The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 494 Episode 458: Ignore it

"... good morning"

"Good morning."

I could hardly sleep because I was worried about the signs yesterday.

And even in the middle of the night, the signs are moving... and I'm sleepy.

Ha ~

"I don't think you slept much."

If your father cleans the futon, he peeks into his face worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. You were in the way because you touched me next door, right?

I felt like I was disturbing my father's sleep because I was moving every time I noticed any signs.

I mean, you definitely got in the way.

"I couldn't sleep because I was worried too. You got closer to midnight than that, didn't you?

"Yeah, I was in a bit of a hurry."

I felt it was useless when I reacted poorly, so I put up with it...

"That's a bad thing to do, right?

Adventurers and travelers have rules.

One of them is, "Adventurers and travelers who are resting in the woods must not get too close."

Breaks in the woods are often a source of tension.

It's just a rule set up to rest your body.

In the woods, it is said to be the minimum rule for survival.

I see. I can't read the signs, but I'm mostly trying to help my opponent with other moves... but I was a top adventurer anyway. I don't think you don't know the rules... but maybe something happened. "

"In Hattal Village?

"Oh, I think I might be looking for someone."

I see. So you've been searching all night without worrying about time.

Is that it?

Certainly there were signs of moving all the time, but there were also signs of showing other movements, right?

"What's wrong?

"There are three clumps of signs, and two of them are probably looking for... but there's only one that doesn't move at all."


"Yeah, it's the farthest sign. I've been in the same place since yesterday."

I checked several times because I was worried about it, so I'm sure.

I'm still... still not moving.

"Don't go too far. It's dangerous."

"Ah, that's right. Be careful."

My father strokes his head.

"Let's eat breakfast and go to the village. Today is the day to enter Hathal Village!... yes, why don't you stay in Hatha Village?

"Inn? Nothing. Why?"

Do you have anything to ask me which way I always do it?

"Hataka Village, where the magic was practiced, was in the square."

Yeah, that's right.

Should I refrain from staying in the square from now on?

But using the inn in a village or town where there's no problem... seems like a waste.

I'm not in trouble with the money now because of Sierr and the others.

Good morning, everybody.

"Pupupupupu ~"


Terururururu ~


Looks like Tron is still asleep.

Looking gently into the basket, I found Tron asleep standing still.

Wow, you're wrapping roots around a prepared tree, but you can't fall.

"Amazing stunt... it's a stunt, right?

"Pupupupupu ~"


Sola and Sol replied with a smile.

It seems that this is a stunt for Tron, who stands fluffy.

... is that true?

While your father is preparing breakfast, I'll clean up what I took out of my magic bag yesterday.

"Thank you, Ivy. Time to eat."

"Yeah, thank you, Dad."

Make plans for today while eating breakfast.

In the meantime, the priority is to aim for the village because of the fatigue accumulated.

I decided not to worry about the signs that were still in the woods.

If I get close, I won't either.

Nod to your father's words.

"That's right. Do you think Sola and the others should be in their bags today?

"Nh, the signs are far away, right?

"Yeah, it's not close."

"Then let's see how it goes. When you enter the village, you'll have to endure a lot more."

Even if you stay at the inn, you can't leave the room.

I'd like you to move your body as far as you can right now.

I'll try to get out into the woods as much as I can, but I don't know what's going to happen.

Yeah, it was a treat.

"Dear Dinner"

Take a break and head for the village.

When we moved, we felt the signs of exploring.

"What do we do?

"Ciel's got no magic, no signs, right?


"Then let's ignore it. I think it's better not to get involved."

I smile bitterly at your father's words.

"You don't want to get caught up in anything before you go into the village."

I want to enter the inn and relax.

I don't care about signs, I want to sleep!

I see.

After a lunch break and a break, the Hatal Village gate finally appeared to be far away.

"Can you guys get in the bag?

"Pupupupupu ~"



Terururururu ~


Toron's in the basket.

Put Sola and the others in the bag in turn and put Tron in the basket.

Tron woke up around noon, and after eating, he stuck to Siel's head.

"Tron, let me put a lid on your basket when you enter the gate."


Tron nodded as he cried.

Shall we go?


As the gate approached, I noticed a gathering of adventurers.

There's something going on.

That's right.

"As far as the Adventurers' equipment is concerned, it doesn't seem to be a monster crusade. Maybe he's still looking for someone."

Did the criminal escape?

I don't think there were any signs in the woods other than the top adventurers.

"Oooh. You're going into the village?

Turning to his voice, there was a man waving his hand towards us.

"Ah, if you seem busy, I can spare some time."

"It's okay. They'll be on the move soon. Come here, please."

Apparently, the adventurers have already completed the process.

If you're gathering adventurers without a limit, there's a process to help you figure out who's on board.

Because the gatekeeper carries out the procedure, they sometimes wait for each other.

Bad luck keeps you waiting for more than an hour.

"Sorry. Um, put the card here."

If you look at the man's gatekeeper pointing at it, it is a white board.

The man confirmed that my father and I would put the Commercial Guild cards in turn.

"No problem. Uh, this... isn't it. I just gave it to the adventurers... eh... that?

A variety of documents piled up in a mess on a desk in front of a man.

Looks like we can't find the permits we need to get into the village.

"Hold on a second. Ah!"


A pile of broken documents that hit a man's arm.

"Sorry. Uh, permit."

A man searches his desk to avoid looking at his father and the contents of the documents.

This isn't a good document for us to see, is it?

Is that all right?

"Captain... what are you doing!

I can sift my body in shock at the yelling of women.

After all, I wonder if it was a bad document to look at.

When I see your father, I smile bitterly.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Uh, who is it?"

"Oh, they're the ones who just gave permission to enter this village."

"Ha, uh, please?

"Hahaha. Do you have any idea where the permit is?

"Fucking captain this time. That's why I always tell you to clean your desk and drawer!

Fucking Captain?

Wow, let me tell you something.

No, I did.

"I've never seen the captain tidying up his desk!

"You were beautiful two weeks ago, right?

"I did that! How did you get here in two weeks?"

When will I get a permit for this?

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