The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 57: Selection of the Third Occupation and New Skills

Chapter 57: Selection of the Third Occupation and New Skills

I look at the newly presented occupations.

{ Killer }, { Executioner }, and { Ninja }?

So its like that.

{ Killer }?

I see, I see. How do you even read this? (T.N: its written ason the screen, and he doesnt know how to read the Chinese characters.)

Kyshu is it? I take out a dictionary from the Item Box in order to search up its definition.

Found it. It is indeed pronounced Kyshu. Someone who is aiming to kill another individual. It can also indicate the means to do so. Without a doubt, { Killer } is the advanced version of { Assassin }.

. damn

Im embarrassed that I didnt know how the word was read. After all, I was a productive member in society. My vocabulary must be really lacking Kuuun? It is hard to bear Momos gaze, which seems to be asking What happened? Nothing, Momo. Its nothing.

Well, you know, words like this are never used in daily conversations, so it doesnt count. Lets just leave it at that. Its not like anyone is watching. Going back to the matter at hand, I should try to choose a profession.

If I must decide, it would be either { Ninja } or { Killer }. { Killer } seems to have the closest correlation with { Assassin }.

In the case of { Executioner }, does it raise ones overall combat ability along with ones stealth? (T.N: Just a personal question, but shouldnt killers be more stealthy compared to executioners?) { Ninja } gives off a professional image, and it sounds pretty powerful. If the ninjas in games and mangas can be reproduced in real life, they should be pretty overpowered.

If I can use Ninjutsu in real life, it would be pretty convenient Things like Transformation and Body Double Creation. Concepts like how the Earth element is weak against the Lightning element. (T.N: Naruto reference Im guessing) If I can actually do things like these, they could turn out to be quite useful.

While not many ninjas excel in covert operations, looking back at how I survived during the past few days, the occupation could be of some value.

After all, there are some enemies that cant be overcome in the fashion that I did in the past. Covert actions are made invalid by monsters such as Orcs and Shadow Wolves. Especially, its difficult to flee from monsters like the High Orc even if I wanted to.

A fight that cannot be avoided. Such things are bound to happen again in the future. To overcome these predicaments, the only solution is to have more power. All things considered, the option of { Ninja } is very attractive. Not only can it boost my abilities in battles, it is also compatible with my previous style of survival.

Ive decided

4 points are needed to convert to advanced occupations. I prepare myself before deciding on the { Ninja }. Now, come.

{ Assassin has been converted to the higher leveled occupation, Ninja. } { Your Occupation has been Changed to Ninja. You have acquired the skill Ninjutsu. You have acquired the skill Throwing. You have acquired the skill Enhanced Senses. You have acquired the skill Odorless. You have acquired the skill Silent Operation. You have acquired the skill Concealment. } { The existing skill Silent Movement has been integrated into the skill Silent Operation. } { Silent Operation has risen from LV 1 to LV 3. } { The existing skill Hiding has been integrated into the skill Concealment. } { Concealment has risen from LV 1 to LV 2. } The Heavenly Voice resounds inside my head. Within my heart, I perform a guts pose. Great! I received the skills that I was hoping for. Ninjutsu. As soon as I receive the skill, its utilities are made known to me. Ohh this can come in handy. Im looking for to trying it.

The other skills that I acquired arent bad either. In particular, Im grateful for the Silent Operation and Odorless skills. They can be countermeasures against the Orcs and Shadow Wolves.

Now then, its time to select my third job. Aside from the jobs that were previously presented, there are also new options that I can select from.

Citizen, Adventurer, Clerk, Negotiator, Hikikomori, NEET, Apprentice Monk, Cook, Rider.

Secret Reporter, Thief, Monster Tamer (LV 2).

Hidden Weapons User, Fugitive, Carrier, Shadow Master.

This is hard. At first, I was thinking of selecting Monster Tamer, but it is hard to discard the newly available options. It is particular so for Shadow Master. This occupation has most likely been born as a result of the cooperation between Momo and me. Im guessing that it can allow me to control shadows at will. If I choose this, my battles with Momo will become more efficient. Then again, if I consider my connections with Aka and Momo, it is difficult to let go of the Monster Tamer. On a different note, Carrier sounds like it can enhance my Item Box.

What should I do



While I am contemplating, Momo jumps on to my knees. I wonder what the issue is.


Looking at my face, Momo manipulates her shadow. Is she trying to appeal herself?

Momo, are you recommending the Shadow Master? Wan!

Yes, Momo seems to say.


Furu Furu

Aka is also shaking. Its as if it agrees with Momo. So Aka also thinks Shadow Master is better huh?

Dont you guys think Monster Tamer can improve our collaboration? Wan! Wan!

Furu Furu

When I ask such a question, both of them shake their heads. Wait, Aka doesnt have a head to begin with. They seem to be telling me that they can excel without relying on the effects of the Monster Tamer.

Well then, Ill go with Shadow Master. Acquiring the third occupation also requires 4 points. I decide on the Shadow Master.

