The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 116: Unpleasant Tasks are Pushed to Newcomers

Chapter 116: Unpleasant Tasks are Pushed to Newcomers

Hes right!

Such thoughts come to my mind as I listen to Fujita-sans strategy. If there is an enemy that you yourself cannot beat, you could ask others for help. In this case, were talking about the most well-armed troops in Japan.

Its such an obvious solution, so much so that I have not thought about it.

(No, thats not right.)

Somewhere deep inside my head, I have erased such an option. I erased it four days ago when I witnessed the members of the Self Defense Force being obliterated by the high orc without being able to do anything.

(But then again, they barely had any equipment on them)

They were all carrying different weapons with them, so they might have been in a situation where they couldnt gain access to their typical equipments.

(Well, they did manage to leave a scratch on the high orc)

Even though it was a scratch, it was an injury nevertheless. At that time, if they were fully equipped or riding a helicopter equipped with missiles and heavy machine guns, the result might have been different.

Firearms, missiles, tanks, and military helicopters.

They demonstrate the power of science in our world and are different from skills and occupations. They are quite desirable.

If we bombard the gigantic golem with heavy firepower without closing our distance, we indeed have a chance of winning.

Dont underestimate Earth, fantasy creature!

(However, this is all under the assumption that the SDF is functioning normally.) It is already the sixth day. There is a good chance that the Self Defense Force got annihilated.

In this area alone, powerful monsters such as the high orc, the dark wolf, and the gigantic golem have appeared. I doubt this is happening only to us. Much stronger monsters might have appeared in other areas. This must be why Fujita-san calls it a gamble.

Someone raises his hand while the surrounding is buzzing.

Having the SDF come might work but will it go so smoothly?

I cant say either.


I said it before, but this is a gamble. They might be busy dealing with their own monsters. They might have been annihilated already. If that is the case, then everything would have been for nothing. Then

What other way can you think of? How else can we defeat the golem?

Thats oh, right. If we level up after defeating the ants

Will we be more powerful than missiles? Even if that is possible, we dont have the time. We have three more days 58 hours to be exact. Thats two and a half days. It took us five days to reach our current levels. Do you think we can power up that much in two days? Fujita-san proclaims so while curling his hand into a fist. It appears that he is the most frustrated about his powerlessness among everyone present. The man who argued against him closes his mouth in regret.

It would take about an hour to drive to the SDFs garrison using a car. In this situation, cars cannot be used, and we might attract the attention of monsters if we use a motorcycle. So we must march there. Its better to assume that itll take us a full day to arrive there. That means two days for the round trip. No, if the SDF is functioning properly and the military helicopters are operational, it would only take one day.

Of course, this is on the premise that the other side is willing to respond to our pleas.

The problem is who will go?

Indeed, that is the problem.

Since no means of communication is available, someone must go directly and report our predicament.

Since I suggested this plan, Ill bear responsibility. Its justit would help if one, no, two more people can join this operation. Fujita-san is planning on heading there himself.

What! No!

A man stands up in protest. Just like Fujita-san, he is a core member who previously worked in this City Hall.

You and Mayor Uesugi are the pillars of the City Hall! If something befalls you, what should we do! When that happens, you will have to take my place. To begin with, anything can happen anytime in this work. In addition, if the SDF is still there, wont we need a negotiator? Dont you think it would be best for me to act as the negotiator? Bu-but in that case!

He looks towards our direction.

C-cant you have them go? Despite being newcomers, I heard that their levels are quite high. I believe that they can handle this mission. Really, you You know that they came here just yesterday, yes? It would be absurd for us to have them complete this kind of dangerous task. Isnt it situations like this where adults must step up? Fujita-san sighs before glaring at the man. An adults responsibility. You say some inspiring things, Fujita-san. Unfortunately the other members do not seem to agree with him.

We have tasks that we have to complete

Wont they drag us down if we cooperate with them carelessly?

Young ones should be doing this kind of things

Exactly. If they want to join us, they should demonstrate it with their actions. Yeah.

Fujita-san panics after listening to their words.

Are you guys for real? When I revealed this plan, I wasnt planning on I agree with what theyre saying as well.

Chief Shimizu, who is standing behind him, speaks up.

Requesting aid from the SDF. I agree with that idea. However, if we consider the troubles of reorganizing the rotation for the exploration and the subjugation groups, it would be more efficient to send the people that recently entered. And there isnt anything to lose if the newcomers fail the mission. Its not like the City Hall would lose any of its prior members is it? Nishino-kun speaks as if to continue Chief Shimizus argument.

Thats not what Im implying. Please dont misunderstand.

But isnt that what youre saying? Also, can you guys not push forward with your discussions without listening to what we have to say? Youre right. Sorry about that. So what do you think about Fujita-sans idea? Nishino-kuns and Chief Shimizus eyes clash.

I dont disagree with Fujita-sans plan. I think its worth betting on acquiring the SDFs assistance. If so

However, dont try to push the responsibility onto us. And the matter about the rotation of the subjugation and exploration groups is utter nonsense. You just want an excuse to push forward with your argument, am I right? How blunt of you.

I can mind my manners, but this and that are different. There is a certain amount of risk associated with this plan. Even though were new here, were not disposable tools. I never said that you were. You are all important comrades.

Your attitudes say otherwise.

What did you say?

Despite being only students, dont you know about being respectful?

How rude!

This is why young people these days are so

Can we trust these guys?

Be quiet! The adults are in the middle of an important discussion!

In response to Nishino-kuns words, the others particularly my former colleagues rebut vehemently.

Fujita-san sighs and tries to appease both sides, but the argument that has already begun does not end easily.

The students should go.

No, we should draw lotteries.

Isnt there another way of doing this?

Everyone is spitting out their thoughts. While this is happening

(Onii-san, what are you going to do?)

Rikka-chan asks me.

(About that)

I think hard with my hand on my chin.

(The City Hall as well as the SDF.)

The current situation of the City Hall. The golem. The army of ants. The skills that we have. I think while taking all these factors into consideration.

I think, think, and think before I come to a conclusion. What would allow us to reap the most benefit?

(This would be a gamble but the odds arent necessarily against us.)

If all goes well, it would have a huge impact in the future. I rapidly tap away at my status screen. Afterwards, I raise my hand.

U-um I know Im asking something strange, but is there a motorcycle here that can be used? Everyone pauses at my words. What is this child saying, their eyes seem to say.

Cmon, its not even that strange, is it? Ichinose-san would feel hurt.

Nishino-kun is also stunned.

Uh, Ichinose-san right? Its not like we dont, but why?

Fujita-san replies. Im satisfied with his response. If there is one, it shouldnt be a problem.

I have a skill called Silent Operation. Um, it allows me to move quietly, and it works on vehicles as well. Fujita-sans expression changes after hearing that.

I-I can go to the SDF base.

Ill make a big move here. After all, this is a road that I have to go through sooner or later.

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