The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 128: Discussion with Nishino-kun

Chapter 128: Discussion with Nishino-kun

Before having a talk with Nishino-kun, I have to prioritize making my report.

We are brought to the reception room by a staff member who rushed over to us. Mayor Uesugi and Chief Shimizu are there as well.

Apparently, just like Nishino-kuns group, Chief Shimizus group has also returned for a temporary break.

Currently, I am sitting face to face across the table with the two people while Nishino-kun and the others are standing besides the wall.

Kiki is hiding inside a bag (courtesy of Aka). The situation is already very tense as it is, so its better not to talk about Kiki for now.

If I reveal Kiki, it might cause a panic and Kiki might be subjugated. As long as she in inside Aka, her presence cant be detected, so she wont be revealed as long as she remains silent.

When I take my seat, Chief Shimizu opens her mouth.

So why did you come back so early? And what happened to Fujita-san? Everyones gaze is concentrated on me. Its so unsettling that my stomach hurts.

Good luck, me.

I try my best to act as Ichinose-san.

Well thats.

I spare no effort to explain the situation. This includes information about how we encountered the surviving members of the Self Defense Force in the mountains near the prefectural border, about how the Self Defense Force garrison has already been destroyed, and about how I was sent ahead of the others to make a report.

I do not forget to tell them that Fujita-san will be returning with the remaining Self Defense Force members.

Thats the gist of what happenedIm sorry. You have no reason to apologize So Fujita-san did not perish. Thats good. After listening to my story, Chief Shimizu reveals a relieved expression.

(For her to make such a face) That goes to show how important Fuijta-san is for the City Hall. She must be glad that they did not lose such an excellent person.

In other words, we wont be receiving any help from the Self Defense Force Mayor Uesugi murmurs while tapping his cigarette against the ashtray.

Well, to be precise, the six surviving members did promise their cooperation.

In that case, we would have to think about another method immediately. We should consider it after Fujita is back. Yes. There is also a report from another team. It says that they saw high-ranked ant species in the Shopping District. Maybe the ants main nest is around that area. Furthermore, they found several traces of the golems battle. Maybe there are others like us who are resisting the golem We have limited amount of time. As for the ants, well proceed to subjugate them while concentrating on the areas near the Shopping District. At the same time, we must secure more people. If there are indeed other people who are fight against the golem, I would like them to join us in our cause. In that case

The two people continue the discussion based on the information I provide. I thought they would be a bit more upset, but they are rather calm.

(Maybe they already assumed that such a situation might occur.) Fujita-san mentioned something similar before as well. They must be advancing while taking everything into consideration.

In fact, before we left the City Hall, he might have been discussing with Mayor Uesugi and Chief Shimizu about such a possibility. That person has a really clever mind.

In this manner, I finish my report and leave the reception room.

On the rooftop of the City Hall.

Here, we can get a birds eye view of the area through the fence.

Nobody would interrupt us here. Saying this, Nishino-kun leans against the fence.

As we were leaving the reception room, Nishino-kun volunteered to stand guard on the rooftop while his team rested.

He spoke about how he would feel sorry for the people working if they did nothing, but his real intention was most likely to talk with me without anyone disturbing us.


Currently, only Nishino-kun, Rikka-chan, and I are on the rooftop. Shibata-kun and Goshogawara-san are standing guard near the entrance to ensure that nobody comes in.

Can you first undo your disguise? You will show me your true appearance, right? But of course.

I undo the Art of Transformation.

Ichinose-sans appearance melts away, revealing my former and true appearance.

I see, so thats how you really look I heard about it from Rikka, but its hard to believe it even after witnessing it directly A skill which lets you alter your appearance however you want There are various restrictions though. Anyway, this is my original form. Nishino-kun stares at me for a while before eventually opening his mouth.

Maybe at that time Eh?

At that time were you the one who was fighting against Katsuragi at the school cafeteria? Katsuragi? Ah, the Monster Tamer.

The wicked girl who caused a monster panic and destroyed the school. In the end, she met a terrible end after being swallowed by the darkness of the Dark Wolf which she was subordinating.

If she had survived, she would have been a greater threat than the monsters.

Thats right, but I was wearing a hood at that time. Im surprised you noticed. Nishino-kun bows his head when he sees my nod.

Then I would have to thank you first. Thank you for helping Rikka. Now hes being polite. (TN: Until now, he was not using honorifics, which is considered rude in Japan when youre speaking with a stranger.) I have noticed it since a while back, but Nishino-kun becomes really polite and upright when something concerns his friends.

Ah, you dont have to mind it so much. We should help each other in times of need. Also, if you want to thank somebody, you should be thanking Ichinose-san, not me. Without her, we wouldnt have been able to save Aisaka-san. Is that so?


Im not lying. Without Ichinose-sans recovery potion, Rikka-chan would not have made it.

