The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 479 I hate 450 stories!

"Wow, that's an amazing number of shammies!

When you come near the shami nest, a number of shami appear on the tree.

"Not more than I've seen in that cave?

Look over the trees around you.

Sure, I feel like there's a lot of them.

"Were you hiding somewhere? Or maybe the one who was running came back?

"You were on the run, but you're likely back. Animals rarely risk their lives to protect their homes."


Isn't that normal?

Oh, no.

Demons often risked their lives protecting places they liked.

Is it the difference between animals and demons?

"Well, weak demons will soon escape,"

I guess the difference in intensity is more correct than animals and demons.

If even demons are weak, they run away to protect the seeds, right?

"Hataka Village people will be relieved to see this number of shammies."


The state of this forest will be a good report for those in Hataka village who were hurt by this incident.

Because the villagers seemed to like Shami.

... I think that's a good thing.

"Wow, you're staring at me..."

I can even hear the intimidating squeal.

"Damn, they think you're the enemy."

Looking up, countless gazes.

I meant to help, but I guess if it came from the shami, Ciel would have threatened me and scared me.

"Too bad we can't get along"

Some of the people in the village used to come by.

"Right. I hope we get along the next time we get here."


As Shami turns a vigilant eye, he even comes to the cave where he is living.

Whenever I heard the noise of intimidation, it was gone too at some point because Ciel turned her gaze.

"I hear there's a road next to the cave..."

Your father, looking at the map that Mr. Gilmouth gave you, points to the side of the cave that is the nest of the shami.

When I approached it, it was definitely thin, but there was a way.

"Along this road, should I walk away?

"Oh, they can dodge dangerous paths."

Wave to the shami, then walk the path you taught me.

It is thin but well paved, making it easy to walk.

"I like the lack of roots."

That's popping out of the ground all of a sudden, so if you're not careful, you're hooked.

For a while, keep walking silently.

I don't want to drive Mr. Gilmouth's plans crazy.

"If you keep walking for 4 hours after you leave the village, you'll be fine by now"

"Right. Shall we rest?"

Look around and find a rock that looks like it could sit.

"Oh, and you walked quite a bit"

I nod as I twirl my legs around your father's words.

When I was in the village, my legs tired worse than usual because I could hardly move to hide.

"It's been a long time since you walked four hours early."

"With that said, you do. Is Sola and the others okay?

"Puffy ~"



Is that it?

I can't hear Flem.

Approaching Ciel, Sola and Sol are down from Ciel, but Flem is still on Ciel's back.

Or sleeping.

"It's a lot longer to wake up than it used to be."

Lift the flem gently.


"Shall we take a break? Well, I might have been taking a long break because I was asleep."

"Teri ~"

Flem with mouth wide open and extension.

Same as ever.

When placed gently on the ground, Ciel rises up gently and reverses his hair.

"Something's coming this way."

Exploring the signs, I was able to capture demons that were quite far away.

"What do we do?


Ciel answers your father's words.

"... Regards, Ciel"


Turning his tail around, Ciel looks around and climbs right up the tree.

Its appearance becomes invisible in the trees.

"What are we gonna do?

"Come on?"

When you give out the magic that Ciel was hiding, the forest gets a little noisy.

"Ciel can hide her magic perfectly now."

"True. I didn't realize it because I didn't care."




A bass that suddenly sounds from the bottom echoes through the woods.

Forest surrounded by silence for a few seconds.

At the next moment, the creatures who were in the surrounding woods stormed around.


"Yeah. Awesome..."

Isn't that too much?

Sure, the demon that was coming this way ran away......

Other animals and demons can be seen fleeing in havoc.


Ciel descends refreshingly from the top of the tree.

That satisfying look makes me laugh.

"Thank you. Let's rest here till we get settled."

Sora and Flem are flying around Ciel looking fun.

Sol looks in the direction of the day after tomorrow a little further away.

"Sol, did you even feel the magic you cared about?


In Sol's case, I don't know if he's unresponsive because he hasn't felt it, or if he hasn't heard it desperate to explore magic.

"That's right. I asked Gilmouth. Yes."

Your father gives you a plate with a grilled merme and rice balls.

The delicious smell of being made comes to my hungry stomach.

"I'll take it. What did you hear?

Look at your father as he eats a grilled merme.

"I don't know how we got into magic."

Oh, that said, I still don't know.

Once you stop eating, turn your body to your father.

"It looks like Priest Salifi caused it."

Priest Salifi?

Surely, the magic formation engraved on his body was the one who moved out and caused Mr. Gilmouth to be called out, wasn't it?

"I checked the magic formations engraved on my body to find out if they were the captains, but they were the magic formations to brainwash the people around me"

"Someone who was around?

"That's right. Though it doesn't seem to have any widespread impact. They're going to slow down the procedure so they don't notice."

"Have you ever met a man named Priest Salifi?

I don't think so.


So, how did we end up in surgery?

You need to be close, right?

"They were walking around the square at midnight"

... I see.

Were you in surgery while you were sleeping?

"You're so scary. If you can do that, there's going to be more damage."

"That seems to be the only handful that can survive carving the magic formations of brainwashing into your body"


"Most people go crazy the moment they carve a magic formation into their bodies," he said.

"... Priest Salifi was doing such a scary thing. I'm sure Bishop Gupinus heard there was a magic formation engraved on his body."

"That was the magic of protection," he said.

Protective magic formation?

"He was a magical formation able to hide himself when he was nearby who tried to do him harm"

Do yourself harm?

Does that mean you can hide from anyone who tries to catch you?

"Does that mean you were going to run away by yourself?

"I guess so. He said he desperately hid it the day he was caught, but even after two days, the magic team wouldn't activate, so he confused himself and told him what kind of thing the magic team's power was. Well, you were in the position of bishop in the church, but you're a trinket. 'Cause she told me something I didn't even hear."

If it was activated, it could have escaped.

Good, the magic team can't move.

"Where's Priest Salifi?

"I can't hear from him anymore."

Does that mean you're out of your mind?

Or like he's already dead?

"Ha, it's not refreshing"


Cheeks the rice balls.

I think the salted rice balls go well with the grilled meat.


It's frustrating and annoying, but I can't do anything anymore.

I'd love to see someone named Bishop Gupinus and curse him as much as I want, but I can't do that either.

Looks like they're after me for having memories of my past life.

But that's why I don't wish I didn't have memories of my previous life.

Because if I don't have memories of my previous life, I don't think I'm here right now.

Hit the second rice balls on the plate.

... you can't hit the food, can you?

"Huh. I hate the magic team and the church so much"

"Me, too."

"Puffy ~"

"Teriyu ~"




I get a reply to my actions to change my mind, and I look at your father and Sola in amazement.

"What, you guys feel the same way?

"Puffy ~"

"Teriyu ~"



Solas responding clearly to your father's words.

Seeing, Sola and Flem have swollen cheeks and Sol's eyes are hanging.

To Ciel, the hair on his back is upside down.

I was flabbergasted by everyone and laughed at the next moment.

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