The World Conquest: Giving Birth To Become A God

Chapter 286 Tier 8: Path of Trinity

Chapter 286 Tier 8: Path of Trinity

In the Secluded Room,

Maximus carefully felt the change within him, oblivious to all the commotion he caused outside.

"What a powerful domain..."

A domain can never become obsolete.

It can be said that it is the main tool for a powerhouse to utilize their strength.

However, due to the short range of most domains, it is seldom used in battle after reaching the apex.

At tier 7, Maximus's domain range is just a few thousand kilometers.

If he fought at close range, Maximus could be considered invincible.

However, those apex sovereigns, once they are serious, rarely get close to their opponents.

Once you reach that realm, millions of kilometers are the bare minimum range of battle.

After reaching tier 10, the range of battle may even reach light-year distances.

Of course, if you are like Malgron, who likes to fight using fists, then it's fine.

However, without a domain, your opponent can easily escape.

Just like when he fought with the Shadow God, Nyx.

If Raksha didn't stop the fight, Maximus could only run for his life as Nyx whittled away his energy and life.

Of course, there was no such problem because he had unlimited mana.

However, it was as fatal as a chicken on a chopping board for others.

Now, here is why Maximus marveled at his newly condensed domain.

Unlike other domains that are in conjunction with the strength of the individual,

His domain is ever-expanding regardless of strength.

Maximus can even reach millions of light-years of range, the same as tier 10, without his strength advancing.

With the Dimensional Source physique, Maximus didn't need to worry about the energy to expand and maintain his domain.

Every part of his domain can pull energy from the void to maintain its form.

If Maximus wanted, he could also use magic crystals, crystal merits, etc., to hasten the expansion of the domain.

Of course, this would never happen unless he had too much money to spend.

Besides the infinite expansion of the domain.

Various capabilities of his domain were also upgraded.

Originally, it could only copy domains or physiques; now, Maximus can create anything he wants.

With the foundation he had, mastering and merging millions of physiques and domains.

As long as he had an idea, he could immediately create anything he thought of.

There is also the sensitivity of his domain.

Originally, it could only detect and interfere with the power of law; now, even the essence of law was within its coverage.

Basically, an apex sovereign's attack would be nearly invalid in front of him.

Of course, if they fought regardless of life and death, Maximus still needed to run for his life.

After all, sometimes even water is afraid of fire.


"A Hundred Thousand Kilometers!"

Just when Maximus was in thought, his domain unknowingly reached a hundred thousand kilometers.

In this range, Maximus was like an omnipotent god.

He could create something out of nothing.

Judge everyone's life and death.

Grant unlimited power and lifespan.


"This power..."

If Maximus's will had not been tempered enough, he would have already been sunk in this power.

Looking at the creatures in his domain, so fragile and so oblivious.

They didn't even know that their very life was in his hands.

This is also one of the functions of his domain.

His domain is invisible for those who didn't deliberately use the essence of law.

This means without knowing the information about his domain, Maximus can be as unscrupulous as he wanted.

After all, most of the apex sovereigns would rather sleep 'naked' than waste their precious Essence of law.

Wanting to experiment, he began to find the strongest being in the Shadow Hunter outpost.

"Huh? Where is Malgron?"

Maximus knew Malgron had stayed in his outpost, yet he didn't see any shadow of him.

"Let's see, the Battle Ax Bar..."

As he converged his domain on the place, He suddenly felt his domain dissolved.

"As expected of the strongest being of the Etherium realm," Maximus just praised after failing to detect Malgron.

According to him, Malgron should have reached or touched the surface of the Origin of Law, the power only a tier 10 being can possess.

From tier 8, one begins to master the manifestation of law or Power of law.

From tier 9, one begins to master the Essence of law.

For tier 10, one begins to master the Origin of law.

This is also the highest the law can be mastered.

After one reaches tier 11, one is already above the law.

As for tier 12, Maximus didn't know.

Even under his scouring for various books in Myriad World Mall.

The information he got for the tier 12 realm was limited.


After checking and experimenting with his domain, Maximus got ready to advance.

"It's time to upgrade the 'hardware!'"

With 'software,' knowledge, elemental affinity, and domain upgraded, he felt his body could barely keep up.

Although his knowledge already reached the pinnacle of tier 8, without corresponding power, it's useless.

Furthermore, although his domain can infinitely expand, it's still up to him to control it.

Gearing up to advance, Maximus took out all his crystal merits.

Previously, he thought he only needed 100 quintillion crystal merits to advance.

Unfortunately, he was gravely mistaken.

Just to reach 99.999... percent of advancement, it already took him over 100 quintillion.

Now, to fill that 0.00000...1, Maximus didn't know how many crystal merits he needed.

Fortunately, there is Malgron to give him money.

Otherwise, it would take ages just to condense his domain completely.

"Let's start..."


Time passed as piles and piles of mountain-like crystal merits disappeared like crazy.

Maximus's domain began to merge with every cell of his body.

His cells filled with his body and soul began to agitate, wanting to banish the other foreign thing from its 'House.'

However, his domain, which is already fully condensed, was like a gangster with nukes.

The domain easily entered every part of his cell, trying to merge the blood and spirit with it.

Unfortunately, Maximus, the 'landlord,' wouldn't let something like that happen.

Although, for many, merging the blood and spirit with the domain is a good thing, it was a loss for him.

There are four known ways to advance to tier 8.

One is merging the domain and spirit with blood.

This is a way of knights, making their bodies stronger and invulnerable to all laws.

Two is merging the domain and blood with spirit.

This is the way of magicians, making their spirit more affluent to the control of law.

Three is merging blood and spirit with the domain.

This is the way of those who practice both the ways of knight and mage.

Possessing a strong and useful domain, they want their blood and spirit to be branded with it making it stronger.

Usually, this is the strongest and the path most powerhouses take, but for him, it's a loss.

His domain was already so overpowered that merging his blood and spirit into it was useless.

What he wanted was the fourth method, the trinity of power.

This method is said to be the weakest yet the most versatile path of all.

It's the weakest because you would not get much boost from your advancement.

The most versatile because you can have all the enhancements and perks of the three paths.

For Maximus, who had other ways to enhance his strength, such a method is perfect.

Furthermore, it's the path he came into that points to the Origin the most.

Deciding his path, Maximus began to consciously help his blood and spirit 'fight back' against his domain.

With his control, even the domineering gangster with nukes began to look like a baby with a toy gun.

As time passed, the tamed domain peacefully began to 'talk' with his blood and spirit.


10 years later,

Maximus slowly opened his eyes, peacefully breaking through.

If it were not for the time spent, one would think that Maximus had just fallen asleep and then woken up.

"Tier 8!"

After over a hundred years, he finally reached tier 8.

Feeling his dormant power, he couldn't help but smile.

After advancing, he felt invincible.

All the problems that he thought of seemed to be insignificant.

"I wonder how powerful I am right now..."

Theory is, after all, theory; without corresponding experience, it would always be on paper.

"Should I test my power in the abyss?" Maximus thought excitedly.

In his current state, Maximus was sure to escape even if the four abyss monarchs ambushed him.

As for traps or whatsoever, they were useless.

Under his domain, unless it reaches the origin of law, it's useless.

Furthermore, after all these years, the range of his domain reached over 300 million kilometers.

Although it was negligible compared to the perception range of those tier 9 apex sovereign and abyss monarchs.

It's all perception; what he had is domain.

In his domain, he can converge his energy into nothing, rendering all detection useless.

As long as he leaves the sight of his opponent for a while, he can run or hide as he wants.

"But first let me see what happened in the past decade..."

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