The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 65: Yandere and Yanderu (Being Sick) are Different. Very Different.

Chapter 65: Yandere and Yanderu (Being Sick) are Different. Very Different.

Since the monsters are gone, I should first meet up with Ichinose-san. I look around me.

Wow, this is quite

Not to mention the shopping mall, even the buildings around it are in unsightly states. All the cars and trees that the dark wolf released were either piercing the walls or stuck on the ground. Its as if a storm has passed. Hmm, actually, it wont be this ruined even if a storm passes.

Its might is impressive.

I am once again reminded of how horrifying an existence the dark wolf is. The power to release anything the darkness absorbs at the speed of bullets in all directions. While it might seem similar to how I use my Item Box, theyre fundamentally different in nature. My attacks make use of the objects ability to free-fall; on the other hand, the dark wolfs attacks are clearly imbued with additional speed. In other words, it is highly compatible. Its a modern version of the Gate of *abilon. It is also the most ideal method of attack that I can imagine, so Im quite jealous of the wolf.

Is there a way for me to use it? The dark wolf evolved from shadow wolves that can control shadows. Since thats the case, if I train { Shadow Master } and Shadow Manipulation to a certain limit, I might be able to use a similar attack. Its worth considering. While thinking about the topic, I arrive at the entrance and find Ichinose-san waiting. Im extremely satisfied with her. She isnt injured either. It appears that Aka did its job properly.

What happened to the monsters?

They ran away by making use of that storm as a distraction

Ran away? Its my first time witnessing monsters with unreasonable powers like that. If slime-chan wasnt with me, I might not have made it back alive. Or so she states while rubbing Aka. Indeed, if Aka wasnt there back then, I would have also sustained some major injuries. Aka is great. Aka is amazing.

Furu Furu

For some reason, I can imagine Aka being smug while being in its knit-hat state. But then again, it has earned the right to do so. As if she could finally relax, Ichinose-san sits down where she stood.

Whew Im spent.

Great job back there.

I take out some tea from the Item Box and hand it to her. I also take out some for myself as well.

Wan! Wan!

Yes, yes. There is enough for you too, Momo.

For Momo, who has come out from the shadows, I pour some water on a bowl. Momo is cute when she drinks water desperately with her tongue out.

Ive been curious for a while, but was that a skill of yours, Kudou-san?

As I interact with Momo, I realize Ichinose-san staring at me intently while drinking her tea.

Yeah, its known as Item Box. The skill allows its users to put things in and out as they please. Theres no point concealing anymore, so I tell her the truth.

Uwah, thats so convenient. Im envious.

Its great, isnt it? But I wont give it you. As if she just remembered, Ichinose-san follows up with another question.

I havent asked Kudou-san about your occupations and skills, have I?

Ah, thats true

I wasnt trying to hide it or anything. The monsters just appeared before I had the chance to tell her anything. Since things have progressed to this point, Ill just tell her honestly.

So about my occupations and skills-

I follow up with an explanation about my occupations and skills, along with what Aka and Momo can do in combat. By doing this, I am revealing my hands, but I think Ichinose-san can be trusted. She has already told me everything about herself, so its only fair if I tell her mine. Well be in the same party anyways. Nevertheless, I am still wary of eavesdroppers. When I finish explaining about myself, I notice Ichinose-san looking dazed.

Eh { Ninja }? Your occupation is { Ninja }?

Thats right.

To be precise, Im a { Hunter }, a { Ninja }, and a { Shadow Master }.

And you have 3 occupations, with 5 available ninjutsu and over 30 different skills? Eh, youre kidding right? Ichinose-san is more shocked that I expected when she is informed about my occupations and skills. Occasionally, I hear her muttering, Uwa, am I severely lacking skills?.

As expected, I have overwhelmingly more skills than others. I wasnt really aware of it because there wasnt anyone to compare to. As I thought, Precocious has an impressive effect. I earn SP and JP ten times faster than other people.


Yes? What is it?

First off, can I call you a cheating bastard?



Obviously, I wouldnt want a nickname like that.

I absolutely refuse. Hearing my response, Ichinose-san looks down at her feet and starts to mumble,

Uwah, unbelievable. This person is seriously unbelievable. While I only get to be a { Hiki Komori }, he gets to have cool occupations like { Ninja }. Not only that, he also gets to tame companions like Momo-chan (whos cute) and slime-kun. Seriously, which novels protagonist are you, youre existence is already a cheat. To begin with, I wanted to have a cool occupation as well. Its just that I accidentally chose the wrong occupation. Also, also, I want to have cute pets with me. For someone who has everything I wanted to behave like that, Im so jealous. Im so jealous. Im so jealous. Im so jealous I-Ichinose-san?

Uh, Ichinose-san is behaving strangely.

To begin with, the Gatcha just has bad prizes. If I received better prizes, I wouldve had an easier time leveling up. If I received better prizes, I couldve met Momo-chan earlier. If I received better prizes, I couldve communicated with Kazuto-san without a problem. At first, I did see him as an extra that comes with Momo-chan, but I know now that he is a reliable partner since he was nice enough to not alienate me when I threw up over him. Im telling you that all these hurdles are too high for a Hiki Komori. Im so done with this. I cant endure this anymore. I feel like throwing up again and all that. Its really the worst. What are you even saying? Hey, what is this girl even saying? Her eyes are devoid of light.

I-Ichinose-san! Please come back to your senses! Ichinose-san!

Wha-, oh, yes.

Ichinose-san finally comes back to reality after I forcefully shake her shoulders. As soon as she sees my face, she turns away. Im slightly shocked.

Sorry, I showed you something unsightly.

Uh yeah.

Actually, Ive had a habit of immersing into my thoughts for a long time

No, what transpired just now was at a completely different level. You cant just laugh this off. I wonder. Based on our mail exchange and what happened just now, Im starting to wonder if she is sick. Was I being too hasty in agreeing to be her companion?

Well, for the time being, let us leave this place. Its almost noon, so we can eat lunch after we move somewhere. While eating, we can discuss what well do in the future. Sounds good, Ichinose-san? Y-Yes, I agree! Lets do that.

(TN: Im not really sure if I translated the next paragraph accurately.)

Ichinose-san screams out an answer in response to my question. She looks beautiful when she is quiet, but I feel slightly disappointed for some reason. This isnt good. I should be more firm.

Great. Momo, Aka, is this okay for you guys as well?


Although Momo responds with great vigor, I do not hear a response from Aka.


When I gently touch Aka which is disguised as my clothing, it stops mimicking and returns to its slime form.

Kya, whats happening?

The part of Aka which was mimicking the knit-hat on Ichinose-sans head also returns to its original form. Afterwards, Aka starts trembling violently.

Aka, whats happening? Why are you shaking so much?

Aka doesnt provide any answer and continues to tremble. What is going on? Wait a second. Didnt something similar happen before Is it possibly-

I immediately check the status screen as I thought.


Red Slime LV 10

Akas level is at 10. It must have leveled up just now during our battle with the shadow wolves. That means~~~ Furu Furu!!

Aka starts trembling even more intensely. Then, it is wrapped by a blinding light.

Is it evolving?

Its just like what happened with Momo. Growth upon reaching the level limit. After a few seconds, the light fades away. There, I see Aka who has evolved.

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