The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Why do I have to face this?

Such a doubt entered my head suddenly.

I desperately ran, terrified to death, and had to encounter this monster on top of that.

Did I really do something that bad that I have to be forced into a situation like this?

The world is unreasonable. Seriously.

Haa haha, hahahaha

Its weird.

Even though this situation is not the least funny, I cant help but laugh.

My tears fell and knees shook.

The high orc came closer, one step at a time.

It felt like the distance between me and him was my remaining time alive.

And suddenly, my eyes met the high orcs.

He was sneering.

Whats with that? Are you having that much fun just by killing me?

Dont give me that shit.

I dont wanna die.

I dont wanna die, I dont wanna die, I dont wanna die!

! D-dont come any closeerrrr!!

I started throwing anything I could find in the item box towards it.

Machine guns, big boulders, earth, broken vehicle, refrigerator, washing machine, plastic bottles, tabasco bottles, food, fruitseverything.


The high orc irritably pushed those aside.

As if it was shooing away insects or something. As if it was kicking away a pebble.

Dont give me that shit.

How can a boulder be broken with such little movement?

How can a vehicle be kicked away like a soccer ball?

He dodged the other balls and crushed the fruits on the ground.

Everything it did was utter nonsense.

Power befitting of that size. Unbalanced extreme speed on top of that, as well.

It was just too overwhelming, it was on a completely different level.

And before I realized, it had crossed in front of me.


The high orc gave a big grin.

As if its eyes were saying what will you throw at me next?.

At that moment, there was a loud sound.


Only after I was blown away by the punch and fell to the ground did I realize that it was the high orcs punch.

With just that, I was blown meters away.

I fell and rolled on the ground.

Uuu ahh it hurts

It hurts.

If Aka hadnt acted as a cushion, my bones would have probably been broken by now.

It has been long since I felt pain.

Now that I think about it, even in monster fights, which I rarely did, I never got wounded.

It hurts this much from just one blow?

I wonder how much it would hurt to have a bone fracture or to be cut

Ha, hahaha

S-save me

Before I realized, I was pleading for help.

Someone, anyone save me

Tears came running down.

I am scared.

My body wont move.

Fear of the monsters.

The high orcs overwhelming strength was more than enough to curve in despair within me.

Someoneeeeeeeeeeee!! Is no one thereeee?! I will get killed at this rate! Please! Anyone! Saaaaveee meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

I desperately screamed out.

I let go of everything and disgracefully screamed.

Butthere was no reply.

Just silence.

Silence fell on the shopping malls parking lot.

No one answered my call.

No on-



Momo came out from my shadow.

He came and stood beside me and looked straight at the high orc.

Uuuu! Woof! Woof!

Momo barked at the high orc.

Why, Momo?

Are you, not scared?

No, thats not it.

When I looked closely, I noticed Momos body shaking.

Momo was also scared.

But, he was desperately trying to press down that fear.

St-stop it, Momo! Thats enough, at least you should run awow?!

Momo got close to me and bit my hand.

Wh-what are you doing, Momo?!


And then, he licked my face.



And after giving a sad bark, he faced forward.

What are you doing, Momo?

Stop it.


Uuuuu Grrrrrrrr!!

Momo ran.

He turned his back on me, and ran towards the high orc.

Goaa AaaaaaaaaAAAAAAoooooooooooooooooohhh!!

The high orc approached Momo with a grin.

Shadows extended from underneath Momo.

And it transformed into a spear and attacked the high orc.


But, it did not work.

The spear which attacked the high orcs skin was only able to scratch it.

Warding off the spear, the high orc kicked the ground and leaped at Momo.


The high orcs roar shook the atmosphere.

I was saved because of Akas expanded body.

Even though the shadow was defending, Momo was blown away.

He fell to the ground and rolled.


Resisting the pain, he still stood up.

And dashed through the surface.

Stop it, just stop it already


He bit into the high orcs arm.

He desperately tried to bite in but his fangs wont pierce through.

The high orc glared at Momo, annoyed, as he wasnt letting go even as the high orc swung its arms.

And suddenly, he raised his cleaver with his other hand.


If you slash him with something like that-Momo will die.


The blade drew near Momo.

Stoooooooppppppp iiiiiitttttt!!!

I threw some block pieces in between Momo and the high orc and created a small wall.

And with the help of the wall, Momo and the high orc were forcibly detached.

And before I realized, I had started running, bearing the pain.

I jumped and caught Momo before he fell to the ground and tumbled on.

You idiot! Do you want to die, Momo?!

I yelled at Momo, who was now in my arms.


Even though he was being yelled at, Momo happily licked my cheeks.

As if he had believed I would come to rescue him.


Why why do you believe in me so much?

How can you try so hard for me?

Even though you were shaking with fear.

Even though you could have died.

Why Momo?


As if he was saying isnt it only natural?.

I see I see

So thats natural for Momo, eh?

Ah, I see I got it.

I hugged Momo and slowly let him down.

And then, I stood up and brought out the orcs knife.

And glared at high orc with all my might.

I had strengthened my resolve.

<<Proficiency has increased>>

<<Fear Resistance has leveled up to 7 from 6>>

<<Proficiency has increased>>

Fear Resistance has leveled up to 8 from 7>>

A close fear of death.

What about it?

Get over it.

If I dont stand up here, Momo will die.

I will also die. Aka will also die.

If so, then I could at least struggle.

Live, even if its a moment longer.

My heartbeat increased and I took in more shallow breaths.


How to break through this situation?


How to survive?


How to defeat this bastard?


At it, the high orc.


The fight till now, the movements till now.

All of it.

<<Proficiency has increased>>

<<Observation has leveled up to 8 from 7>>

<<Proficiency has increased>>

<<Observation has leveled up to 9 from 8>>

We met at the shopping mall.

The escape started there.

All the movements leading to this point.

My skill, level, item box, Momo, Aka.

The self-defense forces fight, guns, line of sight, goblin, washing machine, affinity, shadow wolf, lesser wolf, mimic, zombie, magic stone, howling, home center, fire, Nishino-kun, high school girl, Ichinose-san, sniping, high-rise building, mail, game of tag, obstacles, screams, movements, line of sight, weird feeling-remember, remember everything.

My heart beat louder and louder.


I took in more oxygen and adjusted my breathing.

My body feels hot, as if it was burning.

Fear, tension, and excitements melting pot burned my brain without mercy.

Think think!

Think, think, think.

Think, think, think, think, think, think.

Think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think.

<<A certain condition has been matched>>

<<Skill Concentration has been acquired>>

<<Proficiency has increased>>

<<Concentration leveled up from 1 to 2>>

<<Proficiency has increased>>

<<Concentration leveled up from 2 to 3>>


And finally, arriving at something.

Remembering every single memory of it-suddenly, I remembered a certain strange feeling.

Thats right now that I think about it, why is this guy

Momo Aka

While looking straight at the enemy in front of me,

We will survive this, definitely.



I made my mind.

I could see a slight radiance of hope.

A very thin line, too thin to be called a possibility.

But I will make it happen.

Now then-its time to struggle.

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