I see. By the way, where is the real her? Shes on the rooftop of that building. I point to the roof of a building that is far away. Its a little far, but I could see her clearly on the rooftop due to Telephoto and Enhanced Physical Abilities.

Oh, our eyes met. Ichinose-san looks stunned. Her face is saying for real.? You can see her? At this distance? Yes. Cant you as well? Hearing my response, Nishino-kun chokes on his word.

Oh, I received a mail. Its probably Ichinose-san.

You dont seem to be lying. I cant believe it, Nishino-kun mutters.

Is that also a skill? Yes. Its called Telephoto, and it allows me to see things far away. There isnt a reason to hide this fact, so I speak honestly.

You possess a skill to look at things far away, disguise, and ride vehicles masterfully Just how many skills do you have? Now, how should I reply? I think for a moment before answering.

Well, around 20, I think. 20!

Nishino-kun falls silent from shock.

Actually, I have over 30 skills (40 if I count the integrated skills), but I dont have to reveal that.

Nishino-kun appears surprised, but soon he opens his mouth as if he came to some decision.

Kudou-san, can you raise your right hand? Eh? Uh, like this? !

When I raise my right hand straightly, Nishino-kun reveals an astonished expression.

Whats wrong?

Did you feel any discomfort just now? Eh? Not really. Is that so Its difficult to believe Really, whats wrong?

Nishino-kun heaves a sigh before changing his expression.

Kudou-san, please tell me something first. Why do you wish to work with us? . To be honest, you dont look like somebody who needs desperate help from others. Is that right?

To be honest, Im always in dire straits. During these 6 days, I wonder how many times I encroached on death.

Thinking back to what transpired at the school, dont you also have stealth-type skills and offensive skills? I have no idea how you came across so many skills, but if you possess so much power, there shouldnt be any reason for you to join hands with others. At least, thats what I think. . As I thought, hes sharp. He has very accurately seen through my character.

It is very troublesome to be entangled with other people.

I still think so. I really do, but things dont go so smoothly in this world.

Youre right. I agree with you. Then

And that is exactly why I wish to team up with your group. Cutting off unnecessary baggage when necessary, but never giving up those that are close to him. Nishino-kun is able to draw the line properly.

There are surprisingly few people capable of that feat. Well, I guess the Student Council President and the Monster Tamer are exceptions.

I think we can work together and cover for each others shortcomings. Communication ability is something which I dont have. This is important.

No matter how many skills I acquire or how much my stats rise, there are some things which could not be done alone.

As people incapable of communicating with others, Nishino-kun is the best partner Ichinose-san and I can hope for.

From Nishino-kuns perspective, our combat abilities are something he would find attractive.

That is true

Nishino-kun hesitates. It must be because he cant see through my true intention.

How about this. What do you think about joining hands for the next three days? For the next three days is it? Yes, the situation will change once the ants and the golem are defeated. How about having a tentative party up until then? Of course, since we are cooperating, we must both do our best. Nishino-kun thinks for a moment before nodding.

Yes. After all, nothing can be done unless we solve our current predicament. Also He glances at Rikka-chan.

She finally reunited with her best friend. While the situation is the situation, I want her to be happy if its possible. For that to happen, I would need to build a good relationship with you too. Youre right.

So thats what youre aiming for. It seems like he accepted the deal rather quickly because of Rikka-chan. He thinks that Ichinose-san and Rikka-chan would be separated unless we form a party.

To think Nishino-kun would say all that with a straight face what a cool guy. I bet he was really popular at school.


Nishino-kun extends his right hand towards me.

Please treat us well. Likewise, please treat use well. I shake his hand firmly. Then, we let go and bump each others fists. We laugh softly.

(Hmm, things worked out so well. Should I have been honest from the beginning? Then I would not have had to go through all the trouble sending mails and such but the again, this is Ichinose-san we are talking about (We had to go through lots of detours, but I should be satisfied with the results.) Oh right. I should tell him about Aka and Kiki. As things are, there shouldnt be any problem with revealing their existence.

Nishino-kun, theres one more thing Id like to tell you. ? What is it about? I will introduce you to my companions. Kiki. Kyuu .

Kiki pops her face out from the bag.


Nishino-kuns face turns blank.

Kiki is a Lesser Carbuncle. And this is Aka, a Slime. Furu furu .

Aka returns to its original form after canceling its mimicry. Would Aka climb to my head and bow?

Oh, it did.

What? Eh? EHH? EHHHHHHHHHHH!? Hes flabbergasted. Wow, I didnt think Nishino-kun can look like this.

Impossible This isnt possible. Whats up with this person Kyuu .

Kiki comforts Nishino-kun who is grunting while holding his head.

Are you okay?, Kiki seem to ask while tapping Nishino-kun with her front leg.

Apparently, Kiki likes Nishino-kun a lot.

Now, its time to exchange information and plan our future course of action.

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