The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 113: The End of the Fifth Day

Chapter 113: The End of the Fifth Day

Their discussion continued deep into the night. As a conclusion, they agreed to reveal the conditions of the next upgrade to the core members. The total number refugees in the City Hall was 76 including the mayor and Fujita. 40 of them had defeated monsters and reached level 1 or higher, but only 17, including Fujita, could search and battle monsters properly.

In any case, without their cooperation, we wont be able to the clear the conditions.

Securing more people, scavenging for magic stones, and subduing the designated monsters. No matter how they thought about it, it wasnt something they could achieve by the two of them alone. Cooperation from others was essential, especially from those at higher levels.

Lets talk tomorrow morning.

Members in the exploration team met every morning. They decided to reveal the conditions during that time. However, the expressions of the two did not change for the better.

In addition to securing magic stones and residents, they had to subdue powerful monsters. The conditions were clearly at another level compared to before, and they were uncertain as to whether everyone could accept this truth.

(If it was them simply refusing to recognize the reality, it wouldnt even be that big of a problem)

However, it would truly be for the worst if these core members decided to abandon their current location. If that occurred, a second riot was bound to occur.

The first riot happened on the first day when the world changed. People panicked and many tragedies which he could not even express occurred on that day.

They had finally recovered until this point, but something like this happened. There was no doubt that some would be disheartened.

Is this Guardian Golem the one which Shimizus reports spoke of?

Yes, theres no doubt about that.

Fujita recalled what they have told him while he smoked.

A gargantuan rock golem that could be mistaken as a building. Its fingers as thick as telephone poles, the reports also stated that it could not only crush and swallow buildings, it could also shred them and toss them around.

This wasnt some kind of an action movie, there should be a limit to being absurd.

At first, he interpreted the report as a joke no, he wanted to believe that it was a joke, but he was forced to acknowledge the truth as several of his colleagues had witnessed the event.

The other one is a Queen Ant. This one should be the leader of the monsters which you guys are going up against Indeed, I fear that is the case.

For Fujita, he was more familiar with this monster than the golem. Around the City Hall, ant monsters appeared in higher frequency than even goblins and zombies. Insecticides He was the one who realized that the Magnum Blasters used against bees and flies were the ants weakness.

Even so, he thought.

So monsters can also have names

That seems like to be the case

Queen Ant. Name: Alpa. Guardian Golem. Name: Titan.

It was his first time learning of monsters that possessed names.

(I can only think of a stringed instrument when it comes to Alpa, but if its about Titan, it should be the giant that appears in Ancient Greek and Roman mythologies) Fujita was unexpectedly knowledgeable in that field. A rock giant type monster. Its name was Titan. Was this truly a coincidence?

I cant pinpoint the exact location, but I can tell you that the giant is near us.

How could you tell?

Look here.

Mayor Uesugi holds up his hand. Then, a three-dimensional map was displayed in front of him.

It was the Map skill which Ichinose possessed. She acquired it though a Gacha, but in his case, he acquired it when he chose his occupation as the Mayor.

On the map, there was a blue circle with a radius of 100 meters surrounding the City Hall as its center. In addition, a red circle was encompassing the blue circle. It was a double-layered circle of red and blue.

Aside from my Territory, there is a new territory that is being displayed. Its called Subjugation Territory. Its a circle with a radius of around 1 kilometer. It also has the City Hall as its center. Unlike Ichinoses map, Mayor Uesugis map also labeled the Territory which he owned. This time around, another piece of land had been labeled the Subjugation Territory.

How nice of them. So we have to kill it because its around our territory.

Hahaha, its starting to feel more and more like a game.

Fujita involuntarily held his forehead. What was happening to this world Monsters, experience points, level, and skills. This time around, it was a subjugation quest. He felt as if they were characters in a video game.

(It would have been for the better if I was the one with mental illness imagining these events unfolding) Nevertheless, the electricity illuminating the room, the smoke of the cigarette tickling his lungs, and the voice of the people around him were telling Fujita that it was unmistakably the reality.

Anyway, lets wrap our conversation up. You should go rest. I will have you work tomorrow as well.

Yes. Rather, mayor should do the same. Its already far past the sleeping time of the elderly.

Dont be so cheeky, snotty brat.

Mayor Uesugi laughed. The tense air softened ever so slightly.

In this fashion, their private conversation was exposed.

So thats whats happening

Listening to their story, Im starting to understand the feeling of discomfort that I felt earlier.

The mayor isnt thinking of doing anything shady. He is thinking about what he can do for the inhabitants living here.

I can understand his predicament. They finally managed to bring back electricity, but a condition like this pops up. Its no wonder theyre hesitating.

However what am I supposed to do after learning about this

I am currently eavesdropping on their conversation in the room next to where they are. While the door was locked, I was easily able to unlock it with a shadow. As such, I entered the room and listened in on their conversation.

Well, I only heard a part of it though. It took quite some time leaving without alarming Nishino-kun and his company. With the assistance of Rikka-chan, I somehow managed to move away from them and began gathering intelligence. Afterwards, I was curious about the mayors behavior and ended up in this room.

I ended up learning about an alarming story. I cant see what is occurring inside of the office, but I can imagine from the flow of their meeting.

Regarding the mayors skill and the conditions for increasing its level.

The subjugation of the golem and the Queen Ant, is it

There should be a limit to how ridiculous things get. I only know limited information about the ant from Nishino-kuns mails, but I can say for sure about the golem. That thing is a true monstrosity. Its strength and size is monstrous in and of itself, and it cant be detected until it is right besides you.

