The Wealthy Eldest Sister Rules Supreme

Chapter 383 - 370: The Poison Tongue System

Chapter 383: Chapter 370: The Poison Tongue System

“Don’t make fun, it’s actually quite delicious.”

The chefs in Qingzhuyuan, they come from various places. They were superb in culinary skills, and the ingredients they used were the finest, from Sichuan, Jiangsu-Zhejiang, and even Lingnan.

While it might sound fancy, eating their dishes never really lived up to the expectations. It wasn’t that the food was inedible, but it always felt like something was missing. It wasn’t extraordinarily delicious, at least.

Except for those made with ingredients from Zhuang’s Tofu Shop, Fan Wenxuan found all the others not as tasty.

They were not as pleasing to the palate as these vegetable rolls.

Seeing that Fan Wenxuan was satisfied with lunch, Zhuang Qingning felt relieved, “I’m glad that Mr. Fan found it palatable.”

“But I’m still longing for the hot and sour noodles made by Miss Zhuang…”

“You don’t have to rush to town tomorrow. I can make some for you at home.”

Zhuang Qingning readily agreed.

“Great!” Fan Wenxuan patted his knee, grinning from ear to ear.

Then he stood up, “Those children must have also had enough play time. Let

me check on them.”

If they continue to draw turtles, they might start drawing them all over their faces soon.

If Chu Jinnian found out, and they started drawing turtles all over his face…

His old face would definitely be devastated.

Fan Wenxuan went inside the house to tutor the three in their studies while Zhuang Qingning went into the kitchen to prepare new tea and snacks.

Children shouldn’t drink too much tea, so Zhuang Qingning cooked some pear juice on the stove for them. It was to soothe their throats.

Inside the house, the clay pot bubbled on the small stove while the clear sounds of reading filled the room. Together, they formed a delightful harmony.

Zhuang Qingning looked up and saw a bird on the pomegranate tree. The bird tilted its head, glanced at her briefly and then flew away flapping its wings.

It reminded Zhuang Qingning of fledgling birds leaving their nests.

The three in the room were like these fledglings. They were in their growth stages, practicing their skills. One day, they would fly away and explore the vast sky by themselves.

She wondered what it would be like at that time.

[Host, why don’t you focus more on yourself first?]

[Why do you keep thinking about others, when you haven’t even taken off yet?]

What a sassy system!

Zhuang Qingning was miffed. After silently cursing a bit, she took the pot off the small stove, poured out some pear juice, divided it into cups, and brought it out to them.

It happened to be their break time. The three children, along with the snow globe, were playing in the courtyard.

Zhuang Qingning called them over to have some pear juice and some osmanthus lotus root cake.

In August, the osmanthus is in full bloom and the lotus root is also growing very well. The cakes made with fresh lotus root and osmanthus had a light taste, were not overly sweet, and left a faint aroma in the mouth. It was the perfect time to enjoy such sweet treats.

The somewhat sweet and sour pear juice was warm and very soothing. A bite of an osmanthus lotus root cake followed by a sip of pear juice, the three of them finished their food and drinks and simultaneously let out a satisfied burp.

Their burps almost coincided, they looked at each other and burst into laughter.

“Big Sister Ning,” Chu Jinzhou said, his face lit up with delight. “Is there any more osmanthus lotus root cake?”

“All gone.” Zhuang Qingning gently bowed a bit, “If you’re still hungry, there’s still some chestnut cake. Would you like some?”

“If you really want to eat osmanthus lotus root cake, I can make some more tomorrow?”

“It doesn’t have to be tomorrow…” Chu Jinzhou scratched his ear, “The osmanthus lotus root cake you make is so delicious, I was just thinking, if you have time to make it again, could you make some extra? I would love to take some home for my elder brother.”

On the fifteenth of August, Chu Jinnian was going to come back home.

Thinking back and forth, Chu Jinzhou didn’t have anything to surprise Chu Jinnian with, so he decided to make use of Zhuang Qingning.

Did decorating someone else’s present as your own count?

“Oh, it’s for Master Chu.” Zhuang Qingning smiled, “In that case, I will make more so you can take them home.”

“Ah… it’s almost the fifteenth of August, I was considering making mooncakes to eat. You might as well take some mooncakes home, let Master Chu have a taste too.”

It was also a small way to thank Chu Jinnian for his previous life-saving grace.

“Thankyou, Big Sister Ning.”

Chu Jinzhou was over the moon. He only wanted some osmanthus lotus root cake, but he unexpectedly also got some mooncakes as a bonus. All he could do was thank his stars continually.

“You’re welcome.” Zhuang Qingning responded with a smile, already pondering what kind of filling and skin to prepare for the mooncakes in her mind.

Upon hearing the word “mooncakes”, Zhuang Qingsui and Zhuang Mingli also chimed in with their opinions.

Everyone voiced their opinions excitedly, creating a lively atmosphere.

Zhuang Qingning only chimed in now and then.

As for Fan Wenxuan, he was silently stroking his beard, contemplating his plans.

After thinking for a while, he proposed, “Would you like to climb Cuiwei Mountain in a few days?”

“I heard that the red leaves on the mountain are starting to show their colors. Why don’t we go see for ourselves?”

This season, the red leaves were at their prettiest. If Chu Jinnian returned, being tired from the travel, even if he wanted to go, Chu Jinzhou would be reluctant to let him out of concern for his wellbeing.

As a result, he certainly wouldn’t go either. In this case, the only candidate willing to go would be him, the old man.

Just the thought made him picture a frail old man struggling to climb the mountain, staring at the blanket of red leaves and feeling the chill of the autumn wind. It was a heavy scene.

So, it was a must to appreciate the red leaves, but with a larger company, while Chu Jinnian was not yet back!

A few playful children by his side, some mooncakes and other treats made by Zhuang Qingning, and a teapot filled with cold tea brewed with mountain spring water. This, was the right way to fully appreciate the autumn mountainside.

Watch the red leaves?

Upon hearing Fan Wenxuan’s proposal, the three children’s eyes lit up.

“Is mountain climbing fun? Or is it tiring? Are the red leaves on the mountain nice? Come to think of it, I seem to have never climbed a mountain.” Zhuang Mingli, who was physically weak and had just stopped taking medicinal soup since the beginning of summer, spoke up. The thrill was evident in his voice.

“I heard it’s exhausting, but I imagine the view from the top of the mountain must be great.” Zhuang Qingsui, who had never climbed a mountain but had climbed trees before, pondered.

“Shall we go climb Cuiwei Mountain together?” Chu Jinzhou proposed.

He hadn’t gone out to play for a while either because of the hot temperatures recently..

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