka would have established contact. Thanks to you, all my plans have gone out of the window. So it was that mail I guess the mail triggered all this.

If we didnt do something, you wouldve killed them right?

I reply in Ichinose-sans stead.

Well yeah. I was thinking of killing both Aisaka and Nishino using this guy.


The dark wolf is whimpering as if it is in pain, but the monster tamer continues without minding.

But then~ theres something I dont understand. Innit better for ya, Ichinose, if they died? What are you?

Oya? So the one wearing the hoodie doesnt know about it? This girl was bullied by Aisaka in the past. !

Ichinose-san reacts strongly to the monster tamers words. Bullied? What does she mean? Isnt she her friend?

While I wasnt in the same class as Aisaka, Ichinose was. I heard that people bullied her under Aisakas orders, making sure that they do not get caught by the teachers or that Student Council President. The rest of her classmates pretended like they didnt know what was going on. I bet there wasnt anyone willing to side with her.

One day, I was in the bathroom. There, I saw her soaked in sewage water and crying. There were also traces of a beating. The monster tamer laughs as if theres something funny.

In the end, she refused to attend school and dropped out. It was a while after that. The school finally noticed and suspended everybody that participated in the bullying. Of course, Aisaka included. The monster tamer claps her hand because of the happy ending. What is going on If she isnt lying, then why would Ichinose-san Her actions up till now Having learned about the truth, Im stunned by how contradictory they were.

So anyways, she has no reason to help Aisaka. More like she should hate her to the bones. Wait. Were you actually trying to snipe her instead of me? Then up.


Shut up. You dont know anything.

Ichinose-san glares at the monster tamer while crying tears.

You dont know anything. You have no right to talk about Ricchan. AAAAHHHHHHHH!

A bullet gets shot along with her scream but gets stopped midway by the darkness.

Hmm, whatever. Doesnt matter. Youre going to die regardless.

Having said that, she takes a step back and allows the dark wolf to move forward. So a battle cannot be avoided. For Ichinose-san who is panting in anger, I soothe her by patting her back.

Please calm down Ichinose-san.


I will charge forward. Please cover me from the back.


There are many things I want to ask, but I will save that for later. Right now, I need to deal with the situation in front of me. The shadow near my feet shakes. No, Momo. You cant come out yet. Since I dont know what conditions the monster tamer must pass to manipulate monsters, I cant reveal Aka or Momo yet. Thats also why I kept Momo at the rear in the cafeteria.

Momo, pleas assist me from the shadows.

I sense a nod from within the shadow. I kick the ground beneath me.


Just like before, the darkness surrounding the dark wolf rushes forward like a stream. As if Ill get done in by the same trick. As I jump, Im taking out vending machines and scrapped cars so that I can use them as scaffoldings. Kicking them allows me to maneuver in the air.

Im not going to hold back.

I trigger the {Duplication} skill. Creating four duplicates, I confuse the dark wolfs perception.

What? Copies?

The monster tamer raises her voice in surprise.


The dark wolf tries to follow every copys movements, but it doesnt seem successful. A knife which one of the duplicates throws gets imbedded on the dark wolfs hide. Unfortunately, the injury is shallow and it has only scratched the surface of the skin.

Like I predicted, its defense has gone up

Attacking from a distance isnt working well. Then I should use that. I dismiss all my duplicates and take that out of my Item Box. Thereafter, I summon my duplicates again and order them to hold that. Unlike me, the duplicates cannot use the Item Box skill. Once again, the duplicates surround the dark wolf to confuse it.

Right now.

Finding an opening, one of my copies throw that at the dark wolf. It hits the wolfs face and the liquid inside the container splatters on its face.

Ga!? Gaaaaaaaa!?

The dark wolf screams and proceeds to roll on the ground.

What? What? What did you do?

The monster tamer is also stunned by the sight. Apparently, the Tabasco Ball seems to have worked. It is a perfect weapon against an enemy with an excellent sense of smell.

Now! All the duplicates! Onwards!

The copies rapidly close in and slash at the dark wolf. Since I cant inflict damage from a distance, I can only do so by using the {Strike} and {Swordsmanship} skills at close quarters. My plan works and the knives firmly land on the dark wolf.


Along with a scream, the darkness around the dark wolf entangles the duplicates. As such, I cancel the duplication skill.


The dark wolf stands up slowly while enduring the pain.

I see

From this fight, I know clearly now that the dark wolf does not possess the keen battle sense that it used to have. Whether its because of the monster tamer or because of the forced strengthening, the dark wolf is incapable of making full use of its enhanced stats. As such, it feels like the wolf has become weaker compared to when we first met.

What, thats impossible What is happening?

The monster tamer cries. I guess the monster tamer didnt expect this outcome. We are faring much better than she expected. And she hasnt realized yet. That the dark wolf is unable to display its full potential after the enhancement.

How unfortunate.

To finish off the dark wolf, I once again cast the duplication skill. Taking into account my MP, this would be the last time. I must end it with this.


As its last form of resistance, the dark wolf shoots the darkness from its feet. But thats it. For a moment, I thought the dark wolf would activate the cyclone attack that it used back when we first encountered each other, but it ended prematurely (TN: the skill where everything the dark wolf sucked up gets released to the surrounding at a very high velocity). The darkness encircled the dark wolf momentarily before dispersing. The dark wolf lies there. That previous attack must have used up all of its strength. The wolfs enlarged body shrinks back to its original size.


It tries desperately to protect its head and body with the darkness, but there are many openings. The knives of the duplicates descend upon the wolf. With that, the darkness disappears as it melts into the ground. The barrier around the school dissipates as well. Finally, a purple magic stone rolls out.

{ You have gained experience }

{ Experience has reached a certain threshold }

{ Kudou Kazutos level has increased from 17 to 18 }

I hear the voice of heaven in my head. Now, we only have to deal with the monster tamer In a sense, this is the real problem.

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