The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 488 452 stories, new people.

See the moving twin leaf tree demon in your hand.

With three thin roots, I'm desperately trying to get up.

As I stared, I pulled but stood up.

"Dad, I'm standing up."

"Sounds like it.

That's kind of cute.

Still puffy.

With that said, you looked it up after you were attacked. The book only contained information about your parents.

If you had a child, what would you need first?

Tree demons are plants, right?

"Soil, water, nutrition?

"Is that the first thing you care about?

Tilt your neck to your father's words.


Was there anything else you couldn't care less about?


Wooden demons look at me and your father strangely.

Your father laughs small and shakes his neck to the side.

I wonder what it is?

"Nothing. More than that, do kids need water?

To your father's words, a tree demon rocks his body to the left and right with a pull.

Does that mean you don't need it?

Or didn't it make sense?


When a tree demon brings a root before us, it moves with a patter.

Then there were droplets on the roots.

"Wow, can you collect moisture from the air"


"Can you collect this kid yourself?

Ask as you put the child of the tree demon in your hand up a little bit.


Looks fine.

"That's amazing. And then nutrition... what's for dinner?

"A tree demon is a demon that absorbs magic and grows, so isn't it magic?


"Like Sol, can you take it from a magic item?

"If I can't, should I give it from me?

From your father?


The tree demon that was listening to me and your father's conversation shakes a little hard, left and right when I bust it.

Apparently not.

"Is it not? Can you tell me what you need?

When I saw the tree demon, I pointed at the bag that was lowering from my shoulder with my roots.

The bag contains what you need for your journey.

When you open the bag lid, when you do, the roots go inside the bag and take something out.

"Purple potion?

"The curse and the de-cursing potion had a little special magic in it."


I didn't know.

Lift the purple potion to the height of your eyes.

Potions that are getting a little cloudy.

Is it okay with Sola and the others in a degraded version of the potion?

When I look at the tree demon, I stare at the purple potion.

"You want it?

Tree demons twisting in my words.

Passing each bottle to a tree demon, when I cleverly used the roots to open the lid of the bottle, I hung the contents on my body.

"You're clever."

You're clever.

Seeing where the purple potion was hung, the potion was about to soak up the tree softly.

It's more of a sucked impression than a digested one.

When you remove the purple potion from the bag, open the lid and apply it to the child of the tree demon in your hand.

"Oh, it seemed like a lot."

In my hands, a child of a wooden demon soaked in a purple potion.

When I showed your father, he lifted only the child of the tree demon properly, so he put the leftover purple potion on the tree demon in front of him.

"Father, were you okay?

"Oh, it looks fine, especially if you dip it in the potion"

Shows me the child of a tree demon in my hand.

Cheerful, twisted.

Small, these twists are so cute.

I don't know if I can say mother, but she's cute when the big tree demon in front of her twists, but she's too powerful compared to her kids.

"By the way, Ivy, what are you gonna do with this kid?

"What? Come on?

What am I supposed to do?

Or what a tree demon has given this kid?

When I saw the tree demon, it was violently twisted.

"Eh... sorry. What?"

A wooden demon that stops moving perfectly to my words.

Staring at me, he gave it to me when he received the child from your father.

"You mean go ahead?

Tree demons swinging up and down on my words.

Piscilli and cave sound again.

I'll give you my hand and take it, but I don't think I raised this?

"Dad, do you know how to raise a tree demon?

"At all, I don't know. Why don't we just keep the purple potion up?

"Is that all you need?

Or why did the tree demon give this kid to me?

A tree demon is supposed to be the second one but that demon when it was attacked.

"... are you taking me?

"What? Because of it. She's dancing cute."

The tree demon in my hand is cleverly using a small root to jump a little.

"You're so small, you can make all sorts of moves. Father, isn't that amazing?

Your father tilts his neck as he looks at the tree demon in his hand.

"What's going on?

"The demon of the tree was said to be born by the accumulation of magic in the tree, so when a child sees it, it seems a little strange."

With that said, yes, it was in the book.

But I actually had a child...

"Wouldn't you be able to give birth in many ways? It's not just one way."

"Well, maybe so"

"Holy crap!"

"Puffy ~"


"Teriyu ~"


When I turned my gaze because I heard everyone, a tree demon was about to return between the cave rocks.

"" Huh?

I've been beside you before, and I wonder when you moved.

You really don't make a sound.

The tree demon, as he softly entered the gap, looked at this one and shook the roots to the left and right, invisible.

"You left."


Your father and I both dropped off a tree demon who was leaving a little flat.

'Cause I didn't think you'd leave.

"You left me."

Your father sees the child of the tree demon in my hand.


If I look in my hand too, a wooden demon child who looks up at this one.

"You're free."

"Phew, sure"

The demonic child of the tree in his hand doesn't show how he doesn't care if his parents are gone.

Is this normal among tree demons?

"Puffy ~"

"Teriyu ~"



Sola and the others come under me because they're out of playmates.

"Did you have fun? Glad you could play."

"Puffy ~"

"Teriyu ~"


"Ciel, thank you for keeping an eye on me"


It's open in turn. I stroke my head with my hands.


Ciel looks in my hand and squeals.

Sora and the others seem to be interested, peeking into my hands.

"Ivy, you have to name him."

That's right.

If you're traveling with me, it's inconvenient without a name.

Name… wooden demon ~.

"Ah, Tron! How about a tron?

The wooden demon child stared at me, but when I heard his name, he jumped pimply in his hand.

Sounds like you like it.



And you're small.

If you're not careful with this, you could trample on it.

"Father, I'm worried about this little one"

"Me too. Let's find something at the next dump."

"Yeah, until then... what do we do"

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