Itll be a more plausible to defeat a high orc without using water but its not like thats easy either.

Regardless, theyre planning of trying to subjugate that monster? Impossible.

Itll be a different matter with bombs and tactical missiles, but we dont have those available. They lack both power and number.

What happens if they fail?

Will the skills level no longer go up? Does it get reset? Or does the skill get erased? They all seem possible. From what I have experienced in this ruthless world, the last one seems most probable.

Another point of notice is that they never mentioned anything about escape when faced with such a difficult mission. Most likely, the mayors Town Development doesnt allow him to change the location of his base. Well, if it did, it would have been a cheat-level skill.

Even with the current limitations, its already quite an attractive skill.

I want it.

If I gained this skill and carefully chose the location, our safety would be pretty much guaranteed. I have enough food supply that they would rot before we manage to finish them. Not like theyre going to rot though.

We only need a safe location. In the first place, that is why Im here gathering information.

Hm? Wait a second. I remember having the option of becoming a Citizen when I was prompted to decide on an occupation. I was confused about it, but maybe it could grow and become Mayor. It might be worth trying.

The penalty imposed on those that could not clear the conditions for Town Development. If its resetting the level or being restricted from further leveling, it wont be a big problem. However, if the skill completely vanishes, everything up to that point would disappear. In that case, I might as well use the people here to

Thinking until this point, I stop myself. What the hell am I thinking? To think that I would desire for their failure. That would be going too far.

Ah shit my heart Momo I miss Momo

I scratch my head. Right now, I want to heal myself using her fluffiness. I was the one who suggested it, but as I thought, its painful to separate from Momo Furu furu?

Aka shakes and asks if I am fine. Sorry. I made you worry.

Lets plan out what I should do. To stay or to leave Or to observe from a distance.

You have received a mail.


Ichinose-san has sent a mail. I wonder what it says? I read the content.

Thank you for your hard work. How has things progressed on your end? If Kudou-san is acting on his own, please make sure you arent doing anything too dangerous. From what Ive seen at the school, Kudou-san can do something pretty crazy when it concerns the safety of your companions Momo-chan and I cant help but worry about what might happen to you. Ah, of course, this is as a party member. Theres no deep meaning behind this. Please dont misunderstand. If something occurs, Momo-chan and I can assist you, so please contact us. I-Ichinose-san

Im touched by the letter. I should work hard for her sake as well.

PS: Momo-chan is sleeping next to me. Shes soooooo fluffy!

Damn it! That little! My impression of her was just about to change when this happens. This persons personality really changes when shes sending mails. While thinking about this, another mail comes in. Its from Rikka-chan.

I told her beforehand to tell me when she cant hold back Nishino-kun anymore. This means I would have to return to them for now. I should just go rest for today. Ill leave the problems for tomorrow. To stay here and witness what happens or to leave. Im tired, so Ill decide tomorrow after a good rest.

I leave the room and head towards Rikka-chans direction. In this manner, the fifth day comes to an end Late at night when everyone has went to sleep.

The High Undead Dark Wolf Schwarz was standing on the rooftop of a building. He was staring at a point far away. There was light in that direction. It was a source of artificial light which dulled the beautiful night that should have been illuminated only by the stars and the moon.


It was unpleased about it, but his was not interested in the source of light. It was more concerned with a human that was there.

Kudou Kazuto.

The human who it approved of was in that direction.

So he gathered a crowd

Its voice contained a bit of surprise. He didnt seem like a man who trusted other easily. Did something change?

Well, thats a good thing

Regardless of how it was done, Schwarz had no complaints if its opponent could become stronger. Satisfied with its opponents attitude, he turned back.

I must also begin to act

If the other side was forming a flock, it must also form a flock as well.

The flock which it originally formed was annihilated by the humans, so it had to make a new one. To form the strongest flock that would welcome its turn. (TN: Didnt really understand what that meant .) Fumu

Thinking until this point, it might have made a mistake when it destroyed the Death Knight which approached it in the morning. He didnt plan on becoming an underling, but if the other side was willing to come under him, he didnt mind accepting them.

Schwarz jumped off from the rooftop and rotated its body as it landed on the ground. Now, which direction should it head to? It had to create the strongest flock. It decided to head towards the location with stronger monsters. As it was about to begin walking, the ground began to shake.

What is this?

Schwarz looked towards the ground. The shaking intensified. The ground rose up as cracks formed on the asphalt floor.

Then, the rock giant emerged from the ground.

What do you want?

Schwarz spoke to it without showing much surprise. No response was returned. The giant kept gazing down at it. Schwarz felt slightly unpleasant.

Get lost if theres nothing. I dont want a clump of dirt to block my path.

It was a warning. Schwarz was hinting at it that it would show mercy and overlook the giants action if it left now. However, if it didnt They stared at each other for a few seconds.


The rock giant raised its fist. That was its answer.

In the end, it is but a clump of clay. It could not even tell the difference in power

It might have been a different matter if it was in the day, but to think it would bare its fangs at night when Schwarzs strength was at its peak. Schwarz was angered at its arrogance.

Then disappear.

Darkness overflowed from beneath Schwarzs feet. The darkness was so deep that it overshadowed the darkness of the night.


The giant issued a roar. Immediately afterwards, the giants fist collided with the darkness.

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