The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 490 Episode 454 Cario's Flower Field

"Dad, the purple potion is going to be gone."

"We're supposed to be in Hattal in two days. Isn't that enough?

View the remaining purple potions in the bottle.

There is only a subtle amount left that can be managed as much as possible.

My father also looked at the amount left and made a slightly more difficult expression.

From the basket lowered from her shoulders, she stared at the purple potion.

"Let's hurry up to Hattal Village."

Nod to your father's words.

Tron will shrivel his twins three times a day if he doesn't give a small amount of purple potion.

I'm scared and I'm not sure what happens after it gets wild.

"Siel, I want to get to Hatal by tomorrow, so speed it up a little bit."

After a while, Siel nodded with her neck slightly inclined to his father's words.

With Siel nodding, I'm sure she'll arrive in Hatha Village tomorrow.

"Ivy, are you okay?

Nod to your father's words.

I was a little weak when I left Hataka Village, but now I'm back.

So there is no problem.

"All right, let's finish our break and head for Hathal Village."

Easily wash the used cups and turn them into a magic bag.

When it's all over, look around and see if you've forgotten anything.

"No forgotten items! All right, everybody, let's go!

In my words, Siel walks ahead.

Sola and the others jumped to the side of Siel, but soon they played with three.

The sight spills a smile.

"Hmm? Something good happened?

In his words, Sola pointed to three of them.

When he turned his eyes, he saw three of them jumping from branch to branch and said, "Ooh!"

Flem, who had been asleep at first, suddenly gained strength from leaving Hataka Village and stopped sleeping with his bag while he was on the move.

Sola seems happy with it and often goes to Flem.

Recently, the sol has been added there, making it more lively than before.

"That said, Sol has changed since Ivy and Tame started working together."

Certainly, Sol has changed since Tame's mark was engraved.

Previously, Sol spent more time alone than everyone else.

So I thought maybe I liked one more, but it didn't seem that way, and now I spend much longer time with everyone.

And the other big change is that it has become sweet to me and my father.

I had the impression that Sol was somehow reluctant, but now he is willing to compete with Sola and Flem.

It's hard to be sweetened by four at once, but they're all too cute.

"Still, you're clever ~"

Sola flies away without worrying about thick and thin branches.

I used to be harassed, but now I can smile and watch.

Well, sometimes it falls...

And it's quite surprising because it falls off unexpectedly.


The appearance of three of them looking fun is dusty, but I'm a little worried.

"Nh. What's the matter?

"Slime... was it a monster who flies a branch in a dexterity?

When I studied slime, I remember that there was no such description at all.

"... well, it's rare. Just one more thing that doesn't look like a slime."

Yes, it is.

It doesn't look like a slime after all.

Recently, it has become more difficult to find places that look like slime.

"All my children are too sexy."

"Ahahaha, you can say that."

I don't slow down walking, I see three.

"Pupu ~"

Teruru ~


Three grunts echoing in the forest.

That's right, this is no good.

I'll call the monsters, so be quiet ~

Just be careful.

The monsters aren't coming because of Siel.

Maybe the monster with the problem will come.




Sola and the others replied briefly with a small noise.

"They're having fun."

My father gazed at Sola and shook his shoulders.


Sil, who was walking a short while ago, stopped surprisingly with her throat blasting.

"What's wrong?

When she saw Sierra, she looked forward with a slightly sharp expression.


Sora, who was playing on the tree, gathered around me as soon as Sierra rang low.

Looks like there's something going on.

Your father puts his hand on the sword.

Sierra also moved forward with intimidation.

After a while, a sweet fragrance appeared.

Intense sweet aroma.

"I wonder what the scent is. It should be a little thicker."

My father took out the cloth and covered his mouth and nose.

And Ivy.

When I took the cloth out of the bag, it covered my mouth and nose, as my father said.

"Is Sierra okay?


It doesn't sound good, but it seems okay.

When I saw Sola and the others, they also looked kind of disgusting.

"Ah, this scent!

When my father stopped, he looked surprised.

"Dad, do you know what this smells like?

"Oh, maybe. It's a drug called Kayo."


"I'm inhaling the fragrance, but is there a problem?

I'm worried about Sierr and the others.

When I saw your father in a hurry, I was stroked in the head.

"Calm down, it's okay. Cario's roots are drugs. There is no problem with the smell of flowers. I just feel sick if I smoke too much."

It's definitely too thick, and it's more painful than feeling sick.

"That's funny."

"What happened?

"Caryos are naturally occurring plants, but they are never densely grown. But because of the intensity of this fragrance, I feel like a lot of caryons are gathering and blooming."

I can't predict how many caryons there are, but is it a state that is not natural for now?

Does that mean someone planted it?

A plant with a drug component, that is.

"Could someone be raising them for drugs?"

"I'm sure there is. If so, there may be plenty of karyo. What do we do now?

I don't know what to do, but I know it's drugs and I can't just leave it there.

But will this get caught up in something again?

Then pretend not to see it?

But... you're definitely curious.

Look at your father.

If you leave it alone, you'll notice later.

"Yeah, I'm sure I care."

I don't think it's a bad character, but I can't help it.

"It'll take time, but we'll deal with it."

"What are you going to do?

"If you find a circle of bloom in the woods, dig out the roots and burn them."

"That's it?

I think it would be fine if it were a naturally occurring caryon.

"Cario's drugs are addictive and can make a lot of people addicted in a single round. So even if we find one, we're supposed to burn it, including the roots with the drugs."

Yes, it is.

A highly dependent drug.

I'm a little scared.

Explore the signs.

The intense fragrance disturbed my concentration and took a little time, but I managed to find out.

"Dad, there's no sign of anyone around."

"Okay. The fragrance is getting stronger."

"Yeah, it's disgusting."

My mouth and nose are covered with cloth, but it's pretty amazing.

When I managed to contain my illness, a part of the forest opened at once.


And carrio flowers spread out on one side.


"You're totally in the hands of people."

My father sighs.

"This is a big job."

A flower garden of calho that does stretch out on one side.

They're going to dig up roots and burn them, but it's definitely a big deal.

I don't have time for this...

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