The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 68: At the City Center

Chapter 68: At the City Center

Now, its about time we start making our way to the city center. However, we wont be walking there as that would be overly time consuming.

Shall we use this as our means of transportation?

I take that out from the Item Box.

This is a motorcycle?

Yes. With this, turning around wont pose a difficulty and traveling would be faster.

Although I have retrieved other cars and motorcycles, I took out the one without any punked tires and the least amount of damages. While this one isnt in its perfect state, there shouldnt be any problem in riding it. What? Stolen goods? Dont even mention it at this point.

But will it be okay?

Itll be fine.

I understand what Ichinose-san is thinking. She is worrying about the possibility of monsters being attracted by the noise from the bike. But its okay. That wont be a problem. I turn on the engine of the bike.


As expected, Ichinose-san seems stunned. After all, the bikes sound is surprisingly small.

I also realized this just now. Apparently, the skill Silent Operation works on things that I am in contact with as well. I first noticed this when I previously cut the furniture with the knife which Aka was disguising as. At first, I believed that Akas abilities were just that good. However, as I continued to experiment, I realized that it was because of another skill. When I became a { Ninja }, I verified the usage of each skill, but I have completely overlooked this one. In part, it was difficult to notice this because Item Box, Ninjutsu, and Throwing are my main means of offense. By the way, it seems like the effect of the skill is somewhat weaker when I use it on another object compared to when I use it on myself. Just like now, the effect is limited to only lowering the volume by a significant amount. Nevertheless, there are a lot of merits to this. If I combine this with another skill, monsters will have a hard time spotting us and we will be able to conserve our stamina. Even if some monsters notice, if theyre relatively slow, well be able to escape from them. At the very least, well be able to shake off monsters at the level of shadow wolves. As there is a lot of gasoline, fuels will not pose a predicament.

No, thats not what Im trying to say

Oh, is this about my ability to drive? Its all good in that aspect as well.

With the SP that I gained through the recent level up, I acquired the skill Riding. The Riding skill seems to apply to driving, with its effects working on motorcycles as well. Even so, I cant assemble them. Also, the points that I got my hands on through the level up have already been allotted. JP have been used to raise { Ninja } and { Shadow Master } to level 5. With SP, I got Driving and Negotiation. Riding has been raised to level 2, Ninjutsu to level 6, and Odorless and Silent Operation to level 5. Now, we should be all set against monsters that are either slow or have a great sense of smell I think. Regarding the Negotiation skill possibilities are wonderful things, arent they? I check the state of the bike again. Yeah this should do. It should work.

Aka, please split and mimic some helmets. Momo, you should enter the shadows.


Furu Furu.

Now my face wont be seen (TN: Im assuming that the author is talking about the protagonists face being covered by the helmet.) Momo is hiding in the shadows, so there isnt anything to worry about as we move. I toss over the other helmet which Aka is mimicking as to Ichinose-san.

Ichinose-san, lets get going.

However, Ichinose-san stands frozen with the helmet on her hands. Whats the problem?

Oh, are you perhaps hesitant about sitting behind a male?

If thats the case, you would have to endure a bit Ill try my best not to be conscious of the occasional touches.

No, its not that

Ichinose-san averts her eyes awkwardly as if its difficult to say it out loud.

I tend to throw up very quickly when I am on a vehicle

Is that so I cant really do much about that

Im really sorry

Ichinose-san sincerely apologizes while bowing her head.

No, theres no need to apologize.

Anyways, throwing up while forcefully riding is a bit that. Theres also the danger of being tracked down because of the smell.

Furu Furu.

Aka, who is disguised as a helmet on Ichinose-sans hands, starts to shake. If you put me on, itll be alright, Aka seems to claim. Aka are you thinking of absorbing everything that Ichinose-san pukes out?

Furu Furu.

Yes, replies Aka. Well, for Aka, theyre no different from food.


Momo, who is hiding inside the shadows, produces a seatbelt using parts of the shadow. Its as if she is trying to say that Ichinose-san will be fine if she is fixed in place. Do these two think of Ichinose-san as some sort of luggage that needs to be transported while moving to another house? No, I want to believe that they are doing this out of pure consideration for Ichinose-san.

Ichinose-san. Aka and Momo are willing to go to such lengths for you. Can you, perhaps, try a bit harder? When I asked, Ichinose-san spits out a response after much consideration.


Her reply was barely audible and extremely unreliable. Nevertheless, I have received her answer. Now, lets leave (TN: Its really about time that you do.). With Ichinose-san fixed in place behind me, we started to head towards the city center. Afterwards, Ichinose-san successfully gained the skill Motion Sickness Tolerance due to her severe motion sickness. All in all, it was a profit. Furthermore, everything that she threw up was absorbed by Aka. It is such a reliable slime. After around ten minutes or so, we arrive at the center of the city. I cant feel any human presence, so I stop the bike at an inconspicuous location.

We should get off around here.

.. Yes.

Even with her helmet on, I can see that her face is blue. While shaking heavily, she comes off the bike. Even so, it is impressive that she is still holding her gun firmly. After confirming that Ichinose-san has come off, I store the bike in the Item Box.

So where are we going first?

Yeah let us first walk around and gather supplies from supermarkets and convenient stores. Also, I remember that there is a high school nearby. We can gather information there. While hiding, of course. With the occupations and skills that Ichinose-san and I posses, we can take action even within buildings. Rather, for Ichinose-san, she can only display her true prowess inside buildings.

High school

Yeah, its where I attended. How about Ichinose-s. Ah.

I realize that I misspoke only after I have said it. She was a Hiki Komori. And shes said that she dropped out in the middle of high school. Im sure that it isnt something that she wants to remember.

You dont have to worry about me. I also attended that school before. Despite only having unpleasant memories Suddenly, Ichinose-sans face is covered by a shadow.

High school huh Im sure that the school is in tatters after being sabotaged by monsters. Rather, that will make me relieved. That kind of place deserves to be destroyed. Destroy, destroy, be destroyed. I hate schools. I loathe them. I also despise my classmates who didnt extend a helping hand. They should be killed along with the school! Fufufufufu, ahahahahahahaha! C, calm down Ichinose-san!

Ichinose-san returns to normal when I shake her shoulders.

Huh? Sorry. Something strange within me was switched on again

Ah, no. Its fine.

Well, to be honest, it totally isnt fine. As I thought, this girl, shes sick somewhere. Her thoughts are so dark.

Uh, if its inconvenient on your part, do you want to look for another place?

We dont have to purposely stimulate her traumatic memories by heading there. To begin with, the only reason I decided on that place is because of its proximity.

Its fine.

Unexpectedly, Ichinose-san turns down by suggestion.

Even so

Its fine.

Ah, okay.

I was completely cut off.

And there was one.


There was one person I was close friends with. I hope that person isnt dead yet

Is that so

A close friend huh. I didnt have one though. In that regards, Im slightly jealous.

It would be great if that person is also alive, wouldnt it.


She replies sincerely while smiling and turning her head away. In this manner, we decided to move towards school while gathering supplies.

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