The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 63: Momo's New Skill

Chapter 63: Momo's New Skill

Crisis Sensing and Enemy Detection are reacting strongly. Without a doubt, the Shadow Wolves are coming for us. Despite Odorless being at LV 4, it seems like it isnt strong enough to trick them yet. I wonder how great their sense of smell truly is.



Ichinose-san reacts strongly after being called out. Currently, I am sprinting around the city with Ichinose-san on my back.

Im sorry for suddenly putting you on my back. From what I heard, I thought it will be faster if I ran while carrying you. This isnt sexual harassment. I repeat, this is NOT sexual harassment.

Ah, no. that is, um, true but, you, too close

Sorry. Im really sorry. You might have the urge to throw up, but please endure for a bit more. By the way, I have anchored Ichinose-san to me with a shadow so that she wont fall off. After all, with her status, she can fall off very easily even if she grabs onto me. Of course, I havent forgotten about her gun either.

I cant put her gun in my Item Box. Is it because the gun is recognized as the possession of someone else? Speaking of which, I wish I could put Ichinose-san herself in the Item Box or make her submerge into the shadows like Momo, but I shouldnt demand such a luxury.

Im speeding up!

Eh, ah, hiya-a-a-a-a-a-aaaa!

With my current status, it isnt really hard for me to run while being weighed down by another person. If monsters werent chasing us, I could have enjoyed the soft and comfortable sensation on my back but then again, if we werent being chased, she wouldnt be on my back. It is the dilemma of which comes first, the egg or the bird. Well, it might be slightly different. Even so At this rate, we wont be able to shake them off

Even as I increase my speed, the wolves move steadily while maintaining a certain amount of distance. They dont seem to be in a rush. As they can track us through our odor, they have the leeway to chase us while putting pressure on us through maintaining a set distance. They are capable of hunter-like movements that involve marking and tracking preys in groups its a headache. Really, why are they so intent on attacking us? I dont think I did anything that would make them hold a gr hm, I hunted them a lot huh. Sh*t.

What should I do. If it becomes a battle of attrition, it would be disadvantageous for us. Since it has come to this, should we fight it out somewhere? Somewhere we can best exploit Ichinose-sans sniping abilities as well as the skills that Momo and I possess Yeah, that place is our only option

The parking lot of the shopping district. We have no other choice but to confront the Shadow Wolves there. Apparently, there is some kind of destiny between that place and myself. despite only giving me traumatic memories. We arrive at the shopping mall. After checking our surrounding, I head towards the entrance.

Ugh were at the shopping mall?

Yes, we will be confronting them here.

Ichinose-san comes off from my back and looks towards me with her mouth covered.

Are we going to fight?



When I give her the answer, her pale expression reverts back to normal and all trace of emotion disappears from her face. The atmosphere surrounding her shifts dramatically. Her eyes turn sharp, and the temperature around her drops. She takes back her gun and scouts the surrounding.

Kudou-san, with that black thing from before, can you bring me to the rooftop?

Eh uh, sure.

I am momentarily left speechless by her sudden change.

Based on my skills, it will be optimal if I can snipe from the rooftop. From there, I will provide support.

Got it.

As per her instructions, I manipulate the shadow. The second floor of the shopping mall has an exposed parking lot. It should be an ideal spot for snipers.

By the way, Ichinose-san, please bring this with you.

This is?

Ichinose-san stares at that thing with curious eyes. It is a knit hat. Of course, it isnt an ordinary one.

That is a part of Aka that is mimicking a hat. Itll be of use to you, so please put it on.

Along with the rise of Akas level, its mimetic abilities have also become better. While it depends on the size, Aka now has the capability to mimic two to three objects.

Thank you.

After she puts on the hat, I bring her to the roof. Momo also emerges from the shadow. When I turn around, I see the pack of Shadow Wolves. Hmmm 12 in total. Thats a lot. But, with our current mightMomo, Aka, Ichinose-san its hunting time.


