The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 71: Assault

Chapter 71: Assault

Leaving the student council office, we walk around the school again. That president seems dangerous is many ways. When she was talking, Detect Danger reacted. It wasnt during a battle, and nor was I facing a monster.

The fact that Detect Danger activated while eavesdropping could only mean that it was a skill. Since it affected me, who was hiding behind a wall, it is probably due to her voice. It was a voice that seemed to cause some mysterious sensation, and it might have some kind of effect on those that are listening.

For example, it could be like Enchantment or Brainwashing. As there is something like Negotiation, it wouldnt be weird if such skills existed. In fact, Nishinos attitude clearly changed in the middle of the conversation. I think he was under the influence of her skills.

The reason why I wasnt affected might be because the skill only works on one target. It might also be because the effect weakens with increasing distance. Either way, I was lucky. If the skill had an effect on everyone listening, Ichinose-san and I might have been . Thinking so, a shiver runs up my spine.

I might have been off guard thinking that we were merely gathering information instead of fighting with monsters. It mightve been because of my confidence towards our covertness.

Damn. Am I an idiot or what? I was too unalert

Unless I know the opponents skills and professions, there shouldnt be any harm in being cautious.

Um, Kudou-san, whats wrong? Youve been making a scary face since a while ago

Oh, sorry. I was just feeling irritated at my stupidity


Ichinose-san makes a confused face while tilting her head. Right, unlike me, Ichinose-san doesnt have Listening Ears, so she doesnt know what they were talking about. I briefly summarize the conversation that transpired in the room and the possibility of the Student Council Presidents skill.

I see. That is certainly troubling.

After listing to my story, Ichinose-san nods and replies so. Just in case, we are now around the corner of a stairway that is a distance apart from the student council room. Even though we havent been found out by a skill, its still better to talk in places where people dont come by often.

That student council president is probably someone called Ichinose-san. When I was in my first year, she was already part of the student council well, she was somewhat of a famous student. Hee, is that so h-huh?

Wait a sec. I think I just heard something that I cannot pass by.

When you were in your first year?


Ichinose-san seems to have caught up as well.

So, yeah I should be in my 3rd year of high school If I had passed, that is. I dropped out last year Are you serious. A fact that was finally revealed. No wonder her skins are so smooth.

So it was like that.

Hearing my thoughtless reply, Ichinose-san laughs at me.

Yes, yes. You youre allowed to laugh, you know? I also realize that a high school Hiki Komori who quit school is like a typical What? No, Im not going to laugh at you.


Even though she occasionally goes into self hate, I should tell this to her clearly.

Ichinose-san, I didnt decide to accept you as my companion based on your academic records. Whether or not you dropped school and became a Hiki Komori is unimportant. The fact that Ichinose-san saved Momo and I while putting herself in danger is whats important. And thats all that matters. At the time, if Ichinose-san didnt shoot that bullet to cover us, I wouldve been killed by the high orc for sure. No, even before that, if she didnt provide me with the information, I couldve been stuck in a difficult situation.

Thats why I started to think that this person is someone I can trust, and I want to be friends with her. Am I right, Momo? Wan!

Momo barks in agreement after coming out of the shadows. And then, it gets on Ichinose-sans knees and rubs its body. Muu, recently, I feel like Momo is suspiciously intimate with Ichinose-san Im so jealous of her.

On the other hand, Ichinose-san is in a dazed state. Huh? Did I say something weird? I thought I said something good. With a tiny voice, she says, That just now was unfair.


With a Pui, she turns away.

Nothing. Rather, what should we do from now on?

A-ah, right.

We went off track.

First and foremost, I was thinking of leaving this place.

Although I want to gather a bit more information, it would be for the best if we dont stay here for a long time considering the presidents skill. Of course, it would be a different matter if we have a resistance skill.

Is that okay?

Yeah, also-

I look around our surrounding from the corner of the stairs. I see many students moving about in a hurry.

I think its a bad idea to accidentally stir things up

Without a shred of a doubt, the school is much more disciplined than initially expected because of the existence of the student council and the president. If the skill can manipulate others consciousness or emotion, it is understandable that there is very little confusion among this chaos.

Although she is someone who has two distinct faces, it is undeniable that she is the one who has been organizing the students and the refugees. It would be better to avoid unnecessary trouble. Its true that Im slightly worried about what will happen to Nishino-kun, he should be considered a valuable asset due to his skills and his experience with slaying monsters. At the very least, he wont be tossed aside after being ordered around.

Overall, this was a meaning venture considering the fact that we were able to obtain some information about this places top authority. It also reminded me that I should stay vigilant even when I am facing humans. We will act on our own to gather supplies and raise levels. Then, we could come back to gather more information when the time is right. Furthermore, its not like we have to stick to this place.

We can collect information from other shelters. It wont be too late to consider whether or not to join a community after observing the people and the location. Adding on, with the Mail skill, we can establish contact without revealing our identities. Being overly cautious is not a bad this. At least in this world, that is.

From now on, lets just level up and gather supplies as planned.

We could try out the agricultural cooperative and the wholesale markets that Ichinose-san mentioned earlier. Its a chance to get our hands on a massive amount of necessities. Since thats the case, when I have my next level up, I should expand my Item Box. That said, if we can move with the bike, it would be great. Is there a way to remain inconspicuous while we ride the bike? It was when I was thinking about these issues. Suddenly, Detect Enemy and Detect Danger show a reaction.

This is?

It doesnt feel good. This is the presence of a monster. And its quite dangerous. Its closing in on us. So its coming from the gate.


Momo sensed it too apparently. She enters combat mode.

Its a monster! A monster has appeared!

I hear a scream from a distance. Signs of unrest start to appear within the school. Sounds of footsteps coming down the stairs. They seem to have noticed the abnormality.

What are their unique traits? How many of them are here?

Its just one monster that looks like a huge wolf! But its too strong! It possesses weird abilities too! Quick! We need reinforcements! Understood!

A huge wolf? Strange abilities?

Is it perhaps

I look towards Ichinose-san. She also sneaks a peek at me and nods.



Momo quickly reenters the shadows. Carrying Ichinose-san on my back, we quickly make our way towards the school gate.

Dont let it enter the school!

We need to make it halt!

H-hey! Help has arrived!

There is but one enemy to face!

Keep your guards up!

Stop it together!

We watch the scene play out from a corner. Many students have already gathered and begun fighting.


The opponent that they are facing is one that we recognize. A wolf like figure covered in black fur. Its scarlet eyes are burning brightly, and the darkness which is capable of swallowing anything is spreading out from its feet.

There is no room for error. That is the dark wolf which we battled with. To think it could recover in such a short timeframe. But why is it here?

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