{ Your third occupation has become the Shadow Master. You have acquired the skill Shadow Manipulation. } Im only given one skill. But then again, just like Momo, I might acquire more skills as I level up. Furthermore, the ability to control shadows can in and of itself be powerful.

There are 18 JP left. As for how they will be used, I can think about it after I raise the proficiency of my skills.

Every time an occupations level increases by a factor of 3, the skills that come with the occupation gain a level. With that in mind, if I invest SP on my skills before raising my occupation levels, I can reduce the overall consumption of SP. With that said, lets improve my skills.

I have a grand total of 63 Skill Points.

First and foremost, I raise the levels of Ninjutsu, Throwing, Enhanced Senses, Odorless, Concealment, and Shadow Manipulation to 3.

Now there are 35 points left.

Next up despite the cost, I should raise my Observation skill. Observation is currently at LV 9, so with the next level up, it should hit the counter stop. Maybe, just maybe, I might get my hands on Appraisal after I max out Observation. Lets try it out.

With a pounding heart, I increase the level of Observation { The level of Observation has reached its upper limit. } { Conditions have been met. } Now come!

{ You have acquired the skill Prediction. } .


I mean, Prediction seems useful enough. SoAppraisal isnt whats above Observation what a pity.

I wonder how I can get Appraisal Well, whatever. I shouldnt get upset over spilled milk. Prediction is a high-tier skill, so it should be helpful. Now, lets move on to another skill. If my memory isnt wrong, Body Strengthening is also at the verge of being maxed out. Since Im not tight on points right now, Ill also raise the level of this. After all, there is nothing to lose.

I raise the level of Body Strengthening.

{ The level of Body Strengthening has reached its upper limit.

{ Conditions have been met } { You have acquired the skill Active Physique} Oh! This skill sounds powerful! Active Physique what effect does it have?

When I check my status, I learn that most of the numbers have gone up.

While Body Strengthening only improved my Strength, Endurance, Agility, and Dexterity, Active Physique has corrected my status by 5 for my HP and MP as well. Magic and Magic Resistance, both of which havent shown any signs of increasing, have experienced growth as well. Impressive. Its a pretty good skill.

I assign the rest of my point and enhance Active Physique to LV 3, Ninjutsu and Shadow Manipulation to LV 4, and Prediction to LV 2.

Thereafter, I raise { Ninja } and { Shadow Master } to LV 4. As expected, their respective skills have also improved by 1 level.

Kudou Kazuto

Level 16

HP: 40/145

MP: 16/31

Strength: 121

Endurance: 117

Agility: 284

Dexterity: 253

Magic: 15

Magic Resistance: 15

SP: 0

JP: 0


Ninja LV 4

Hunter LV6

Shadow Master LV 4

Unique Skills



Ninjutsu LV 5, Throwing LV 4, Enhanced Senses LV 4, Odorless LV 4, Silent Operation LV 4, Concealment LV 4, Night Vision LV 4, Critical Aim LV 4, Attention Cutoff LV 7, Appraisal Interruption LV 4, Enemy Detection LV 7, Telephoto LV 3, Reinforcement LV7, Dexterity Reinforcement LV 4, Observation LV 10, Listening Ear LV 4, Shadow Manipulation LV 5, Body Strengthening LV 10, Active Physique LV 3, Swordsmanship LV 3, Stress Resistance LV6, Fear Resistance LV8, Poison Resistance LV1, Paralysis Resistance LV2, Virus Resistance LV1, Heat Resistance LV1, Aberration Resistance LV1, HP Auto Recovery LV1, Hostility Sensing LV6, Crisis Sensing LV9, Latency LV2 , Getaway LV4, Defense Instinct LV1, Item Box LV10, Mail LV2, Concentration LV3, Prediction LV 2 Party Members Momo

Assassin dog Lv3


Red slime LV9

And were done. I somehow feel like power is flowing into my body. Strength and Endurance have now entered the three-digit range. Ive become quite powerful, havent I?

No, I shouldnt be negligent. I should stand steady and proceed with caution. Confidence is a big NO.

Next up is this.

From the Item Box, I take out The Magic Stone of Rufen. This will be Momos. Akas contribution was huge, but Momo allowed me to stand up again.

Wan! Wan!

Momo consumes the magic stone in delight. Despite the stones size, Momo chews on it chunk by chunk. How wild~.

Afterwards, we tried out the new skills and weapon. The weapon is a knife that the high orc wielded. In the item column, it is displayed as Orcs Knife (High Quality) I tested the new weapon and the various skills. Ninjutsu, Shadow Manipulation, and a new skill that Momo learned were all powerful and practical. The battle with the high-orc was tough, but the returns were high. I particularly like Ninjutsu. I didnt think something like this was possible in real life. I even behaved in a manner that wasnt appropriate for my age.

Now, shall we start moving? Wan!

Furu Furu

Having prepared adequately, we continue to explore the shopping mall. I want to restock some of the supplies that were previously consumed. It would be ideal if the goods havent been damaged.

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