Furu Furu


We begin the battle. The new skill that Momo and I possess. I will show it to them.

Lets go, Momo!


Momo and I dash separately at different directions and deploy our shadows at the Shadow Wolves. Naturally, the Shadow Wolves try to resist with their own shadows, but it is within my expectations. Simultaneously, I deploy as many heavy equipments and vehicles as I could on top of their heads. It is a combinded attack involving shadows and mass.


The Shadow Wolves express surprise. If these wolves are similar to the ones from the previous days, they wont be able to bear the weight of the heavy equipments. Although it is possible to dodge the heavy equipments after dealing with our shadows, their sudden appearance momentarily stiffens the Shadow Wolves. Don!!! Accompanying the sound, the Shadow Wolves that failed to escape were squashed to death.

{ You have gained experience. }

Great, that went smoothly. I take a guts pose within my heart. But I cant relax yet. The Shadow Wolves that survived from the heavy equipments approaches us.

Momo! Now!

I give a signal to Momo. At the same time, I lightly tap on my shirt to give Aka its signal as well. Momo nods and breathes in deeply. Following that Wao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oooooooooooon!!!

Momo cries. The cry travels through the air while spreading destruction in its trail. Its a destroyer-level blast that heavily shakes the atmosphere.


In response, the Shadow Wolves fall and lie down on their backs. This is Momos new skill. It is similar to the very roar that put us in despair during our battle with the high-orc. Momo obtained the skill after eating its magic stone. Since the Shadow Wolves stopped moving, I drop some machines on top of their heads and do not let go of this chance.

{ You have obtained experience. }

{ Your experience has reached a certain threshold. }

{ The level of Kudou Kazuto has risen from 16 to 17. }

My level increased. Nevertheless, there are still some enemies left. Just then, the heads of some Shadow Wolves explode into smithereens.

Nice, Ichinose-san.

Ichinose-san also held on to the chance that Momos skill created. She doesnt seem affected by Momos cry. It is as expected. Momos cry affects those in the surrounding regardless of who they are. That is exactly why I handed Ichinose-san the knit hat. With enough distance, there wont be much impact on her as long as she has on the knit hat which Aka is mimicking as I wanted to tell her about this beforehand, but there wasnt enough time. I should apologize later. However, with this, there are only a few of them left. Its going well. The flow of the battle is completely in our favor. Can we finish them off? The moment I think of such thought a shiver runs down my spine.


Crisis Sensing and Enemy Detection give out warnings. Reflectively, I move away from where I am.

It was the right decision. Where I was just standing, darkness suddenly spreads.

W-what is that?

It isnt a shadow. Rather, the darkness looks like a bottomless pit capable of sucking in anything in existence. The puddle-sized darkness spreads rapidly, and something comes out of it while making a sound. What appeared is a black wolf. Its size is slightly smaller than a regular Shadow Wolf, but the sense of intimidation that it exudes far surpasses any Shadow Wolves.

Hey, hey please tell me this is a joke.

Without a shadow of doubt, this guy is a Superior Individual. Is this Dark Wolf the evolved state of the Shadow Wolves for an individual like this to exist. Just by making an appearance, the tables have turned. Thats how great a threat it is.

Is it at the level of the high-orc?

While having cold sweats, I stare at the enemy in front of me. Why are nasty guys like these popping up one after another?


The opposition snares at me in a low voice, hell-bent on engaging in combat. Most likely, it hasnt appeared until now as it wanted to evaluate our strengths. By sending its subordinates, it tested the waters. When it was certain that it could achieve victory, it came out. What a tricky opponent to deal with. Despite being a monster, it has high intelligence. I better fight this guy while assuming that all our previous tactics have been seen through.

Regardless, if you think you have perfectly understood our strength, youre sorely mistaken. After all, I still have a trump card up my sleeves. Indeed, its my new skill Ninjutsu.

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